February 4, 2025: Reader Tips

Here’s a Route 66 song, performed by Glenn Frey. Here’s a Customized Route 66 Map by C.W. Gross.

Bonus: Here’s a interesting thread breaking down Trump’s Art of the Deal wins.

Your best tips are appreciated, whether they involve driving or not!

Quick Note: The spam filter that Kate has implemented works automatically and independently. Whenever I can, I’ll peek in on what comments have been withheld from being published. More times than not, a comment laced with profanity, especially at another user, will be there. I free up many of them but not those. Find a way to more cleverly critique other users, and you should find most of your comments being published. #FoodForThought

73 Replies to “February 4, 2025: Reader Tips”

  1. An offer of “sustainability” …
    “We have offered the United States of America the opportunity to outsource part of its prison system.
    We are willing to take in only convicted criminals (including convicted U.S. citizens) into our mega-prison (CECOT) in exchange for a fee.
    The fee would be relatively low for the U.S. but significant for us, making our entire prison system sustainable.”


    1. Bukele is a true ally of the US, unlike the Turd who needs to be pressured to do the right thing and lend a hand.

      1. Also, she had to deliberately choose to watch the videos even though they caused her “distress”.

  2. Thank you to Kates team for fixing the problem related to VPN use in the comments section.

    Much appreciated.

      1. Agreed! After watching what happens every 20 years or so, the Palestinians (AKA Philistines) are “pretending” to work in harmony with the Israelis. As President Reagan said, “Trust, but verify!”

    1. Is that the rule, or the exception. Ideally, I would hope it was the former. Realistically, I doubt it.

  3. @Acyn
    “Reporter: Wouldn’t it take an act of congress to do away with USAID?

    Trump: I don’t know, I don’t think so. Not when it comes to fraud. These people are lunatics and if it comes to fraud, you wouldn’t have an act of congress. I’m not sure you would anyway.”


    Fraud vitiates everything.

  4. The US applied a 10% tariff to China making goods more expensive for Americans.

    The Chinese counter veiled with a 15% tariff making goods more expensive for Americans.

  5. This wasn’t a win for Trump. It was an embarrassment.

    He’s shattered trust between the two countries for years to come, and for what? I doubt he even much cares about Canadians beefing up border security, nor has much evidence that there was a serious problem. The only reason he finally agreed to terms that had been on the table for weeks was that he realized a trade war would be disastrous for the U.S. and his presidency.

    1. The clot shot promoting keyboard economist and political scientist is worried about Trump shattering trust when it was Turdeau and other Libtards (including PET) that have been the ones shattering trust going back years now.

    2. Odd. Trump had tariffs on China in his first term.
      Yet Biden kept them going.
      I wonder why.

      Have you ever tried to buy an American car in EU.

      1. Yes, and the ten per cent that PP whined about was in addition to the already in place tariffs.

    3. Trump could well have died in jail without re-election.

      His family put through hell for a decade.

      Character assassination, lawfare, threat of imprisonment and company loss, assassination attempts.

      Called a traitor, a crook, everything but a white man. Unless you count white supremacist.

      Certainly a racist. Despite the innumerable pictures with and many thanks for help from Trump by numerous black people. Before he became a Republican.

      Even sadder, this was Mainstream Media led.

      It gets worse.

      Over a hundred of his advisers, lawyers, campaign workers etc put through the same Lawfare ringer as the Boss.

      Don’t forget the historic Un-Armed Insurrection that turned into the Democrat Inquisition. Here’s hoping that Torquemada gets his!

      Whilst this literal ripping of the fabric of American Democracy was occurring, could Trump look to his northern border and see a democratic country, his closest neighbour, a country of “Laws” decrying this third world banana republic behaviour?

      Diplomatic protests?

      Recall of envoys?


      Editorials of outrage in the Media?

      Headlines of support?

      Not even whispers from our oh so democratic supporting media.

      Nothing. Nada. Pin drop.

      I think Trump has free reign to fix Canada.

  6. It’s -30 out here at the trap shack and here comes Route 66. The song brought back a tsunami of memories.

    Bobby Troup wrote it. As young guy he was a Marine and piano player who had a great career. The song became an R&B standard recorded by 100’s of artists. Nat King Cole had a huge hit and even the Stones cut it.

    Bobby Troup married the luscious Julie Holiday. What’a babe. A sexy classy singer who made your blood run. She’d come on stage in a full length dress, lean on the piano and that first note made you think of….well you get the idea.

    My own relationship with the tune covers decades. Played it in many settings from trios to 18 piece big bands. I love it. I still grab a guitar and belt out a solo version from time to time with only dogs as the audience ha.

    BTW I road Route 66 a number of times on a motorcycle. At a time when it still had a few of those little rat motels. It’s a great ride.

    Thanks for this. It warmed up my mind on a cold day and kindled warm thoughts. Ohhh that Julie…

  7. Over at The Bureau, Sam Cooper has reposted his 2023 Interview with Port Coquitlam Mayor Brad West about Chi-comm infiltration into Canadian politics. Well worth the read.

  8. Trump may accomplish what no Canadian politician would dare not do – demolish the Canadian agricultural cartels on dairy, eggs, and chicken. Which will mean American access to the Canadian market – and cheaper food prices for Canadians. Thank you, Mr. President!

    1. I’m in.

      The sooner the vile dairy cartel is smashed the better off all Canadians will be.

      1. “I’m in.

        The sooner the vile dairy cartel is smashed the better off all Canadians will be.”

        HELL yeah.

        The fact that Poilievre has whole-heartedly supported this odious oligopoly is one of the main reasons I will never trust him.

  9. I wanted to say that I have had a couple of posts removed for profanity, and frankly, in retrospect I think it’s just as well. Some of the slimeballs here really piss me off, and I have a reputation for foul language that I try to protect, but this isn’t really the place for it. And I also have a reputation for elegance, wisdom and wit. And something else… ah yes, modesty. So I don’t mind a bit of prudent restraint.

    1. My wife used to be able to do all that.

      Wait…… well, she could bend over and tie her shoelaces without falling over, so there’s that.

  10. Are we too far into the F35s to cancel them and buy Swedish fighters? We don’t buy Boeing because they effed over Bombardier. Let’s just quit buying American. Better yet get Bombardier to design a new fighter, a Lear jet with rockets. They’re on welfare, they might as well do something useful. American airplane manufacturers get the money to make commercial planes from defence contracts. Why not Canada?

  11. Robert: I just have to wonder how many of those filtered posts came from our friend GYM.
    I haven’t seen GYM around for quite a while now. I sincerely hope he’s ok.

    (He has had health issues, so yes, I am concerned.)

  12. At the risk of getting my ass kicked – here goes.

    I think Trump blinked. The markets open in Asia overnight, half a day ahead of North America. They dropped precipitously. Europe followed and the NA markets were poised to follow suit but for the Mexico announcement.

    Trump’s buddies don’t like down markets. He’s surrounded himself with billionaires. They have his ear. They don’t like unnecessary loss. My guess is he heard from them and took the exit route.

    He inherited a good economy. Why mess with it? Why risk pissing off the voters?

    Maybe I’m wrong and we’ll see if Trump tries the same strategy with the Brits and the EU. I think things are going to tone down. Trump is going to keep up the pressure but I suspect the strategy will change. Not the pressure just the tactics.

    I’m with him. Things need to change. Unforced errors can be disastrous.

  13. Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu Press Conference:

    “We have the right man (Benjamin Netanyahu) who has done a good job for a very long time, and we are a winning combination. The Saudis do not demand a Palestinian state. Benjamin Netanyahu wants peace as well. Countries besides Egypt and Jordan will accept Gazans. Even the buildings that are still standing will collapse. I am talking about moving all Palestinians from Gaza permanently. I’m talking about 1.7 million Gazans who will leave Gaza. They won’t tell me ‘no’. It will happen. About Iran – we can’t let Iran obtain nuclear weapons.”

    “I want to release all the hostages but also meet all three goals of the war — eliminate Hamas’s governmental and military capabilities and ensure that Gaza does not pose a threat to Israel. I have three goals, and I believe the president can help us achieve them.”


    There is mention of the USA building a military base at Gaza, and closing their base in Qatar

    War is over, that Nobel Peace Prize is going to be sweet…

    1. Well there are plenty of uninhabited places with good weather.

      I might suggest: Queimada Grande, Gruinard Island or Ramree Island.
