9 Replies to “Wuhan Flu in Rural America”

    1. Sorry about that. I have no way of knowing in which places it works and which places it doesn’t

  1. I’ll tell you a little rural America nightmare. You won’t sleep well…but it needs to be mentioned.

    IMO, today was the most scary day of this whole debacle. Why? Because a tiger in the Bronx Zoo somehow acquired the China Virus. So, folks, it can now jump back from human to animal. If it ever mutates enough to jump to livestock we’re screwed. The CDC is saying that can’t happen. But, we’re all familiar with their track record.

    I’m, also, curious just how much we know about China’s recent livestock depletion (enough to actually cut back on their feed imports worldwide to which Canada can attest). I believe they attributed it to Swine Fever, and it required China to destroy millions of pigs. However, any sane person would question the veracity of those claims. And, if China is admitting to destroying millions of pigs, it’s a pretty good bet that it was a whole lot more.

    Sleep well.

    1. A family in my neighbourhood just finished their home quarantine after dealing with Peking Pox. When they initially phoned the authorities to inform them their household was contaminated they were told to stay home. That’s it. Stay home, ride it out. No test. That’s four people not counted in the infection stats. How many thousands more like that? What is the actual death rate of this virus???

      Give a every government worker a 20% pay cut and continually slash government salaries 5% per week starting with the Chief Medical Officer of Health until this thing ends. This will give them a rapid economics lesson in the vulnerability of income that we all have to cope with in the private sector. We’d all be back to work in a nanosecond.

      By the way it’s nice to know they are testing tigers.

  2. I expect Unme to be along any time to lecture us on why rural dwellers should be marched into the cities and their homes and villages razed, just like Nicolae Ceasescu did to rural Romanians before he was ventilated…

    1. And then Pol Pot marched all the city dwellers out into the country on the other side of the World. At least the Romanians mostly survived, most of the Cambodians didn’t.

      Don’t climb into the back of the truck, don’t get into the boxcar. It only gets worse after you do.

  3. “Wuhan Flu in Rural America”

    I’m sure democrats would expect the Wuflu to hit Trump supporting areas worst, because science!
