13 Replies to “Thats what I want to hear.”

  1. That makes two candidates now that are opposed to Trudeau’s carbon tax. No doubt they will labeled as racist Neanderthals by the fraudulent media.

  2. I couldn’t find Tina Beaudry-Mellor’s statements on the web or I’d have gladly added it. Do you have a link, Ken?

  3. In the link provided by CKOM in their coverage of Harrison’s candidacy, it mentions she is looking at balancing the budget and opposing the carbon tax.

  4. “That makes two candidates now that are opposed to Trudeau’s carbon tax”
    You are correct. The media and the opposition, both seriously lacking in common sense, will attack them mercilessly and relentlessly. The label of “climate denier” will be bandied about ad nauseam. Hopefully the candidates will have the conviction and the intestinal fortitude to hold their ground against the inevitable onslaught of stupidity, political correctness and outright bullshit that is sure to head their way.

  5. When he says “I would take Sask out of confederation to stop carbon tax” I might vote next election.

  6. Gormely had Tina Beaudry-Mellor on his show for a few minutes and she said that on there.

  7. I admire politicians with definitive positions on critical issues … and respect this man’s unequivocal statement re: the draconian carbon taxation. He’s absolutely correct! It’s ALL ABOUT revenue (and political POWER) … it will do nothing for the environment … however it WILL punish the common man for simply … living. First a “carbon tax” … then a lawnmower tax … a BBQ tax … a fuel injector tax … it will never end until you are FORCED by the Nanny State to buy an electric car, adopt a vegan diet … wear a parka indoors … and do exactly what they say. ALL your freedoms, and Liberty … will be gone *poof* … welcome to the gulag-state. We must RESIST the Marxist erosion of freedom. We must VOTE for the free-marketplace of science, business, and ideas! RESIST !! Two can play the slogan game !!

  8. Yes yes! That’s all well and good, Jeremy. But what’s your position on all this climate change horseshit, Jeremy? Show us you’ve got balls and honesty, Jeremy. Stand up and speak out.

  9. Incumbent MLA Jeremy Harrison answers ten questions ahead of election day (2016)
    Battlefords & Meadow Lake NOW
    Poised, articulate, intelligent, relaxed and competent in dealing politically correct and naive media questions. He is leadership material.

  10. We must be very careful in the selection of a Sask. Party leader. It is becoming evident that our selection of a Federal Conservative leader might not be what it should have been. Does the term “Liberal Lite” possibly describe it?

  11. I doubt that anyone will do anything about it, ever. Canadians will pay each and every tax shoved in their faces until they die.

  12. Another thing, would he say it while hooked up to a polygraph? And what is the political bias of the polygraph operator. Politicians lie. Getting elected, is more important than anything.
