44 Replies to “This Is Not Your Grandma’s Humane Society”

  1. Does anyone besides me notice the lunacy of ‘hounding’ domestic dog breeders out of business and then flying dogs all over the world? What carbon ‘pawprint’ is involved in this trade? Our farm already took at $10000 hit from Asian ash borer. Guess if dogs start dying in cities maybe folks might wonder about the social cost of importing dogs and exotic dog diseases.

    1. Can these “rescue dogs” from Asia host or carry the African Swine Hemorrhagic Fever that has already decimated the hog farms in Asia?

      What other diseases can they possibly import?

    1. Believe it or not but the majority of Koreans don’t eat dogs and Jindo can make great pets.

      This is nothing more than a stunt and a thinly-veiled attempt at mocking a culture. White leftists aren’t wholly keen on political multiculturalism. They just want everyone to think that they are. When they come across something they can’t reconcile, they get weaselly about things.

      1. Sorry for the following. You are a fine chap, I’m sure, I just wanted to say this with affection.

        I ffing don’t care if Koreans eat or not some food. What I don’t want is dog import like this. By hoarding the dogs these people increase the demand making the production of dogs more economic.

        I’m fine with people eating pig, horse, dog, insects, crabs, blood, reindeer etc.

        What I’m not OK is people who think others eat wrongly.
        People may eat veggies, but you may not start playing with my rights to not eat veggies.

    1. “Domestic (pet) dogs entering Canada do not have to be quarantined.”
      Hard to believe for sure and easy to believe that some type of pandemic may snuff out civilization.

  2. Note the weight of the dogs. There is an excellent book out there about the entire dog rescue industry. It’s called “The Dog Merchants.” I highly recommend it. We are actually in a situation where there is a severe shortage of dogs, supply well below demand, in North America because of widespread spay and neuter campaigns and drives to put dog breeders out of business. Rescues have created this problem. The only dogs left in Canadian shelters are over 70 pounds (which most people find too big), have aggression and behaviour problems, health problems, or are otherwise unsuitable for families. If you don’t believe me check out the shelters in your areas. Gone are the days of walking in a buying a cute little lap dog for a few bucks or chasing a pup from the neighbour’s litter. Rescues, in an effort to fill the demand, have begun to import smaller dogs from other countries. Even in the USA, it’s hard to find smaller dogs in a shelter unless they are pitbull or pitbull crosses. And let’s not kid ourselves. With “adoption fees” in the hundreds of dollars for each dog, rescue is also a business that makes money for a lot of rescuers. Adopt don’t shop is now a big scam.

  3. I’m sorry. I can’t buy into rescuing dogs from other countries. What? We have a shortage of dogs here?

    C’mon. This just another idiotic activity for morons engaged in virtue signalling. Stupid people win stupid prizes as a result – this news item proves the case.

    Don’t get me wrong – I’m a big fan of our domestic creatures, cats, dogs, etc. But hey, we’ve already got enough of them and then some – that proof exists in the adoption centres of our local Humane Society.

    Rescuing dogs from other countries isn’t much different than the virtue signalers who want to ‘rescue’, err, I mean, “sponsor” a Syrian or six. We’ve got enough of our own homeless and others with problems to help. Last thing we need is more rescued immigrants with minimal or zero documentation. Same like rescued dogs.

    ENOUGH. Get a brain you moron virtue signalers.

    1. “that proof exists in the adoption centres of our local Humane Society”. Really? Our local Humane Societies and Animal Services only have 70 pound plus large dogs of indeterminate Shepherd/Husky/Lab backgrounds from reserves. They never have any toy poodles, Shtizu, Shelties, beagles or anything else under 70 pounds. Even acquiring one of the big 70+ pound breeds as young pups means being on a waiting list. Do I think there is something wrong with 70+ pound dogs? No. I have a Golden myself who is topping 80 pounds. I just know not every dog owner is right for a 70+ pound dog. Our neighbour adopted one from the local Human Society and his wife and kids can’t walk it because it drags them all over everywhere. He can handle it but no one else in the family can. This is not a good situation for the dog or the wife and kids. The wife wants him to take the dog back because she’s afraid of it. He would have been better off with something like a toy poodle but you can’t adopt one of them. There aren’t any small dogs out there.

    2. Hell, we can’t rescue a Christian family from Islamic torture yet dogs are a o k. What a sad species we have become.

  4. Spay/Neuter has become so effective that many Canadian shelters are empty. Getting a puppy from the local SPCA has become a exercise in lining up like one would for a boxing day sale. In fact, the scarcity of puppies is actually encouraging bad breeders to mill out puppies from whatever two dogs they have available. This is a classic “unintended consequences” case. We need to find a happy medium where there are well cared for puppies, if not necessarily CKC papered ones, available at reasonable prices for decent homes. The local SPCAs and Humane Societies aren’t PETA, and they don’t want to end dogs as pets, but their drive for 100% spay/neuter has a rather foreseeable end.

    1. Well cared for and well bred means not going a CKC breeder. Look what CKC did to German Shepherds? Frog dogs. You want a German Shepherd that isn’t a frog dog, get a reject from a police dog or military breeding centre.

  5. How do you say “Super Tasty” in Korean?
    The idiocy of this “Dog Rescue” goes deep.,the phoney charity,the do-gooding at the expense of everyone else,the importation of unwanted disease.
    All so a clever Korean can have the best of traditional Food Dog,fresh to their door in North America.

    1. Rescues have no regulations compared to registered licensed breeders, that’s why. It’s a wild west situation as far as rescue goes.

      1. Justin Burch: these dogs get into the country just as easy as illegal migrants or immigrants…disease’s are going to run rampant one of these days!! Just saying!

  6. … is warning others to make sure they do their research before taking in an animal.

    Research? What research? You mean the same kind of “vetting” the Canadian govt. does before “rescuing” Islamic refugees who go on to gun-down little 10yo girls?

    What a joke. The virtue signaling of rescuing foreign dogs is as idiotic as rescuing Islamic Terrorists from the terrorism and violence THEY created.

    1. Yes Kenji, it as idiotic as giving a terrorist 10 million dollars for killing an American soldier who would not pull the damn trigger and kill the a hole who killed his buddy. That Kenji is where the west is today, we will not kill those who tell us they will kill us. Yep, same old word, stupid.

  7. Why are dogs ‘rescued’ from the other side of the globe?
    Because do-gooders have hearts that are larger than the common-sense part of their brains.
    Dogs are used for meat in those countries because there is a market for it. The chances that you will get a good dog out of this is remote. We gave up trying to get a good dog from the SPCA. The dogs you get to adopt are usually damaged psychologically and not worth a lick. I can’t imagine one flown in from the other side of the world will be any better.

    1. nold: Someone has found away to make money by scamming people “Rescue Dogs” and people will buy them because they are Rescue Dogs. How stupid have Canadians become stupid is as stupid does!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS get a dog!

  8. The animal rights boosters like to shut down N. American dog breeders (often for good reason) and then they import “rescue” dogs from Asia. Asian breeders, seeing this emerging market, then respond by establishing dog breeding operations explicitly for the N. American market. Anyone think those puppy mills are more humane than the ones that get shut down here?

  9. Do gooders do nothing good unless they do good advertising to show they did something good. Get it? Good.

  10. So they tell us to spay and neuter pets in Canada, then travel across the globe transporting dogs back to Canada? Does that make sense?

  11. Dog breeding is a trade a white Canadian with a basic education and a true love of man’s best friend can still make a decent living practicing.

    Needless to say, their betters would rather have a crazy dog-lady pay a Romanian Gypsy, an Indian or an Eskimo in alcohol for a diseased, half-wild or crazy mutt, just so their trophy wives will shut up about it, than pay a good Canadian a good price for a good dog.

    It’s exactly the same attitude that leads them to insist on importing Third Worlders to do the work they refuse to pay Canadians to do. The only difference is that dogs that kill or cripple Canadians pay for it with their lives. The wretched of the earth never are—never mind the scumbags who recruited them in the first place because they consider it morally wrong to pay a Canadian what his skills are worth.

    1. Dog breeding is a trade a white Canadian with a basic education and a true love of man’s best friend can still make a decent living practicing.

      Each of the dachshunds that my parents had were pedigreed and came from legitimate Canadian breeders.

  12. Why are we importing dogs from foreign countries or as PC/MeToo caught up to Lady and the Tramp going off to the back ally to make more puppies. Come on Tramp be a DOG!

  13. I brought this up with the local LIEberal mp last year (2018).
    they gave me the ph # of the border inspection people who told me the ‘rules’ changed.
    now all that is needed at the least is a, get this, VISUAL EXAMINATION.
    no blood coming out? no puke? no this that and the other things?
    good to go !!!!

  14. Do these virtue signalling signalling pricks ever think of the consequences of their supposed “rescue” of these food dogs? I very much doubt doubt the Koreans who eat dog are wealthy, so they’re taking food away from low income and desperate people.

    Like “grok” says, we pay to spay and neuter our pets, then import more from other countries, idiotic,and should not be allowed.

  15. When I become prime minister the first thing I’ll do is slap a quarantine period of 180 days on dog importation from all those ‘rescue’ countries. Problem solved.

  16. Trapper, don’t you mean President of the new Republic of Alberta?
    I hope you also quarantine anyone coming from Ontario or Quebec for 180 days too.

  17. Vote Liberal!!

    What kind of a third world nation are we where we let animals from another country enter our borders without quarantine?? Imagine if some virus that these mutts carry would be passed on to cattle or hogs, and the contaminated meat would would end up in a foreign country!! We could lose our exports, and all over a few dogs that should have stayed where they came from!! So they get eaten over there! Now their master is getting eaten?? Maybe we need to get our priorities in order!
