48 Replies to “Its Tough Being A Federal Civil Servant”

  1. This will go over well with all the small businesses stretched to even keep their doors open. There seems no end to the absolute tone deafness of this government including the civil service. And adds to the perception that we are paying a premium for a civil service who enjoyed an absolute shelter from the employment ravages experienced by private industry

    1. Have to agree huge kick in the nuts to small businesses.But they keep voting these pricks back into power and not a thing we can do about it

  2. If I were King for a day all levels of government would see an immediate 50% reduction. My brief employment with the government years ago (had no desire to stay in that soul destroying environment) demonstrated that you could do the work of a department with about 1/4 of the employees. Waste and sloth does not even come close to describing the environment and most (not all) in it.

    1. There was joke in the 70’s that said: ”How does a Government of Canada employee wink??”

      Answer: ”He or she opens one eye.”

  3. Like an electrician I once knew put it: “Nothing to do and lots of time to do it in.”

  4. I have a friend who is pretty high up in a state environmental protection agency. He had of course been working from home since March 2020 until just recently (and now only back like twice a week). The employees apparently just had one of these on-line town halls with the commissioner and pretty much everyone’s submitted questions were the same: “We don’t want to go back to the office. When can we make work from home permanent?” These people weren’t exactly paragons of productivity pre-COVID so I can just imagine how bad their work ethic must be now.

  5. C’mon they’re getting burned out having to do less with more. Those 5 day, 37.5 hours/week are taking their toll on their perks.

  6. Living in Ottawa I’m surrounded by these shit-breathed dog-fuckers.
    There are people who work hard at their jobs – they’re managers or higher or want to be.
    The rest are floating turds and the rest are most of them.

    1. Buddy,
      That is it, for sure.
      Been there, worked for it, while reluctantly abiding the 80% who didn’t do much.
      Governments like to build in redundancy, as I have explicitly heard it said.
      Oh, and the landscape changed dramatically when the millennials joined the rank and file over the past 10 or so years.
      That is why they are now pushing for relaxation areas, just like they had in their universities.
      In fact, a few years before I freed myself from that planet, the millennials in the ministry I was in convinced HR to set up a social intranet so that the drones could vent about management and whatever happened to trigger them.
      The whole situation compelled me to take a palpable hit on my pension and get out.
      I will also say this, despite the blanket criticism of government, which in large is justified…there are still those in what used to be called the civil service, and those few serve and try to do useful things.

  7. the only thing lazier than a civil servant is two civil servants. remembering going to the 16th ave post office in Calgary , what we called the civil servant shuffle. 5 wickets , one manned and he walked slowly from wicket to parcel room , all the rest watching , fully 50 years ago now . and i was po’ed then.

    1. Anything pre-digital era seemed slower then.
      Car plates renewal, buying booze, anything to do with banks, etc.

      1. Remember filling out the request slips and handing them through the little slots? Ok we will allow you to get a bottle this time, but be careful.

    2. I recall going into the post office in Peterborough some time ago and there were at least 10 people in the lineup. One wicket was open with the sign overhead “Express Post” the height of irony

  8. On the flip side, the more time they spend relaxing the less time they spend f***ing things up. So there is that.

  9. Why not brothels! I mean they must get tired of screwing the public. They could screw each other.
    Might be a nice change for those hard working “producers!”

  10. Why bother? They are all “working” from home and will not be going back to the office any time soon, if ever.

  11. Ummm…forgive me for asking the common sense question, but what exactly has to be “built” in order to accomplish this? You designate a space for a break. Maybe you throw a few chairs or a sofa in there. Perhaps a small fridge and a microwave for snacks. Done.

    What the actual hell are they going to build?

      1. “puppy yards”

        No puppies do not deserve abuse… unless it is a code for furry rooms.

        1. Yes I did cross a line there. My old pooch is giving me the eye ball. Did not know she could read…English.

          1. She probably just smelled a Librano around the corner. They’re out of control these days. Always spay and neuter (use microscope… or bricks) your Libranos.

    1. Pretty sure Liberal voters are A-OK with this. Most of them are relatively well off, retired, living off the taxpayers or a member of one of the liberals pet minorities. Left-leaning numbers are now enough to swamp all other groups in the electorate combined. We can complain but it isn’t going to change.

  12. It’s difficult being out of the loop in Ottawa. I was at a wine-tasting dinner, very nice too it was, and I asked the lady opposite me on my table what she did: “I’m manager of social development” she said. Without a thought (doh) I responded “Well, it’s a good job we have a manager of social development, otherwise we’d have no society”.

    I think I sealed the gulf between government and governed.

    1. “Well, it’s a good job we have a manager of social development, otherwise we’d have no society”.

      A comment worthy of a facepalm or a Charlie Brown “Good grief!” I know what my father would have said about her, but, one, it’s NSFW, and, second, it doesn’t translate well into English.

    1. Having worked as a contractor at a certain government establishment, I got to see first-hand how part of the system worked. No, our tax money wasn’t well-spent.

      I’m reminded of a quote attributed to Otto von Bismarck: “Laws are like sausages. It’s better to not see them being made.”

  13. The ONLY “job” for certain BIPOC’s are the activities found within the relaxation lounge. And don’t DARE accost them with your sick white culture that expects “productivity” in exchange for wampum. In BIPOC culture … the village … GIVES generously to the most chill among the BIPOC “chillers”. So take your white privilege and haughty condescending attitudes and shove them. We BIPOC’s are here, we’re queer … and we’re busy doing nothing all day. We be takin care of business …


  14. I started by working life as a minor provincial civil servant. I was well aware that instead of working hard, we hardly worked, but not all of my co-workers were aware of that. Only when I moved to private industry did I feel that I was earning my pay. Relaxation? We sometimes did that for hours every day, needed no special room.

    A friend who started out in the same job eventually quite and bought a store. After 15 years of quadrupling the size of the business he sold it, and while waiting for all the details to be worked out, he took a 4 month contract with the government department he had previously worked in. He couldn’t stand it, he quit after 2 months, said he calculated he was only actually working for one hour per day.

  15. Relaxation Lounge..
    Sounds so..umm..never mind.
    We have lived the experience of clueless, useless government help,every citizen outside of government now cannot deny how dangerous these parasites are.
    Canada has suicided.
    Our beloved bureaus have told the citizens,thats us,who pay for all and everything they consume destroy and regulate out of existence,that we have no rights,no natural freedoms and no better duty,than to obey their every dictate.
    And they boldly and proudly inform us that new and exciting “papers” will be required for us to go about our normal business..
    Except apparently we have no normal business,only being permitted to engage in activities these idiot parasites deem to be socially acceptable..
    The State,made up entirely of parasites and idiots or parasitic idiots,has declared itself superior to the individual.
    Moving rapidly to the next stage ,where minions of the State imprison,rob and kill all who oppose them.

    We are at war.
    One declared by our Parasitic Overload.
    Who have just spent 2 full years showing us all how capable,competent and essential to civil society….they really are.
    As they prolong and compound a “crisis” that only exists in their terror addled imaginations.

    Such help.
    Must be rewarded.
    Rewarded such that none dare help us so again.

    80 years ago,my father volunteered to serve abroad,fighting a perceived evil,that promised to end the rights and freedoms freemen held sacred.
    Now it comes to us,in our own homes.

    And the fools and bandits who proclaim the State as more important than the individual citizen?
    Are the same old fools and bandits of old.
    Cowards and vermin who seek to use force of government to serve their personal ends.

  16. Does the Canadian public service have paid Domestic Violence Leave like they do in Australia?

    “Honey? I’ve run out of sick leave at work. Can you walk into a door a few times for me? Thanks babe. Love you. Make sure you have dinner ready THIS TIME!”

    By even creating something like Domestic Violence Leave they are admitting that domestic violence if something that they cannot prevent. We have Sick Leave because illnesses happen and we cannot prevent them (cough – lockdowns do nothing – cough). By the same extension these people accept that at regular times within the course of their relationship either they, or their partner, will physically abuse the other.

    These people are detached from sanity.

  17. My wife was still working when I went to bed at 10:45 last night. She worked last weekend as she often does. Her boss regularly emails her at 10 pm even on Sundays. She is working on 5 projects currently and on another two from her previous manager. She is overworked.

    Lounges are a stupid and tone deaf idea, for sure, but all this does is give childish whiners a place to whine.

    I’m sure there are many lifelong dog f*ckers on here prentending to be salt of the earth grinders.

    Foxtrot Yankee.
