30 Replies to “Joe Biden, Warmonger?”

  1. You’ll believe whatever you want to. You’re in with Glenn Greenwald and the like.

    In reality, Biden was against Obama’s Afghanistan surge and wanted to limit the US activities there to just striking at ‘the worst of the worst’ elements. I am not necessarily a fan of this course of action but it puts truth to the ‘Biden warmonger’ lie.

    1. It doesn’t actually matter what Biden is or wants. He’s a brain-addled old pervert who’s controlled by the Clinton-Obama axis, and it is full of proven war-mongers. Four years of Trump = no new wars and peace breaking out all over the Middle East. Back to the Democrat-Military complex and war will break out all over the place if Daddy Bad Finger ascends the Peacock Throne. Not because Biden is a warmonger, but everyone around him is. Too much profit in it, as Bad Dog Mattis’ most recent oped proved (speaking of another overrated, warmongering idiot – and I say that as a retired combat arms officer)

      1. “Four years of Trump = no new wars and peace breaking out all over the Middle East.”

        Correlation =/= causation. His abandonment of the Kurds was incredibly worse for American in the long run than the (surprisingly meaningless) US bombing of Libya in 2011. Yeah it’s great that he’s leaving Afghanistan but he should have done that literally years ago.

        1. talk about mis-direction. Betrayal of the Kurds aside the unprecedented peace agreements in the ME are purely the efforts of DT bearing fruit. The only question in my mind is will Biden warm things up in Venezuela before his troop surge in Iraq. Long dirty little wars are good for business, and Bidens track record of profit is easy to trace.

        2. Clueless to the end. The kurds are not our allies, nor are they on the side of angels. And they are irrelevant. The fact Canada is dumb enough to embed SF troops with the kurds is just par for the course. Try again, pillow-biter.

    2. Thanks for connecting me with the ranks of Glenn Greenwald and Matt Taibbi. I realize you meant it as an insult. But I’ve long realized what an ignorant anonymous troll you are. Did your mother let you out of her basement for a few hours to spew your venom this way? Are you taking a break from torturing kittens and puppies and felt that need bubble up again to release your suppressed anger?!

      What a vile little cretin you are!

    3. Biden voted for the Iraq War. His brother got a half a billion dollar contract for rebuilding the buildings that Joe voted to destroy. His brother had zero experience in that kind fo thing. Sound familiar?

  2. Of course Biden was against the surge. There wasn’t enough money in it for him and his family.

      1. Joe Biden went to negotiate the Status of Forces agreement with Iraq, Iraq told America to pound sand, but half a billion dollars went to Joe’s brother James for rebuilding housing, It’s a matter of public record.

        Joe Biden went to China told to negotiate over the Spratley Islands. China told America to pound sand, but gave Hunter a huge investment in his novice, no experience, “hedge fund.”

        You know there is an email from the kleptocrat who stole billions in oil leases from the people of Ukraine thanking Hunter for getting a meeting with Joe, that Joe denies happened, except there is a picture, and the email also requested help with said kleptocrat’s legal problems with Ukraine. Joe fired the prosecutor, and the guy who stole billions in his role in the government of Ukraine got off the hook.

        The email is on the laptop, the rest of the story is in the New York Times. Joe’s corruption is an open secret, you seem to be the last to know.

        “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f— things up” – BHO

  3. Biden didn’t want surge and …. VICTORY! Biden profits MOST from quagmires. US wars that drag on forever … THAT is what makes common sense.

  4. Progressivism means interventionist government, leading to more regulation and taxation, destroying productivity, increasing inflation, the cure for that being – when not blaming, jailing and cancelling citizens for corrupt fascist folly, as always – is WAR.

    Add to that RINOs and neocons bellying up to the statist trough, and suddenly it’s important to invade somebody.

    How amazing Americans have managed to vote for people who will do the opposite of what they want.

    Twice fooled so shame on them. What else can be said about voters who escape risk by maximizing it onto themselves.

  5. I’ve already contracted BDS and will soon flip out on social media for everyone to see. Stand by.

    1. If you don’t think Biden is a disaster, I have a lovely bridge I think you’d be interested in taking on as an investment property.

  6. Despite what shitbag at the top has spewed, Biden has never been against any surge except employment of black people and republicans.
    But its neither here nor there because The Old Fool won’t be making any decisions. Although he won’t know that.

  7. I believe more and more that we will soon see a false-flag attack on an American target, possibly Mid-East but not necessarily, to be blamed on Iran (or maybe Russia), and this will be used to push the election out of the public mind and “legitimise” a Biden (Harris) Presidency, with people of the “Right” being demonised as disloyal in the manner we saw used against opponents in the W Bush Presidency and Iraq invasion. I have no doubt that everything is on the Table.

  8. Joe Biden’s first act as president will be to destroy any evidence of he and son Hunter’s illegal activities including the laptop which is in the hands of the FBI. The FBI is part of the swamp so they will turn it over as instructed. The U.S will now enter into four years of corruption similar to the eight years under Obama

    1. The problem is that various copies of the laptop exist.

      They know this, it’s why they cheated so sloppily.

      I just hope their desperation doesn’t turn to violence, but with Democrats it always does.

  9. This is Obama’s third term, four years later than planned. Biden didn’t pick Kamala, Obama did. Once Biden looks like he’s about to oppose the Obama agenda that’ll be the start of the Kamala presidency.

  10. Meanwhile, China wins the big war by firing one virus at us.

    Will they allow Joe Biden and Company to set the Middle East on fire?

    Does liberal lust for war help or hinder the belt and road initiative?

  11. Come now,Joe will be innocent should any war start,like his old boss,the first time he hears about it will be in the evening news..
    Except in Joe’s case,that will be true.
    The Retreads all moving into the vacuum that is to be the Biden Presidency,or so they believe,will start a war,location irrelevant, cause they got a whole bunch of lost time and cashing in to do.
    Damn I am hoping President Trump did his homework and is planning on going old school,even medieval,on these treacherous slimebags.
    That is Military Tribunals followed by prison would be grand..But hung drawn and quartered is a more just fate.

  12. John R – that will be the last he hears about any war as well – he’ll be safely ensconsed under the step in Pennsylvania. Someplace.
    I don’t see him in the White House this summer, more likely the ‘Big’ House if the existing PM stays the course and God help us if he does not!
    The ‘West’ cannot live with a biden/hairass presidency. Never. Unless we start to study Mandarin, cantonees or whatever. We are all dead in the water.

  13. Maybe the U.S. troops will be fighting a war against the deep state, that would be interesting, wonder who would be commanding them?

    I lean towards the same idea as above, Biden will not become president, Trump is not down and out yet, there are legal avenues still available and there’s the possibility that some critical mass of state governors, military leaders and influential citizens will come together to put pressure on Congress not to ratify any Electoral College submission that Biden has won.

    Simply put, if the deep state wins this time, there won’t be a republic left, what will emerge is the nucleus of America the globalist showpiece, meant to be easily merged into a global community that the United Nations will be building (with our boy Justin leading the way). Once that is created, China can rule as they have desired to do without opposition. America will settle down to become another post-national state like Canada, a hotel for the world, and as long as currency can be manipulated, relatively prosperous despite the almost total absence of actual productive work. People will be selling concepts to each other, and boutique items nobody needs, and personal services.

    It would likely all fall apart at some point but by then the elites will be walled in and not really too worried about what happens outside the gates. In fact a massive reduction of the earth’s population would suit them fine. President Harris would be in charge by mid-2021, Biden will either voluntarily step aside (my work here is done) or find it a hard ride down the basement stairs.

  14. Foreign Wars.
    Liberals do 2 things. They start almost all the wars. They accuse the Conservatives of being war mongers. Conservatives do not start wars because they fought in the last one while the Liberals stayed home and knitted socks.
    (1) South Africa
    (2) WW II
    (3) Korea
    (4) Afghanistan

    (1) WW I

  15. Ronald Reagan entered the White House at age 69.
    Biden is 78. Has had two stroke brain operations and was never bright to begin with, even if he was tops in his law school, ( bottom 10% ).
    Biden will be older going in the WH, then Reagan’s last day in the WH.

    Pass the soft foods…
