Is The Doctor Always Correct?

Apparently not:

Here’s a non-medical diagnosis: Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) and DeSantis Derangement Syndrome (DSDS) appear to impair the logic portion of the human brain, as well as shut down human conscience altogether.

In his related substack article, Dr. Prasad writes:

The facts are simple. The AAP initially put forth the right decision, “recommending that education leaders and policymakers “should start with a goal of having students physically present in school” by fall of 2020.

Then Trump famously voiced his full-throated support for reopening schools 100% by the fall, and cited the AAP report as evidence he was correct. (For the record: Trump was correct about this one issue).

The AAP immediately began walking back support for children. The AAP president said, “local coronavirus infection rates and hot spots have to be taken into consideration to safely reopen schools.” But, this was inaccurate. European experience showed that reopening was possible irrespective of local infection rates; Kids could benefit from school, even in places with high spread, and schools could safely reopen even there.

Finally, if there are any enterprising lawyers who specialize in class action lawsuits, this link and this one may be of particular interest to you!

25 Replies to “Is The Doctor Always Correct?”

  1. This comment may duplicate since I have been diverted to moderation lately, maybe due to length.
    Pandemic babies: These rats and cowards apparently never heard of “above all do no harm”. The harm is/was entirely predictable. I can’t believe the specialists in early childhood education and development, the speech and reading specialists, psychologists, and pediatricians didn’t question or challenge these policies. They didn’t even warn the public. If parents had known the risks, they could have taken steps to mitigate. They utterly failed America’s children. Will the PTB, public health, professional organizations, and the unions, get away with it? Maybe ultimately there will be comparative studies between USA and other countries, who were not so draconian.

    1. The MSM, has been very dismissive of any criticism over the treatment of children, which was beyond harmful, but, frankly abusive and cruel. For example, I’ve read claims that there are no studies, that show masking is harmful to children. Beware of statements like this; they are deceptive. They include no stats, no mention of variables like age, or the frequency or the number of hours of exposure, etc….Be very skeptical that there have been any studies, whatsoever, because frankly, I don’t see how they could be ethical or pre-pandemic and untainted.

      1. This doctor from Toronto, seems to be fighting back.
        Dr. Chris Shoemaker a scientist and a doctor , who was duped into getting 2 shots , is banging the drum loud and hard.
        He is expounding on Denmark’s decision to stop all clot shots being given to children citing a huge increase in deaths.
        Risk is up to 120% of dying in 6 months.
        He also recommends that NOBODY get anymore shots at ALL.

    2. Think of all the government money to pour in now for speech therapy and supplemental educational services. It will be a goldmine.

  2. “Finally, if there are any enterprising lawyers who specialize in class action lawsuits…”

    Sure. Be right with you … as soon as they’ve finished dispensing legal advice to medical associations and educational facilities on the merits of supporting mandatory jabbing.

  3. If the doctors live and breath at the leisure and behest of a Government that uses politics to decide your health care, then I want no part of it, nor do I want to fund it.

    I was a blood donor, and a registered organ donor, until I read that they would not place an organ with an unvaccinated individual. I am unvaccinated, and up to now have given blood freely. I wanted to help others, but now I no longer support our corrupted medical professions with their 10 gold plated administrators to every doctor, and their penchant for suppressing science. Some vaccinated fool, is going to have to do without my help. Pity, but I cannot support such a system.

    In other news, my crops are relentlessly productive this year. I’m pulling a 100+ tomatoes a day, and our freezers/cellar are getting full. Anyone else having a bountiful year?

    1. What is so outrageous about refusing to transplant into unvaxed people? It’s the fact that the organ recipient is given immunosuppressants to prevent rejection.

      Medical and political people refusing to treat the unvaxed are evil idiots.

  4. TDS affected so many decisions.
    Hydroxychloroquine was demonized and made unavailable immediately after Trump named it as a possible treatment.
    The one company (I forget the name) that was experimenting with ultraviolet (sunlight) as a treatment was deplatformed after Trump voiced his thoughts on their research being hopeful.
    Not sure of the back story to Ivermectin, which was available on the shelves at farm stores until the covid madness. That may have been due to TDS directly, or just the fanatical rush to suppress all effective treatment, in order to herd people toward the Jab. But it was all politics, not science.
    I recall one link from here of a woman (early on, when lefties were told the Jab would totally prevent covid) who took the jab, but still wore a mask. She was asked why, in light of the all-sufficiency of the Might Jab, she would still wear a mask.
    She replied “I don’t want people to think I am a Trump supporter.”
    That, dear friends, is the motivation behind most of the choices that certain groups made. Schools, hospitals, universities, some businesses – still pretending, because they want to show what Side they are on – the elites or the deplorables.
    Why am I even bothering to type this?…..this is so obvious, and I am so tired of the other side’s inane tribal identification of so many aspects of life.

    1. Thank you for your insight. I’m in Utah for a month and am seeing a higher than usual number of mask wearers, even outside. I am tempted to ask some of them what their motivations for wearing a mask, including outside with no one around, are. I hadn’t considered the “so people won’t think I’m a Trump supporter” possibility but this may be one possibility too.

      1. Another possibility is it’s great to hide your identity when doing criminal activities.
        Or you don’t want to be identified by authorities.

  5. Drs Drew, McCullough, and Malone have speculated on why their profession “tugged the forelock” so avidly and submitted to “experts” who had little to no clinical experience. The medical professionals didn’t even stand up to the cancellation of people who asked the most routine and innocuous questions.

    1. “Drs Drew, McCullough, and Malone have speculated on why their profession “tugged the forelock” so avidly and submitted to “experts” …”

      Simple. It wasn’t so much that they followed the ‘experts’, but rather, what the medical association lawyers and the malpractice insurance companies said: “The governments have passed legislation that limits your (our) liability if you support the jab … but you’re all alone if you don’t.”

  6. I read an article years ago that applies directly to this medical organization, the teachers’ union I was a member of, and most any other large organization.
    Part of the problem is that in any large organization there are two types of members – those who are committed to the goals of the organization, and those who are committed to the organization itself. An example would be the beloved Mrs. Brown, who spent her entire teaching career doing the very best she could to educate and prepare her Grade 5 students for life. She was a member of the STF, as all teachers had to be, but was completely focused on the goals of education – teaching children.
    These are the people who do a good job, then go home to their families, and retire in relative obscurity. (True individual, BTW)

    Across the hall was another teacher, who was actively involved in the STF, going to all the extra meetings, getting on board with the latest programs regardless of their effects on student learning, and endearing herself to Head Office. More dedicated to personal advancement than family, or to the students in front of her.
    A ladder climber. Not a particularly good teacher, but fanatical about teacher welfare, being an “agent of change” and educational activism.
    She ended up first as a VP, then a Principal, and finally an Assistant Superintendent, making policy and choosing whom to hire for the entire school division, which of course had a huge impact on the overall eventual direction of education in that division. (A compilation of True Individuals)
    Almost every large organization suffers from this dichotomy. The ladder climbers are concerned with optics, being on board with what they perceive to be current trends, and bolstering what they think is the image of the organization. In their elite bubble, they drift further and further from the original goals of the organization (teaching, nursing, pediatrics, city councils, law enforcement, school boards….some “ahem” political parties) and become more focused on the care, grooming, and welfare of the Beast that the organization itself has become.
    The Worker Bees toiling in the classrooms, on the wards, the factory floors, farms, and offices carry on, trying to cope with the pronouncements and policies from their (self proclaimed) elites, and wonder why there is such a schism in the occupation they once believed in.
    The answer is in focus – those who serve the original goals of the profession (in this post, caring for children) and those who serve the professional organization itself, often betraying those original goals for political expediency, personal advancement, and identification with Current Causes, which nowadays translates as the latest Woke Signaling.

    1. If you’re not indoctrinated into corruption…you’re classed as the problem.
      You can’t say, ‘Hey, we all were, at some point, physically abused by the system of the day’…it wasn’t just a certain minority group that now is getting financial compensation.
      The hypocrites are screaming poor me while using, wearing or driving products that were not made by ancestors hands.

  7. In life there are always only two choices…

    Do Good..


    Do Evil…

    It’s as simple as that…

    The worst choice is saying and doing nothing…

    That’s you choosing the weakling choice…

    Either way…

    Many allowed themselves to be pushed bullied into silently into doing evil…

    There’s a reason why they have tried to stop bullying for a very long time…

    To deprogram your backbone that kids bullying builds…

    Remember kids are constantly learning what is good and what is not so bullying is a natural response.

    But in the end…

    You made your choice…

    How many died .doc’s by your own personal weakling choices…

    That’s on your soul…

    Not mine…

    1. Not only does no bullying reduce the backbone everyone should of had…

      It was more sinister than that…

      It helped train the psychopathic kids to do their evil in silence..

      With No Bullying…

      They fell off the radar…

      We couldn’t see them anymore…

      Are psychopathic kids a product of God or the vaccine industry…

      1. Sometimes when I see numbers I check the Bible to what might come up…

        It hits the mark every time that remembering to check and I found this…

        Not from the Bible but from searching…

        Never knew until right now..

        You check the time on your watch and suddenly happen to come across the hour 10:01, although this isn’t the first time that you’ve seen this rather special hour on the clock. The hour which you see so often is actually a reversed mirror hour and has a significance that you would do well to learn more about. The reversed mirror hour 10:01 that appears to you on a regular basis may be an omen of something bad in your future.

        It symbolizes a lack of self-confidence, a lack of realization, unemployment, misfortune, and stagnation. But don’t panic, this just means that you need to be aware of a particular event, develop your way of thinking, and take another look at your priorities. You should seek advice to help your life progress more smoothly.

        It is through specific hours on the clock like the reversed mirror hour 10:01 that the angels try to send us messages and attract our attention. We must recognize that the guardian angels guide us in our emotions, our thoughts, our ideas, and our actions. It is through signs like reversed mirror hours that they communicate with us and give us guidance in our daily lives.

        Our eyes land upon these hours unconsciously in an almost extraordinary way and our subconscious will often try to look for mystic significance within them. The guardian angels want to use these mirror hours to help us in our daily lives and it is up to us to pay close attention and take the time to figure out the messages that have been hidden within them. To discover the hidden meaning behind mirror hours we need to use our innate intuitive abilities.


        1. The social study of serial killers

          Kevin Haggerty and Ariane Ellerbrok examine the cultural and historical context of serial killing

          The study of serial killers has been dominated by an individualised focus on studying the biography of offenders and the causes of their behaviour. Popular representations of Jeffrey Dahmer, Harold Shipman, John Wayne Gacy and other notorious figures emphasise the sociopathic tendencies of the lone serial killer, presented in accounts that accentuate how assorted personality traits and risk factors ostensibly contribute to their otherwise unfathomable behaviour. While this emphasis on personal biography lends itself to much needed psychological analysis, the cumulative effect of such accounts is that serial killing can appear a-historical and a-cultural, as though such predispositions might manifest themselves in identical ways irrespective of context.


          This is them…

          Was bullying a cause of serial killers or to help hide them…

          Them who want us all dead…

          Sorry everyone…

          I just couldn’t help myself post what was going through me at the time when I started posting on this thread…

  8. I remember 20+ years ago my child’s pediatrician asking: “Do you have any guns in the house?”
    Me: “Not that it is any of your business, but yes, yes I do. As my parents did, and my grandparents and my great-grandparents.”

  9. Everybody involved with covid policy top to bottom needs to go.. When it broke it broke along political lines.. That is the moment BS was permitted into the room.. All of them were doing jobs they were not qualified to do (politicians) or accredited organizations with far to much power over their professional members (doctors & scientists)..

    A coup to grab the wheel away from Donald Trump..

    The fact that this was permitted to happen on a global scale proves that democracy ended with social media.. Mob rule and cancel culture has seen to that.. I will not be voting anymore..

  10. The impact of all this BAD public policy toward our children? My 1st Grade Teacher wife just completed comprehensive testing for her kids. 60% are behind grade level and 20% are TWO grades behind. Yes … you can actually be two grades behind in 1st Grade. The kids cannot even do work expected of TK students … Transitional Kindergarten. What do they need to know? Things like words that Rhyme.

    So, 80% of her students are behind Grade level. This is something like her 30th year of teaching and NEVER … EVER … have her students been so far behind. Quite literally … my 2-1/2yo grandson has better language skills than 20% of her 6yo students.

    So, 80% of her students will probably never catch up to grade level. And these are mostly poor *ahem* “urban” children … who will claim that it’s the white man’s biased curriculum that is at fault. So the UNIONISTAS will demand a further lowering of academic standards because equity or something. And the divide between Gavin Newsom’s privately educated children and 80% of California’s children will widen further.

    The people responsible for these policies should be in prison. Politicizing our children’s … err, YOUR children’s education and health should be a criminal offense.

  11. Above and beyond the issues of emotional/social development, masking young children has consequences for their neuro-cognitive development.
    Reading is the foundation of Education,
    Phonemic (sounds of language) awareness is the foundation of Reading.
    This is not to be trifled with. The science of reading, has established that young children must see the faces, lip and mouth movements of their care givers. They should hear the sounds of language as crisply and distinctly as possible, not muffled by a mask. Failure in this, leads to deficits in “phonemic awareness”, which is highly correlated to the emergence of dyslexia and other learning disorders.
    In the USA, 30 % of children have significant reading disabilities, including dyslexia. I expect that covid policies will greatly expand these numbers. While it’s possible to intervene, there is a window of opportunity to do so effectively and efficiently; it becomes more difficult overtime.
    Consider also that children with reading disabilities are more often than not undermined by shame and humiliation that is not only difficult to overcome but emerges more intensely and earlier and earlier with each defeat.
    Why didn’t the Early childhood experts, Pediatricians, Psychologists, Educators, Speech Pathologists, Reading Specialists point out the risks of masking young children and exposing them to masked teachers and day care personnel? They just stood by without even issuing warnings or PSAs to parents, so that the parents could attempt to remediate at home.
    Did you know that the majority of prisoners have reading difficulties, almost half are dyslexic. Some state corrections agencies use grade school reading scores to plan for future prison capacity.
    I’m linking a talk on some of the latest research on teaching Reading. In this talk, Michelle Elia is only addressing Literacy in general. Dyslexia and reading disabilities present a more difficult approach. Sorry for the jargon but it is still understandable.

  12. Sorry for being repetitive but this knowledge must be widely disseminated:

    If you are a parent or relative of a pre-school child who is in a masked day care or Pre-K setting, double down on the following: reading aloud with feeling and rhythm, teaching nursery rhymes and alliteration (Peter Piper picked a peck….), clearly enunciating the sounds of our language (the distinct, individual sounds composing a syllable or word), and as much interactive speech as possible.” I spy” games are useful, I see something that starts with “b”. You may or may not know this, but your verbal memory, required for reading and writing, is stored in the brain as phonemes (sounds) not letter forms. Yes, all of these tasks are common sense and in the repertoire of most families. If you have a family history of dyslexia and other reading difficulties, then you must incorporate a more systematic, explicit, sequential, repetitive, multi modal approach, too much to go into here.
    Reading is foundational to Education,
    Speech is foundational to Reading.
    Phonemic awareness is foundational to Speech and Reading.
    Pre-K Educators, Pediatricians, and Educational Psychologists, and other experts know this. This has become indisputable over the last 20+ years, not to mention that it is common sense. Did you know that children are starting to read lips when they start babbling? Children must see your facial expressions, the movement of your lips and mouth as you speak, as well as hear clearly and distinctly the separate sounds of our language, not speech muffled by a mask. Think of how little difference there is between the sounds, “t” and “d”, or the other “brother” sound consonants; s-z, k-g etc.
    Birth to Kindergarten is a crucial time for activating, establishing and networking those areas of the brain required for Reading fluency and comprehension. This is disrupted and impeded by masking. I expect the population of children with reading difficulties to be greatly increased by masking.
