63 Replies to “That Went Well”

    1. I just pray to God the “officers” used correct pronouns when arresting that perp.
      Because that’s what is important. Apparently.
      Public safety certainly isn’t.

  1. You can tell the point at which he thinks, “Wait a minute, I’m being handcuffed by two slightly overweight women half my strength. Could I …. ? Hey, let’s give it a shot! What’s the worst that could happen? Lose my jacket maybe?”

    P.S. what language was being spoken by the filmer / narrator? Not recognizable as either English or French. My wife and I spent a lot of time in Quebec in the late ’70s/early 80s, and even the laziest, most slurred Joual had a few recognizable syllables.

    1. I was wondering the same thing, and I was born there. Sounds like pig french, whatever they speak in Haiti. Patois.

  2. Question to the class: should the camera operator have supported his local PD and assisted in the detention? I think so.

    1. In former times-maybe, nowadays fuckem they are not the publics friend or even employee.

    2. Hell no. When they stop behaving like an occupation force, when they become accountable for their fuck ups then maybe they will regain enough public trust to count on our help. Until then they’re on their own.

    3. F*ck that noise. The cops chose sides in the repression of freedoms, they’re on their own. The two chubby feminazi’s would likely have accused him of “manssisting” or some other such BS. When the law is an ass, it is your patriotic duty to flaut it.

  3. Years ago my brother and I were at a Champcar race in Montreal. When the race was over we walked over the bridge to the parking lot and there were 4 or 5 Montreal cops standing there looking important. There wasn’t one of them over 5’6″ … and the tallest was a she.

    “Christ, better behave” said my brother out loud. “They brought all the big fellows out ”

    Scowls and dirty looks.

    1. Years ago I gaped at Toronto’s finest diversity hire asian cops at the Santa Claus parade. The looked like HO scale cops.

      Best case with cops like this, the perp escapes. In a worse scenario, the cops get stomped and he still escapes. Worst case, the lack of cop intimidation doesn’t quell the guy and the Hummel cops pull and use a gun as they’ve lost control of a situation, and somebody is dead.

      Lots of a-holes don’t respect the uniform but may grudgingly respect a big SOB inside it.

      Size works.


  4. What they obviously need is to replace those two with guys wearing skirts…that way they keep their diversity, the statistical female employees don’t change, and that derelict ends up in the pokey. Everybody wins…and the police look Fabbbbbbbulous…ready for town and country.

  5. I don’t think that was what they meant when he was told, “Go ahead, make my day.”

    If those policeladies get tired of working in Montreal, maybe they could go to Calgary and keep outdoor ice rinks safe. On second thought…..

    1. Haha! Good one B A — I recall the Rebel News video from last winter that you’re referring to with the female cops trying to arrest a young fellow minding his own business and bothering no one.

      1. Both incidents were an embarrassment to the respective police forces.

        Any bets that none of those lady cops are going to be disciplined?

        1. Yes. This is an excellent opportunity for the Police Force Superiors to reconsider their management style. Pairing male and female cops works better than pairing two women, for obvious reasons, physically, the women just don’t cut it. Perhaps the discipline should go towards Management for allowing this pairing.

          I think these females should be promoted instead of disciplined. Generally, the females make excellent detectives due to their intuition and good communication skills.

          1. “Generally, the females make excellent detectives due to their intuition and good communication skills.”


          2. “Generally, the females make excellent detectives due to their intuition and good communication skills.”

            LOL, sure they do, especially those few crucial days every month.
            Sorry could not resist. Seriously though, good communication skills typically correlate with high IQ, and screening tests make sure that high IQ people need not apply. You think this is an exaggeration? No it is not, it is an explicit policy: https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836

  6. This is an excellent example of a waste of taxpayers money to hire people that are unqualified for the job.

    1. They are qualified for the job – i.e. they have the “qualifications” in the job specification. They just aren’t able to do the work.

  7. Story I’ve told likely hundreds of times to anyone willing to listen: Was about 19 or 20 at the time, about *yikes* 30 yrs ago, standing at the Square One shopping plaza here in Mississauga. I was waiting for a bus, when another bus, full of people, pulled up and then simply sat there for a few minutes. After a while, a she-cop walked up, the front door opened, and she got on.

    Another few moments passed before the doors opened and the people began to file off the bus. The doors closed again, and another minute or so passed. Eventually, the front door once again opened, and the she-cop got off, holding another young guy like a naughty child, by the WRIST.

    No sooner has his feet touched the pavement, when *yoink* went his arm, her grip was lost, and he was off like the Roadrunner! Across the parking lot, he was soon a dot on the horizon, and what was one of the funniest moments in my life was the look of utter shock, horror, and bewilderment on the she-cop’s face.

    I couldn’t help openly laughing at her, as the look on her face clearly switched back and forth from ‘There’s no way I’ll ever catch him’ and ‘How do I call for backup? How do I explain what happened?’ Both thoughts were like bubbles above her head as if from a comic book.

  8. In some jurisdictions to the south of us running might be a really bad idea especially if you’re part of the diversity crew.

  9. arent big fat les bians diversity? always amazing that even in uniform they dress the part . c’mon man, its the duds not the tools .

    1. Many of the female security agents at the Edmonton International Airport look like what you describe, being active members of the aforementioned Meal Team 6, along with lots of tattoos and coloured hair.

  10. They weren’t hired to enforce that law silly. They were hired to fulfill a hiring quota, in this care an obese white female quota.

  11. There was a time when I supported the police… Not anymore.
    Their blind willingness to obey and support the edicts of the politician over the rights of the citizen, did it for me.

    1. I was with the police against these stupid “defunders” UNTIL I saw them wrestling citizens to the ground, cuffing their arms behind their backs and forcibly putting a mask on them.

  12. Yeah… I saw that earlier on an American site, and started howling in laughter. I’m pretty sure It’s gone viral by now. Can’t say I feel sorry for the female cops. Now why do you suppose someone at the Montreal Police department thought it would be a good idea to partner up two female officers together?

    Oh… did you think that was misogynistic? Well too bad for you, sunshine.

    This could have also been filed under the category of “if women ran the world.”
