22 Replies to “Hold Still While We Probe You Good And Hard”

  1. In recent years I’ve wondered why we’re seeing such hysteria about racism, sexism, etc. when everything about it is frowned on or illegal and has been for decades. It seemed to me we’ve taken the witch hunt all the way down to thought crime – no evidence, but they “know” what you think.
    I’ve read other opinions which compare it to puritans seeking to cast out devils. The left is convinced some unseen force is interfering with their earthly paradise.

    1. When there is a lack of an actual crime due to discrimination based racism or sexism or whatever, the only thing left is thought crime. Besides, it’s far easier to police thoughts than it is to fight violent crime, the violent criminal is likely to fight back!

  2. “The left is convinced some unseen force is interfering with their earthy paradise.”

    Well you have to remember that they already believe that their earthy paradise is being promulgated by an unseen force, effectively a god. They name it “History.”

    1. I had thought their god was Karl Marx as personified by Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, and Mao?

      1. That is a misapprehension. Marx is their Messiah and Lenin, Stalin, Hitler and Mao, et al, apostles and saints.

        Actually read the materials they write for each other (they often don’t realize that their opposition can do this) and you will find that they conceive of History as a supernatural force promoting the “divine” plan they name Progress.

        They are very much in the mold of the Calvinists, they simply change the proper nouns out, History for God, Marx for Jesus, etc. They are the New Puritans. What they are doing is not analogous to a witch hunt, but, from their own perspective, actually is a witch hunt.

        1. by ‘their’ are you pointing to the ‘us’ 2 words previous, or ‘their’ as in hard core leftists?

  3. When I was a grad student at Ohio State in the 90s, the administration had the custodial services place screens in the urinals that said “You are holding the power to stop rape in your hands”. Since I could not recall ever raping any women, I wasn’t sure how my male sex organ was supposed to stop rape.

  4. I encountered a lot of this nonsense more than 20 years ago at the place where I used to teach.

    It’s really another form of academic bullying, a subject that Dr. Ken Westhues, professor emeritus at the University of Waterloo, studied for several years:


    The sad thing is that it’s widespread throughout the system and doesn’t appear to be restricted to any one discipline.

  5. My ‘unconscious bias’ works as a warning system to remind to maybe not trust those black teens or muslim refugees on the corner and find another way to get where I am going. It never shuts down because we need to protect ourselves from the orcs who walk among us.

    My ‘conscious system’ has read countless reports of black teen and muslim refugee street violence. That trickles down into my unconscious and works while I am busy doing other things than considering the well being of those who may not have my well-being in mind..

    So … we are relegated to pretend to take our ‘racist spirit guide’ seriously or lose out jobs? Is that it? That’s what it looks like to an intelligent person who also possesses common sense and a presence in reality.

  6. I’ve never seen a group of people so determined to make themselves appear weak and mental

  7. “The EPSRC, a government agency, is funding eleven ‘Equality, Diversity and Inclusion’ projects as part of an £5.5 million anti-discrimination drive in engineering and physical sciences.”

    Hopefully, some of this money will be spent investigating the not so unconscious biases of fellow students, rather than assuming up-front that “male, pale, and stale” Faculty members are entirely to blame.

    My daughter’s initial experience of her first STEM course was of a BTEC in Electronics that she took as she was too young for University . The only girl on the course, she found her tutor (pale, male, and 50-ish) to be encouraging and enthusiastic, and her fellow students to be disparaging and discouraging.

    She soldiered on for 2 years, and got her diploma.

    She never let on as to what she was going through, emotionally, until years later. Apparently, the Uni STEM degree course was much the same, females disparaged by (some, not all) male fellow students – not the Faculty.

    1. The tutors were probably mostly glad that they had a female student genuinely interested in, and capable of, a career in engineering, to show off to their superiors.

      The other students saw her not only as competition but as someone who risked bringing their future profession into disrepute. In the STEM fields, incompetence gets innocent people killed—and the entire firm gets the blame, not just the diversity hire.

      So you can see why they were more than a little skeptical that she belonged in the course.

      1. “The tutors were probably mostly glad that they had a female student genuinely interested in, and capable of, a career in engineering, to show off to their superiors.”
        At the University, it was not unusual to have female STEM students. I think the novelty had worn off long before. (I was working with female electronics engineers in the mid 1960s. They had taken up programming, it paid more.)

        “The other students saw her not only as competition but as someone who risked bringing their future profession into disrepute.”
        Seeing that she was as good as most, how so?

        “In the STEM fields, incompetence gets innocent people killed—and the entire firm gets the blame, not just the diversity hire.”
        As far as I am aware, the concept of knowingly taking on incompetents, male or female, pale or not, just to conform to some Diversity Directive has never prevailed in the STEM fields.

      2. and what better way to get someone killed that strut around a know-it-all masculine-manhood-male, impervious to others expressing caution, exhorting mr manhood to observe protocols, safety apparatus, and common sense?

        I have had inordinate difficulty with this type and NONE with the occasional female in a similar role.

    2. “… her fellow students to be disparaging and discouraging”
      That must have been awhile ago. Today any student that might be found to be less than nice to another student could find themselves accused of bullying or harassment and would find themselves sanctioned or being expelled from the course.

    3. In my experience of training and education male students are typically disparaging and discouraging to other male students, too. So your daughter got it right, the male students also cope with it by not letting on if it gets to them emotionally.
      As Al the Bartender says, “I’m not saying it’s right, I’m not saying it’s wrong. It’s the way things are.”

  8. The “reverse Mentor’s” Job #1 is to convince professors to inflate the grades of minority students. To “socially promote” minority college students because of their “oppressed” status. That’s the primary mission of this crap. The colleges have succeeded in admitting hundreds of thousands of unqualified (academically) minorities because of they’ve “corrected-for”… SAT “white bias”, culture bias, language bias, Western Civilization bias … racism (of course) … etc.

    Now that all these subpar students have been admitted to college … they need another level of “bias correction” to bring minority college student equal with their “privileged” peers … be it “white” privilege… or Asian “Tiger Mom” privilege.

    And once all the inherent “cultural biases” have been corrected … all these subpar minority students will become … “qualified” … for top jobs. Esp. top jobs in government. This is all part of engineering a “transformation” of America … from a TOP Quality merit-based culture into a shithole banana republic culture of identity group “merit”.

  9. If the Professors assure their “Mentors” are doable, I’m sure some will take it the wrong way….
