42 Replies to “The CHICKENS Have Come Home To ROOST, America…”

    1. These clowns, AKA useful idiots, don’t seem to uderstaind that the crocodile with eat them too.

      Their usefulness is limited. Once America is lost, the Chinese system will ensue. And only the leftist elite will enjoy any freedom or prosperity.

      They don’t give a shit about their own … pawns.

      Think about that.

    1. J B, I think the distances are going to get greater, about as far away from a potential 9 mm as possible.

  1. The ‘progressives’ had no idea they were being used by nihilists. Antifa will bash anyone.

    1. Exactly. If they cant find their sword to fall on they can fall on mine….

  2. Print, reading be racist. Language be prison chain links of the mind. Peoples need new language for new peoples, free from constructs of white slavers.
    /leftthunk off

  3. They feed the beast, they cheer the beast, and they truly believe the beast will never devour them.

  4. The revolution always eats her children. She generally gorges on the pseudo-intellectuals for her first course.

    The thugs don’t give a tinker’s damn about Marx or Lenin. They want to kill whitey, rape his woman, burn down whitey’s house with whitey and his woman trapped inside, and toast the inferno with whitey’s whiskey. Their goals are revenge, plunder and rape, not justice.

    There’s a reason white Americans fear blacks. Their forefathers got word of the fate of Haiti’s whites in 1804, from those Haitian whites who managed to escape to the American south.

    Bluntly put, it was the first white genocide in the history of the Americas, carried out under orders of the bloodthirsty black Haitian dictator, Jean-Jacques Dessalines. Dessalines, whose goons had already expropriated the whites, commanded that almost all white Frenchmen who had not yet fled Haiti be put to death, and this was done.

    American southerners were understandably determined that they would not suffer the same fate at the hands of bloodthirsty blacks. The rest is history, as they say.

    1. The black protestors are not smashing things. It is the white Antifa criminals who have brought the violence and destruction.

      1. I dunno I saw a clip with a black guy just about going to throw something. Maybe I’m mistaken, your right it’s the whites looting and rioting, I watched the clip again and the black guy was just throwing a ball or something to a buddy out of picture.

      2. Mostly white generals leading/inciting the mostly black cannon fodder. The Left eating its own. This weekend, many leftist snowflakes and virtue signalers are finally starting to realize that they are being used.

        The only thing really left to decide is who gets to declare victory over Antifa. Will it be the snowflakes who successfully smother the rioters? Or will it be the Trump administration and the military?

    2. hey Ghost, are you trying to out stupid the unDork, it’s the whites doing the destroying , like in antifa

      1. and not a single black involved. sure thing. the guys I saw doing smash and grabs were black.

        1. Antifa are coordinating. How many black people can afford to purchase pallets of bricks and deliver them to random locations on downtown Dallas.

      2. Why would anyone want out stupid UnMe when we have you already? The chimps carrying big screen TVs from Target and robbing Liqueur Stores were black. So is the majority of rioters. Antifa do their best to pour as much gas on the fire but ghetoers are the majority of rioters.

  5. A couple generations of children have never been told … “no”. And have been taught “self esteem” without cause. They have been coddled, and told their own feces smeared on the wall is … “art”. There have never been “consequences” for their anti-social behavior. Now we are witnessing … generational failure to launch. These children-interrupted are TAKING what they were told they “deserve” … without earning it.

    They are carrying $100k in Obama-funded student loan debt, and having a difficult time making payments with their Amazon warehouse jobs. Their colleges told them a degree in Asian Feminism of the 19th Century … would lead to a lucrative job at some extremist left wing publication. And now they’re venting their “frustration”. The world hasn’t magically “transformed” to accommodate their … needs and “skills”.

    So their only option is to embrace anarchy and nihilism. They’ve made an irreversible mistake with the direction of their lives … and are now acting-out like unruly teenagers with a severe acne outbreak

    1. Asian Feminism of the 19th Century … specializing in “Dreams of the Red Chamber”?
      I am not rich enough to buy property in Santa Monica. I live in much more discreet Mar Vista district of Los Angeles, which has grown much more upscale since I bought my house eons ago. My cross street is mostly momma and pappa shops, including small eateries, nothing upscale to loot here, so we are safe for the time being.

      1. “For the time being.”
        Remember those words. The mob/animal/beast will eventually come for you. You are not immune.

    2. To be fair, a liberal arts university education system was never designed to train or prepare anyone for employment. Universities have been hijacked, for the last fifty years, by governments who have failed to maintain a primary & secondary education system, a system that IS designed to prepare our kids for life and work.

  6. When they sow racial hatred of whites it’s pretty delicious when they finally get it good and hard. I was hoping the Beverly Hills riots were going somewhere but I guess the cops there don’t mess around. Wouldn’t want elites to deal with the consequences of their actions.

    1. OTOH … Santa Monica is being LOOTED. I believe the NIKE Store was hit … or the young black man walking the street carrying 6 new pairs of Air Jordan’s … was just a retired “shoe investor”. There was quite a police presence on the Promenade but not elsewhere. I hope Old Bruin can give us an update … and hope he’s safe … and loaded. His glock is loaded. Although if wants a nip or two … it’s well after 5pm West Coast.

  7. Welcome to the Gulag. Solzhenitzen describes how much more difficult life in the Gulag was for members of the Communist Party because they couldn’t understand how they got there. They had thought, believed and said all the right things but couldn’t understand that the system they so loved was designed to chew them up and spit them out. That’s the nature of progressiveism.

  8. Where are the bricks coming from? Just random piles lying around? I’m go into downtown Houston a lot. I never see loose bricks just lying around. Is someone planting them???

  9. “We are a progressive newspaper”

    If Leigh of House is suggesting that conservative newspapers are fair game then I think we’ve found the root of the problem.

  10. Make the rioters and vandals d pay for all their distructuin t ehy did Search out Antifa and arrest all yhose responsible for this

  11. Once again, the end game of liberalism is law of the jungle. How’s that “progressive” revolution working for you now, Robespierre?

  12. Barr: It is Antifa.
    Cops: It is Antifa.
    Protestors: It is Antifa.
    Antifa: It is us.
    Blue check Media: It is something else.

  13. Liberalism is a progressive disease,a rotting of the brain.
    They keep doing the same shit,endlessly.
    Inciting the mob,always absolutely sure they will never suffer at the hands of the frenzied enraged mindless morons they have created.
    And always getting burned.
    French haircuts??
    You have to be stupid,toxically stupid to be a progressive.
    Too stupid to run free in a sane society.
    Save your community BANISH all Liberal Style Persons.

    The evil,pure mindless stupidity of a person or persons who will lie,smear and play on the emotions until gullible groups get ugly and attack the “others” has been with us for ever.
    Inciting a riot is a serious crime,has been as long as we have had laws.

    But every generation our fools and bandits see this as a route to power.
    because they do not give a damn who gets destroyed as long as they rule.
    Hanging is too good for them.(Those convicted)
    Stranding them on the ice floes off of Coates Island would be just.
    Especially with full camera coverage by drone.
    Now there is some “reality TV” I could watch.
    I will be cheering for the bears.

  14. AFL-CIO in DC on fire too, complete with people saying they’re on our side, lol… Fools

  15. The huge amount of mainstream comments in support of the Looters & Rioter is almost comical in this sad state of Western “civilization”.

    Not an ounce of forward thinking or realistic consideration of the direction their futures and ours will be in a few short decades. Just crazy drug addled gut feelings about right & wrong, here & now.

  16. Liberals, progressives, or any of the plethora of the “ist” causes all have the same flaw.
    They assign qualities by identity rather than as a unique attribute.
    A black man is killed by a cop, per their means test, the “system” is inherently racist, not the bad act of an individual.
    Someone goes on a killing spree, it’s the fault of a “culture”, not the actions of an individual.
    Yet highly placed individuals conspire together aided and abetted by nationally syndicated media to reverse a democratic election result, and because they agree with the conspirators, the “ists” join with them screaming for a pound of flesh.

    They lack an appreciation of history, particularly the years between 1753 to 1945
