47 Replies to “Galt Province”

  1. Thank you Premier Moe.

    We need a Canadian free trade agreement. No barriers to trade or trades (workers) within Canada.

  2. Alberta & Sask need to think about getting to a Pacific Port in the lower 48… If they allowed an Alaska Foothills Pipeline it would seem probable that a (Canadian) Pacific spigot could be made available…..Bypass BC

    1. You might find this article interesting:
      On Southern Resident Killer Whales and the Trans Mountain Expansion Project
      at the following site : https://achemistinlangley.net/

      The author basically says the federal court was incompentent and presents an interesting case for what they missed.

      some quotes:
      a) As for the increase in tanker traffic, the TMX tankers would represent an increase of 720 more ship movements in a Strait that sees 23,000 ship movements a year. Recognize that both the Port of Vancouver and the Port of Seattle are engaged in major expansions. So the increase in ship movements posed by the TMX will barely be significant.

      b) Studies have identified Rosario Strait as the most dangerous tanker route in the inland waters of Washington state. Yet because of the location of refineries, this is the state’s busiest tanker thoroughfare, with more than 500 oil-laden ships sailing through it every year. (my note Rosario strait is in the USA so any spill here would obviously be OK cause its clean, green American eco-crude 🙂 )
      I found it an interesting read

  3. Face the truth. The federal government does not want a pipeline built, they’ve changed the goalposts to ensure that no pipeline will ever be built in Canada again.

  4. Interesting but there is little behind it. Moe is a paper tiger. He is certainly no Francis Wilkinson Pickens.

  5. Saskatchewan has leadership! A Premier strongly sending a signal for other premiers to rally. To make a stand for the provinces role in Confederation, stepping into the breach in time of need.

    Canada may have been born in the east, but it will take strong and visionary leadership from the West to keep this ship afloat, united, and prosperous.

    While P.M. Justin Trudeau’s megalomania wrecks havoc across the land. His rants full of sound and fury signifying nothing. His only goal seems to reduce Canada to the post nation-state of his fantasyland.
    That is a dark cloud of chaos hovering over Ottawa between now and October, 2019.

    1. The West should not talk of separating from Canada. The West should work to separate the East from Canada. Most of the area of Ontario, with not a lot of its population, would be susceptible to staying with us. We should even be looking at carving an arc across northern Quebec to link with Labrador so Newfoundland can consider staying in. In the long run we might recover the Maritime provinces when they have had enough of being the only colonies left for Torontonia and Quebec to pillage.

      1. Ontario is a bureaucratic nightmare with a population that would control any direction the new country would take.
        Northern Ontario is an NDP stronghold. Manitoba and Sask have a large socialist sector but are leaning to free markets. Alberta will go blue. BC is NDP largely because of Vancouver island and Vancouver. Draw a 100 mile radius from Vancouver and you get into free market territory dependent on resources. That leaves Northern BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan and possibly Manitoba as potential free market zones. Staying in the country will mean only minor tinkering would be possible. Leaving would allow turfing of Trudeau (1st)’s constitution, radical reform of the approval (or rejection if you prefer) process, and the cleaning up of the SJW BS that are dragging the progress of the country down. Added to this is that polls keep showing Trudeau with a lead in the polls despite his government’s incompetence. Sorry, don’t see a western survival within Canada.

  6. What’s a serious blow is not using a @#$% wind sponge on your damn mic when you’re filming outside.

    I get that it’s the message that matters, but productions this amateurish really undermine the gravity of the message.

    1. Your point about the lack of a mic sponge.
      An alternative view is that the ‘unprofessional’ production lends real, on the ground urgency to the plea.
      Professionalism isn’t everything. It can be glib and offputting.
      There’s too much ‘professionalism’ in politics.

      1. Professionalism isn’t everything. It can be glib and offputting.

        Absolutely. And in just about every other way, this is done well. Moe delivers the speech without stumbling or repeating himself or sounding like he’s reading off a cue card, but it’s not polished and rehearsed. It’s delivered outside in a setting familiar to most Saskatchewanians rather than a properly lit studio. All good there.

        The problem is that “not looking like a slick, insincere production” falls down if you go too far. If the viewer can’t make out what he’s saying because the wind noise drowns him out, you’ve shot yourself in the foot. If the viewer gets a headache because you didn’t use a tripod or gyro and the frame is shaking all over the place, you’ve shot yourself in the foot. If the video blinds the viewer because you shot your subject in front of a strong light source, you’ve shot yourself in the foot. The trick is to make the video look natural, like the subject is standing in front of you and speaking to you in a heartfelt, unrehearsed way. That means doing enough production work to eliminate the annoyances digital CCDs and ampified audio pickups introduce to the final stream.

        “If you can’t get the little things right, you’re not going to get the big things right”. If a premier can’t get these kinds of trivial details correct when communicating with his constituents, that doesn’t inspire confidence that he can handle bigger issues like negotiating with Ottawa.

  7. Interesting that kenney expressed similar sentiments today as well. I wonder if they are coordinating their approaches.

    I’ve been saying for about a year or so now (not sure if I have expressed this opinion on this site) that the ties that bind this country have not been this weak as they are today for at least the past century.

    Spend some time in the lower mainland and you soon get the feeling that that region really Isn’t focussed on the ROC but on the pacific rim and for manifold reasons. The ROC could separate from them somewhere east of Langley and they would hardly notice it. Talk to most of them about Quebec being a distinct society or the needs/demand of a province like PEI and they will laugh or shrug – they certainly won’t be getting their cheque book out.

    The Laurentian elite has yet again shown its ancient antiquated bias toward the west (and the east) as being the hinterland – a region to be exploited for the betterment of the centre.

    To them Canada is Two diamonds on a gold chain as Justin’s father once said – not a string of pearls as Joe Clarke opined.

    I think the vast majority of Canadians don’t realize how quickly this confederation could shatter. Across this country arguments can and are being made that better options are available.

    The lack of understanding (or is it deliberate?) at the federal level could plunge this crisis into an irreversible course towards break-up much more suddenly than anyone expects.

    The United States has had ambitions of annexing some or all of Canada since before confederation. That possibility has not been closer to happening since Grant was president in the 1870s.

    1. “The lack of understanding (or is it deliberate?) at the federal level could plunge this crisis into an irreversible course towards break-up much more suddenly than anyone expects.
      The United States has had ambitions of annexing some or all of Canada since before confederation. That possibility has not been closer to happening since Grant was president in the 1870s.”

      You say that as though it’s a bad thing?

        1. Let me say for Gord above and many of the people that I regularly speak to – “IT WOULD BE GOOD THING!” A damn fine thing. Alberta and perhaps Saskatchewan for starters.
          Forget about the Lower Mainland of BC forever. They live in lala land.
          As far as northern Ontario, as suggested by ‘The Tooner’ above? Let them decide when it is time.
          The key provinces – Alberta & Sask must leave before we become the wasteland that Ottawa and Montreal have been dreaming of for decades or more.

          1. Hear, hear. The sooner, the better.

            Disclaimer: Most of my and my wife’s siblings are in Ontario and we get along and none vote Liberal or NDP.

    2. The US would much prefer a cohesive Canada which did more towards its NATO obligations.

      A breakup of Canada could go seriously awry in US eyes; instability is the enemy of every US Secretary of State, and would complicate the job of any Secretary of Defense astronomically. Plus, you ignore the political facts in Congress – their is no talk, ever, of acquiring an empire. The US has never wanted it, despite having colossal power. What it seeks are opportunities for foreign investment and markets, a totally different thing.

      1. Pat Buchanan has talked of it. No mainstream US politician would talk about it until the fracture is imminent. That doesn’t mean that it hasn’t been discussed. Depending on what happens – absorption into the US of all of the western provinces would be a huge benefit to America.

        The US has wanted it publically in the 1800s and even up into the 1910s. Lincoln and Grant both were on record in favour of annexation.

        1. “…absorption into the US of all of the western provinces would be a huge benefit to America.”

          And what if they didn’t like The US federal system anymore than they like the Canadian one? The US has already suffered one secession crisis and it was an extremely bloody affair; That’s why no modern day American politician has ever considered this, Or wishes to see an expansion of the United States. And you utterly neglect the sentiment of the people in the western provinces; there is nothing to suggest that they will ever pursue it, so long as democratic elections hold. As soon as they refused to cooperate with the federal government in a serious way, they will start having some of their grievances addressed by the federal government.

          Grant left office 141 years ago. If others in the US political system had thought annexation was a good idea it would’ve been an idea that never died.

      2. “The US would much prefer a cohesive Canada which did more towards its NATO obligations.”*

        In a nutshell!

        “A breakup of Canada could go seriously awry in US eyes”

        In another nutshell.

        * I might only add “a cohesive Canada which did more towards its NATO obligations and its own national defence”.

    3. Gord,
      I am convinced that when the next economic ‘collapse’ happens that this will be the result. Canada is based on supplying money to Ontario, specifically, Ottawa. The West has been supplying money for over 300 years.

      When Ottawa can no longer deliver on promises and their credit has run out then unity will collapse. Equalization is the obvious target but a federal government budget of +/- $340 billion has many indirect subsidies of eastern industry.
      Bomber and dairy are the obvious ones.

      The next fiscal collapse could have a duration measured in decades not a year or two. All of how Canada is governed will come into question.

    4. Construct a fleet of oil tank cars marked distinctively like the old CWB grain cars. Build them on the prairies using Evraz steel.

      Build tank farms at Churchill and Prince Rupert. Fill them with rail shipments.
      Build a railway to Valdez from Alberta.

      1. @PaulW.

        Good Comment.!

        “..Build a railway to Valdez from Alberta…”

        That partiular option was floated back in the spring of 2014. Seems at that time the Alaskans were totally in favour as were the various indigenous folk along the propsed ROW. The terminal at Valdez was handling less and less Oil from the fields that fed the Trans Alaskan Pipeline and as such they were basically inviting us to build said pipelines or twin railway (as was originally proposed).

        Still an excellent option…but with the Eco-Nazi Butts holding sway over pipelines or anything else Energy related…won’t happen till that POS is in the grave and Tinkerbell is in a rest home.

        At 65, I’d love to see both happen sooner than later.
        Marxist TRAITORS, the both of them.

    5. You are right Canada is at a crossroad like never before in its history,but how do you reconcile a situation where you have so many special interest groups. For example there are the “supposed First Nations’ who must always be bribed into any form of compliance usually afforded to the highest bidder or most politically influential. Then you have the enviro-nazis who oppose any type of progress, Then Quebec with its special status that no other province has including their huge equaization payments that pay for many of their exalted social programs and their” us first always’ attitude .This does not even include the offshore countries like China, Saudi Arabia and others who are making every effort to control our economy. Unless we get a government with some balls this country is doomed!

    6. There is a massive and ever-growing obstacle to the break-up of English Canada: Asians. They already control the Lower Mainland and Toronto and are spreading their tentacles, both economically and demographically, right across the country. They know quite well that the figures show they will be the majority population in Canada in a couple generations’ time. There is no advantage for them in the political break-up of a state that is so profitable for them. Not yet, at least. This goose still has some golden eggs to lay for them. Even though the Chinese and South Asians don’t particularly like each other, to put it mildly, I think they will both work hard to keep English Canada as it is. The Chinese in Ontario have stronger bonds with the Chinese in BC than do old stock white folks in those two provinces and they’re going to want to stick together. The same holds true for the other Asian groups. English Canadians are too guilt-ridden, PC-whipped and culturally exhausted to demonstrate that kind of ethnic solidarity.

  8. Nice sentiment. Unfortunately no one has told Scott Moe that there is absolutely zero political pressure on Justin Trudeau right now and he will win a majority in a walk, thanks in large part to Andrew Sche(m)er, who decided the interests of Quebec dairy farmers trumped the interests of folks back home. Scheer’s proclamations on trans mountain, the carbon tax, etc. are just blah blah blah, since the turncoat has already accepted Trudle’s leadership on the issue that will decide the election.

    1. With the election of kenney In The spring a certainty look for a unified front of ontario, MB, SK and Ab against the feds on carbon tax and other issues yesterday may be the beginning of this(?)

      That could change how Trudeau is viewed dramatically…

    2. The Conservatives are hooped in the next election with Scheer at the helm. He should be out making hay with everything Justin and Jagmeet are saying and doing, and instead he’s impersonating the Invisible Man. I would bet most Canadians couldn’t even identify him. While I shudder at the thought of another Liberal majority, I have nightmares about the (likely) possibility of a Liberal minority propped up by the NDP and Greens.

  9. The amount of power in Ottawa is obscene. The PMO is the worst entity in the country and that isn’t PM Diversity’s fault although he absolutely loves its command. The fact that it grows in strength, that unelected people have so much control, that so few may affect so many is not democratic. Members of both Houses are Eunuchs in Harems and Sheik Trudeau knows it.
    The West needs to leave in order to save itself from the perversion that is today’s democracy and from the neo-Marxists and their Big Government.

      1. I wonder if President Trump could trade access to milk markets for something the Liberals do not want in their Canada. Maybe the territory occupied by Saskatchewan and Alberta, which is occupied by so many Rednecks (according to every Torontonian I have ever had the pleasure of speaking with).

  10. As naive kid I went to Ontario in 1971. I thought all Canadians were equal and all regions of Canada were considered equal. I was in for a shock. Not only was the west hated with a bigotry I was completely unfamiliar with by the boys from Ontario there was an almost instant fight between the Ontario boys and the Quebec boys. I was there for 6 weeks and at the end of those 6 weeks working toward building a close team those bigotries never ceased. I was a third rate citizen because I was from Alberta. Pierre was a second rate citizen because he was from Quebec. Bill was a first rate citizen because he was from Southern Ontario. I have been a western separatist ever since.

    1. “Not only was the west hated with a bigotry I was completely unfamiliar with by the boys from Ontario…”

      Utter nonsense.

      I have served and lived across Canada (including Alberta) with a wide mix of fellow Canadians and have rarely encountered authentic, wholesale “regional vitriole”.

      And on those occasions when I have, it has come just as much from “the West” as from “the East”, as your posting certainly confirms.

  11. Churchill Manitoba. Ship the stuff through Churchill Manitoba. Hire Russian ice breakers to clear the way in winter.

    1. Valdez, they can’t interfere by blocking the Davis Straits, or Hudson’s Bay. Our markets are the far east, they are closer.

  12. It looks increasingly that the pipe is not going to be built.
    The airhead is obviously avoiding anything that would get it going.
    Spewing demagoguery amounts exactly to zero.

    You have to give it to the Canadians though they have taken the sunny ways into their harts and now they live in the glow of the airhead.

    One can say that Canada is going down.
    Bad and sad that there are so many useless people that live off the taxpayer and want everyone else to be as low as they,
    This of course is going to turn eventually against those that proclaim their superiority in nonexistent ethics.

    Looking into near future, things are going from bad to worse while the airhead spews his sunny bullshit.

  13. The Judges are running Canada much the same way that they run Turkey , Pakistan and Iran.

    Our judicial system has taken over the power of the electorate. Democracy has been subverted by the elites. It does not matter whether there are changes to first by the post to some sort of proportional system either way the elected representatives are pawns for the Judges.

    Nobody can even name or identify the Judges

  14. Every time Trudeau says the “pipeline will get built” his lunatic Minister of the Environment, Climate Barbie herself, puts out a tweet crying about the evils of fossil fuels. Trudeau must surely be aware of that yet he does nothing to rein her in.

    The pipe will not get built. No-one in Trudeau’s high-school cabinet wants it. Gerald Butts and the powerful elite interests he answers to do not want it. And the only reason Trudeau wants it is because he is desperately trying to avoid the legacy of his father with regards to Western Canada.

    The pipeline is dead unless we get a new government.

    1. You sum up this thread well.

      Trans-Mountain nor any other pipeline will get built with this juvenile crowd in power.

      1. That needs to be said again and again,pipelines weren’t, aren’t and won’t be built under this bunch.

        It’s time for another contract with Canadians from Mr Scheer promising (the real thing), on pain of calling an election:

        1. Canada East pipeline will be built within a specified time frame, three years for instance. When it passes through native lands, instead of bringing protesters and sabotage, have them send their artists with paint brushes to decorate the cold metal with their native art, go for it, tell us your story. In fact make the whole pipeline like that, a description of our country. But it will get done so we can send our crude to our refineries and rest can go up the St Lawrence Seaway instead of coming down it. Actually, build pipelines in all directions, north if need be, who knows, and paint them all.

        2. Spring boarding off that economic development, reform the tax system. Phase out income taxes, then everything else, in favour of a value added tax (unlike PST) for everything, with a beefed up GST credit system ironing out all the wrinkles.

        3. In the meantime, work hard to limit government, to get back to priorities, to resume the work started by Mr Harper and now set back by the neo pickpockets.

        4. One more among many. Allow privatized health care, all you want, no problem, but at least for the time being, let the unions handle delivery. That will win over a big bloc of votes. Make an announcement about the obvious, but dress it up, tell government workers there will be no layoffs, just attrition (as if there’s a choice).

        Meanwhile Trudeau wants to apologize to a boatload of Jews who were turned away in 1939, because then we had the same facts Trudeau and rest of the world have right now. Meanwhile, they fumble the ball daily, on trade, on pipelines, and on international relations generally, where now the fantasy of disrespect for Harper has come to fruition with our feckless leader pissing off world leaders on an ongoing basis, with his trade minister shut out of the White House.

        We were warned by Mr Harper. He’s would never say “I told you so” so I’ll do it for him:
        – his modest surplus was followed not by modest, but giant and entirely unnecessary deficits.
        – shutting down pipelines, I think he mentioned that.
        – in precis, simply not up to the job, flubbing every file from gender guided trade to paying double for obsolete fighters, to angering Trump, thinking that gains him support.
        – but mostly, just his tin ear & pontifications about social Justin, our slogan PM, for which we are and will pay a dear price.
