Say It Isn’t So Joe!

Just one of the highlights. Bloomberg bragging that he “bought” 21 House Democrats was also special.

More: What is it about Democrats that they’re addicted to fabricating personal histories? Here are 2 videos with #ElizabethWarren giving two totally different accounts to of why she left her teaching job. In 2007–very different story. Or so it seems.

25 Replies to “Say It Isn’t So Joe!”

  1. “My mother believed and my father believed that if I wanted to be president of the United States, I could be, I could be vice president!” ~ Joe Biden.

    “Folks, I can tell you I’ve known eight presidents, three of them intimately.” ~ Joe Biden

  2. Poor Joe! a Corn Pop got stuck in his ear and scrambled his calculator (Brain). I thought he was going to use a length of chain on Bernie….He is like little Marco…. Memorizes his responses but doesn’t know what he is saying… Watch the others try to interrupt him so he has to start over again….

    1. I am quite sure that preventing another 150 million gun deaths in the US in the next 13 years would cost the far side of a dingo’s ear and half a donut hole. That’s pretty steep. Maybe Joe should focus on a more reasonable goal, like maybe remembering where his house is and other things that dementia suffers have trouble with.

      1. You have to admit … Joe is forceful, loud, and angry … like a “leader” … when he makes INSANELY dumb statements. Just the kind of theatrical emotionalism devoid of any intelligence … that the low-information voters LOVE! Go Joe Go! Make fools of every Democrat voter. Those who aren’t already foolishly voting for “the Communist” (to quote Elaine Benes).

        1. Kenji:
          Slo Joe (Forrest Gump) Biden. And just like THAT history was re-written! RUN FORREST RUN!

    1. ‘Minds me of one ‘All in the Family’ vignette. Gloria is taking-on Archie over guns – does he know 60,000 Americans die every year from gun deaths? ( – an obvious lie, BTW – ). Archie answers, “Would it make you feel any better if dey was pushed outta windows?!”

  3. How can you sue the gun manufacturers when the guns they build are working exactly as intended? If I shoot someone I would sue the gun manufacturer if they don’t die!!

    1. ha ha ha !!!!
      ah jeez. youre giving people ideas.
      seriously, if, IF I was EVER presented with the choices ‘shoot the aggressor NOW or who will otherwise kill you, rape your woman, kill her, kill your kids, and steal everything you worked for’, option A lookin very attractive.
      and remember, the time span allowed oftentimes consists of the same time span to blink a syllable in morse code.

      1. When your life expectancy is measured in seconds remember that the cops are only minutes away, and they have your body bag all ready….

  4. “My name’s Joe Biden, I’m a Democratic candidate for the United States senate—if you like what you see, help out, if not, vote for the other Biden”

    The senate?
    The other Biden??

    Poor Joe has had more beers than brain cells.

  5. 150 Million, I think Olde Joe must have been thinking about all the money he has made in “consulting fees” since 2013.

    But let’s not let facts get in the way of a really good story, shall we?

    “What difference does it make?”

    1. 150 million dead year 2007_2020 100 million Bat Kung flu, 2021.
      No problems getting a good table reserved at your favorite restaurant.

  6. I sure don’t like mocking old guys at my age, but there comes a time when yelling about your accomplishments no longer inspires confidence for the future. It just sounds like an old guy yelling because you don’t know how special he is.
    It’s unfair, but there it is.

    1. I sure don’t like mocking old guys at my age, but there comes a time when a person is too old to…
      well a lot of things.
      Even when Joe was younger, he was unfit to be President.(I’m 60, and feel it too)

  7. There are two things I find incredibly disturbing about this: One, Old Joe made a claim that was off by a factor of 100! Two, none of the other Democratic hopefuls called him out on such an egregious error. Did none of them realize what a ridiculous claim this was?

    “….Since 1968, when these figures were first collected, there have been 1,516,863 gun-related deaths on US territory…”

    1. And nobody mentions that the majority (~4/7ths) of those were suicides. And that most of the rest were gang-related, in long-time Democrat cities with tough gun laws. The U.S. is one of the highest-murders-per-capita countries in the world, but if you eliminate the six-or-so most violent cities, the U.S. drops to about fifth-lowest.

  8. Joe now claims he was arrested in South Africa trying to see Nelson Mandela. Even though he failed to mention that in his autobiography. Poor Joe.…1709.17517..17783…0.0..0.101.3955.51j1……0….1..gws-wiz…….0i131j0j0i22i30j33i22i29i30j33i299j33i160.sHm9i9vlIqc&ved=0ahUKEwidqPDz1u_nAhVLLK0KHR5KBJ0Q4dUDCAg&uact=5
