Category: Media

Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors


… the wire service more appropriately known as the Administration’s Press is back to its old tricks, and then some. On Wednesday, as will be seen after the jump, reporter Russ Bynum disgracefully covered up a geographic gaffe by President Obama during his Tuesday appearance on Jay Leno’s show […] by putting words Obama didn’t say into his mouth…

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No one will weep for these liars who have misled generations of people by deceit, or omission, of the reality of this World. For Collectivist fantasy. The Unicorns are finally goring themselves. When Stalin was a big name they lauded him. Mugabe was the Savour of Africa. Mandella the new Moses of racial harmony. Hitler a great economist. Look how it all turned out. Mass Murder hidden by these maggots of myth. The so called intelligentsia of journalism is just a common bawdy house full of decrepit whores of totalitarianism. The mammals in the end will win.”

Deep Impact

Michael Walsh;

In any case, it’s all over for the MSM. When I started at Time in 1981 under its last great managing editor, Ray Cave, it was commonly acknowledged that the Big Seven media outlets decided what was and was not news for the American public: the New York Times, the Washington Post, Time, Newsweek and the three broadcast networks. Today, not so much. In their place have come the small furry mammals of the Internet, harassing and ultimately supplanting the Manhattan- and Washington-bound dinosaurs. Somewhere along the line, Sousa’s Washington Post March turned into a march of the falsettos. The old media continued to bleat, but once they proudly jettisoned the outdated notion of at least nominally “objective” journalism in favor of “higher truth” and partisan cheerleading, their audience abandoned them.
The irony is that many mainstream journalists spent the better parts of their careers striving to become opinion journalists and talking heads instead of grubby reporters, and all of a sudden they find themselves in a democratized world in which everybody is a talking head and opinion journalist.

Related: Fear and Loathing at the Newstands

CTV’s Randomly Selected Eco-Socialist In The Street Interview

James, via email;

CTV Ottawa just ran a story on its 6 o’clock news about Trans-Canada’s plan to run crude-oil through a natural gas pipeline that goes through eastern Ontario.
It did one interview with a “concerned resident”…this dickhead: Ian Angus.
They presented this interview without identifying him as the leftist, socialist, arsehole that he is. Just another “man in the street”.
I hope you can come up with the CTV Ottawa footage – I just don’t have the knowhow.

And I’m on the road and don’t have the time or resources. If someone can come up with the clip, pass it along. Dishonest agenda journalism or incompetence? You can mock them here.
Update: The clip is here along with a better Twitter link to the incompetent/dishonest reporter responsible: Joanne Schnurr.

If Obama Had A Son…

He’d look like schadenfreude.

A CBS2/KCAL9 photographer and reporter were assaulted Monday night while covering a George Zimmerman protest in Crenshaw.
Reporter Dave Bryan was conducting an interview around 10 p.m. when the suspect tackled him and his photographer, the station confirmed.
“All of the sudden, this guy came up from behind, he had a hood, and he knocked David on the head and he pushed the camera guy down. The camera guy went down, the camera went down, David went down,” witness Joseph Deguerre, said. “I was in shock.”

In Oakland;

Several journalists, however, including photographers for The San Francisco Chronicle and the Bay Area News Group, were accosted by protesters late in the night near Dogwood, suffering minor injuries.

The media created the monster. May it feed on them first.
