14 Replies to “American Taliban”

  1. That flag pole could be shoved up CNN’s arse and they’d never feel even a twinge. There will only be commentary justifying anger of the perps and nothing about the head-snapping black eye they just gave their whole country and especially the families of the 9-11 victims. Biggest Arseholes Ever!

  2. This anarchism will not stop until George Soros the billionaire funder of these NGOs is expedited to Hungary to face WW2 war crimes.

    1. It will not stop until free patriots use the force of the second amendment to take them all down.

  3. NYC is now a crime-infested, boarded-up ghost of its former self. Good job Democrats

  4. They want the cops gone so their RedGuard will be in control.. Won’t it be fun to have 400lb. black Karens at your door.. Frothing at the mouth demanding “contributions” to burnlootmurder.. And if you resist you will be charged by the local woke sheriff for racism… Going to jail for defending yourself is the latest threat.

  5. Eventually the police are going to arrest someone for hunting over a baited field when he or she piles up a stack of bodies that were attempting to tear down a statue. Likely the police will be there watching the statue being toppled.

    The Minnesota Governor still hasn’t had anyone arrested that tore down the Christopher Columbus Statue on the State Capitol grounds. Even though they were warned two hours beforehand at the Governor’s press conference. Even though local media were taking video and still pictures at the statue. Even though the State Highway Patrol was supposedly guarding it.


  6. “This Leftist Tantrum Is an Information Operation and Trump Is Winning It”


    “Let’s understand the strategic scenario. The long-term strategic objective of the leftists is to turn the United States into Venezuela, and they want to be Maduro. The major strategic objective that will put them in position to do so is victory in the November elections. Everything happening right now is part of their overall strategy to achieve that objective. But what kind of operation are they using to achieve that objective? There are two types of operations relevant here – kinetic and information. A kinetic operation is actual warfare. It’s violence designed to defeat the enemy and cause his surrender by either physically destroying him or occupying his territory and compelling surrender. An information operation is designed to affect the perceptions, and thereby the actions, of the target. Kinetic ops tend to do something to the enemy; and info op tends to get the target to do something to himself.”

    Also, who is on BLM’s fundraising board?
    “In the 1980s, a Far-Left, Female-Led Domestic Terrorism Group Bombed the U.S. Capitol
    Historian William Rosenau investigates the May 19th Communist Organization in a new book about the little-known militant group”

  7. Disgusting, but another solid proof point to sway the centrists toward Trump in November.

    This group cannot get power, it would be scary.

    Biden is completely out of it.

    1. A no debate, mail in election is DeMarxists only chance against voters’ will; IOW they will try it. They should fail. Will they?

      Will the sun rise tomorrow? Is AOC an IYI socialist? Is journalism dead? Do seditionists think they’re above the law?

      DeMarxists feel entitled to rule, the only real problem is they’re not in charge. They preside over burning Democrat cities.

      Every four years they present themselves as deeply concerned and promise a renewal. Using the same old failed approach.

      The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Are voters insane? Maybe.

  8. I dunno, I’m worried. Klavan’s interview segment on Thursday (name is escaping me, but a pollster) was saying it would be highly unlikely Trump can cover the current polling deficits at this point in the campaign cycle, hasn’t happened “in 70 years, not since Truman”.

    And yet, I can’t help but think there’s a silent majority that recoils from all the radicalism and lawlessness, and in addition are not particularly inspired to get out and vote for a rapidly declining geriatric who can’t put full sentences together. You see these kind of events and think it’s going to push center independents into the Republican fold, but the media still has 3 months to scream about Trump being a racist.

    Pray for the U.S.

    1. Didn’t Dukakis just warn the Democrats that HE had the same polling lead against Bush as hiden-Biden enjoys in July? How does that square with the statement related above?

      Plus … polls today are not the same as polls of yesteryear

      1. Too true Kenji.

        All I could think while listening to the Klavan guest is “how much can we trust polls at all anymore with the media being what they are – openly and shamelessly partisan? What makes you think you can even view today’s polls through the lens of even the 2016 political climate?”

        I like to defer to Rasmussen’s likely voters, but even then I harbor considerable doubts. Here’s hoping we’re all the smartest people in the room come November.
