Y2Kyoto: Just Don’t Ask How It Got There


A team of researchers from the Innlandet County Council and NTNU University Museum in Norway and the University of Cambridge in the U.K. has found a large quantity of Viking-era artifacts in a long-lost mountain pass in Southern Norway. In their paper published in the journal Antiquity, the group describes the location of the pass, explains why it is suddenly revealing artifacts, and outlines what has been found thus far.

Get them while you still can.

16 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: Just Don’t Ask How It Got There”

  1. This is easy. The sudden cuts in planet combusting carbon dioxide has made a sudden reduction in Global Warming; so now the natural weather is back! Hurrah. Unfortunately, nature happens to be an ice age (I think there were, like, four recently). Cue Greta to demand we burn tires while social distancing to find a happy balance.

  2. I noted in SDA comments several months ago that a forest discovered beneath the Mendenhall glacier in Alaska has been radiocarbon dated to more than 1,000 years ago (in the MWP). The trees have roots still in the ground.

    As you can see, my source is the ultimate purveyor of “denier” thought, the Huffington Post.

    Wikipedia says that the MWP WAS NOT GLOBAL and in fact “Certain regions, such as central Eurasia, northwestern North America, and (with less confidence) parts of the South Atlantic, exhibit anomalous coolness.” Last time I checked, Alaska was in northwestern North America. If the forest is under an existing glacier, it must have been WARMER then, just like Europe was.

    1. What would be considered “central Eurasia”?
      This is from a long time ago, but I remember they discovered a cave under a glacier that was full of caveman artifacts. If memory serves me correctly, it was in Switzerland. The interesting thing was, the warmist with whom I was arguing at first saw no significance in that at all.

      1. “…the warmist…at first saw no significance in that at all “.
        One of our VPs, an engineer, asked me how do I know the MWP wasn’t caused by some different driver. Because, I replied, a leading climate scientist said that if the MWP was global, that would be a game changer. He then said, the horse has left the barn, it’s too late.
        “Faith is the acceptance of the truth of a statement in spite of insufficient evidence”. Your warmist friend has great faith.

  3. Thus, the Vikings operated SUV’s and not long boats. Once the Vikings disappeared, along with their SUV’s, the glaciers just started growing again.
    With that sarcastic thought in mind, I’m fully expecting some idiot Lieberal to start claiming our cold weather spring is due to everyone staying in and not driving around.

  4. I gleefully await our commie overlord’s explanation of how CO2 is causing huge increases in winter tire, and snow shovel sales in July. I know the answer will be less pipelines, less jobs, less guns and more taxes, I just want to hear how 97% of the scientits agree that it’s CO2 causing it.

  5. Medieval Warm Period? What’s that? It can’t be found on the EPA, NASA, NOAA, IPCC, et. al. data sets. I’ve never heard of it before … will be the response of your average college graduate today.

    1. What’s that? – See my note above. The MWP is in Wikipedia so the college graduate will be in for an Epochal event.

      1. Kenji was referring to the responses you will get from the true believers.

        (Captcha gone berserk)

    2. Greenland was not so named to be ironic. For hundreds of years they raised cattle there.
      Unlike you, I don’t think your Viking ancestors had an ironic bone in their bodies.

  6. This is the perfect example of the problem with Global Warning/Climate Change/whatever. It’s not that the globe isn’t warmer now than it was 50 years, it’s that it’s not unprecedented.

  7. Don’t ask how it got there and ignore the truth at all costs. That truth being that climate change is natural and cyclical.

  8. Maybe slightly off topic but…
    The Greens are suggesting the lockdowns continue after the pandemic to fight climate change.
    These people truly are nuts.
    They will be patting themselves on the back when this years numbers come in and show a dramatic drop in GHG emissions and they and Trudeau will claim credit and say carbon taxes work.
    We need to pay our politicians $500K per year on one 4-6 year term, no careers, no pensions.
    We need to get these rotten incompetent people we have now out of government to make room for competent people who will not be corrupted by global Marxist trends. We also need to neuter the public service by kicking out the union and come up with public oversight to their activities. They are collaborating with foreign powers not in the interests of their employers. Climate change, Soros, globalists etc would have no traction without the cooperation of the public sector. They have an entitled attitude that reeks of, politicians come and go but we are here forever. They are locked in arms with their comrades around the world, it needs to stop.

    1. It’s the unaccountable senior bureaucrats that are running the show. Any law, regulation or policy comes from the bureaucrats. Except for private members bills, the minister in question simply introduces the bill for debate and passing. The actual bill for enactment was written up by a government department lawyer and is based on what the civil servants want, not us subjects.

      Bureaucrats prefer the Lieberals as that party is more than willing to implement their desires. They are the ones pushing the authoritarianism.

  9. Mike T, we have no say and voting has been an exercise in futility if not stupidity for decades now.
