The 9/11 Generation

Brothers in Arms:

These brothers in arms, whether they come from the urban jungles of New York, the farmlands of Saskatchewan, or the pastoral villages of Wales, have all become the 9/11 Generation. What many fail to recognize is that in the United States at least, this warrior generation is beginning just now to enter the political arena at home … and like the soldiers of the First and Second World Wars, it will have a profound effect on the direction of the nation.

Was Some Solyndra Money Funnelled into Democrat Campaigns?

Very interesting news is coming out of California surrounding the raid of Solyndra Inc. by the FBI. As Jeff Bliss reports, George Kaiser, who is one of Obama’s key fundraisers, has had 16 meetings with Obama aides at the White House, 11 of them in 2009. His first recorded meeting at the White House was on March 12, 2009. That same month was when the U.S. Energy Department awarded Solyndra the $535 Million loan guarantee to commercialize its cylindrical solar panels.
So what’s the connection? Kaiser’s firm, Argonaut Ventures and its affiliates, are the single largest shareholder of Solyndra.
Furthermore, as you will hear in this discussion between John Batchelor and Jeff Bliss, beginning at 9:40, there are strong suspicions that not all of that $535 Million remained at Solyndra. Some believe that a portion of it ended up in Democrat Party political campaigns.
Can you say “Greengate” 10 times, real fast?

More on this story can be read here, here, here, and seen here.

A Message for the Entitlement Generation

A tech entrepreneur named Jason Calacanis has written an interesting piece directed at today’s 20-something hyper-entitlement generation. Well worth a read!
Here’s a snippet:

Many millennials not only don’t want jobs, they simply don’t deserve them. They can’t take even a tiny amount of criticism and they need constant adulation for amazing efforts like, ummmm, showing up for work.
A frequent refrain I hear from these folks is, “I’ve been working here for almost six months and you haven’t recognized the work I’ve put in!” Of course my reaction to this is “Oh, I’m sorry, please tell me what you’ve accomplished.”
That is usually a short conversation which includes that the person came in and worked for the hours in which they were paid to work. In other words, they want the participation trophy. They want credit for coming to work for the hours they’ve been paid. That’s not how it works in my mind, but I decided to relent.

Related: Speaking of the entitlement generation, it turns out that Kai Nagata hasn’t yet found an employer who appreciates him. Reading through his latest blog posting, it’s revealed that he still hates conservatives and is actively doing his part to destroy the Alberta oil industry. But he’s looking for you to pay for his lifestyle. Perhaps he can get the Alberta government to support him?!


Publius takes mighty umbrage at a slashing slight to his ethnicity of origin:

What? There’s no Portuguese? They’ve got Tamil and not Portuguese? Do you have to occupy an elevated highway to get any respect in this province? Leaving aside the inappropriateness of producing a campaign document in languages other than English and French, what exactly does Tim Hudak have against the Luso-Ontarian community? Did his cleaning lady abscond with the silverware?..

He’s also not best pleased with the Ontario PC’s election platform (which for some reason in not titled Changebook)–read all about it, esp fans of e. e. cummings.

A Truly ‘Conservative’ Message from Sarah Palin

A most interesting article about Sarah Palin has appeared in the NY Times. It actually appears to be … wait for it … in support of much of her message.
At a recent speech in Iowa, Palin touched upon several themes that should strike chords with true conservatives. In doing so, she made a distinction between conservatives and big-government Republicans. Here’s a key section:

Ms. Palin may be hinting at a new political alignment that would pit a vigorous localism against a kind of national-global institutionalism.
On one side would be those Americans who believe in the power of vast, well-developed institutions like Goldman Sachs, the Teamsters Union, General Electric, Google and the U.S. Department of Education to make the world better. On the other side would be people who believe that power, whether public or private, becomes corrupt and unresponsive the more remote and more anonymous it becomes; they would press to live in self-contained, self-governing enclaves that bear the burden of their own prosperity.

Well worth a read!
h/t Morris

America Then and Now: 10 Years Ago

Here are some interesting facts to consider:
# of People Employed in August 2001: 132.0 million
# of People Employed in August 2011: 131.1 million
Unemployment rate, August 2001: 4.9%
Unemployment rate, August 2011: 9.1%
Dow Jones Industrial Average – Sept. 10, 2001: 9605.01
Dow Jones Industrial Average – Sept. 8, 2011: 11295.81
Federal Spending % of GDP in 2001: approx. 18%
Federal Spending % of GDP in 2011: approx. 24%
Debt in 2001: around 32% of GDP
Debt in 2011: around 100% of GDP
The dollar has fallen 37 percent in the past decade
Gold has increased 500%

A Preview of President Zero’s Speech

At the beginning of Barack Obama’s reign, we were told by his sycophants in the mainstream media and other devotees in his Leftist Cult that he was The One, that he stands above the country, and that he is the smartest person to ever assume the U.S. presidency.
Almost 3 years later, reality won out over the hype. Reality sucks, eh?! After wasting trillions of dollars of borrowed taxpayer money, after burdening the American economy with an endless stream of disastrous statist/socialist policies, after fueling a class war & race war throughout the nation, now Obama & his minions are likely to do what dishonorable failed people always do: blame someone else.
John Batchelor and New York Representative Nan Hayworth provide a preview of what they expect to see in tonight’s speech. Thanks to Obama & co. 2012 will be one of the most divisive in America’s history. And the entire time, the leaders of China will sit back and be laughing.
Ezra Levant has a good summary of Barack Obama’s duplicitous track record. Might this evening finally be the moment in history when he finally embraces the “great conciliator” role we were promised he’d fill?
