53 Replies to “I, Napoleon”

  1. Can you say another screwed up kid with no idea what a real shitty future his parents are creating for him/her/it…
    Another She-man in the making? We shall see.

      1. Look around the room. These are all morbidly obese, fugly, lesbians … imprinting their own insanity on poor little children. Sorry to be so “mean” … but this behavior (harming little children) warrants a no-bullshit harsh response.

        I’m NEVER going to “normalize” and “accept” this SICK, SICK, SICK, twisted and demented “culture”. IMHO … Child Protective Services should remove “Phoenix” from HIS lezbo home. God knows WHAT these women are doing to their kid behind closed doors … if they’re willing to effectively cut off his schmenge in public.

    1. Maybe he’ll come out of this okay. This article says he may.

      The youngest subject in the film, Phoenix, is just four years old when filming began. While their parents are supportive at first, once Phoenix de-transitions and begins identifying as a boy, their mother does a complete 180, calling transgender identity “a mental disorder.”

      So the boy “begins identifying as a boy” and escapes a life of regret, no thanks to his parents; although his mother does come to her senses at that point. His parents have divorced around this time and the father’s reaction isn’t given in the article.

      Even though he’s still a boy and now plans to stay that way, instead of saying “his parents” and “his mother” this brainwashed journalist uses the pronoun “their.” There was only one of him that I could see. Maybe she thinks he’s “two-spirited.”

  2. Never mind the kid being screwed up, how about that collection in the congregation that sat there and endorse this idiocy, how screwed up are they?

    1. Its sick, clear child abuse, while everyone pats themselves on the head.

      What idiotic apostate church is this? United, Episcopal/Anglican, Presby, or some other gay/socialist “church, approved by SJWs and communists everywhere.

      Mommy is so proud, forcing her kid to accept political norms that they aren’t aware of.

  3. And people wonder why it’s been years since I last regularly attended worship services….

  4. Ah, when the church of Satan is allowed to prosper.

    May Holy Spirit protect and heal that boy’s confusion and the lies being spun to bring misery to his years here on earth.

    The millstone will weight heavy on each of the congregants necks, especially the leader. God be merciful to these children. Smash the teeth of the wicked.

    Arise, Adonai ! Deliver me, my God! For you strike all my enemies on the cheek. You shatter the teeth of the wicked.
    Psalms 3:8 TLV

  5. Phoenix is one of the lucky ones. His mother finally saw the error of her ways, moved back in with her blessedly sane parents and left Phoenix’s father—who was no doubt planning to live out his own disgusting fantasies vicariously through his son.

  6. One can onIy hope, that when these damaged kids grow up to be damaged aduIts, that they remember it was their parents (most IikeIy the mom) who used them as an attention and virtue signaIIing device. And one further hopes, that when these damaged peopIe go nuts and grab a gun, that they start with the parents who programmed them; before turning it upon themseIves.

    1. My thoughts exactly. This disgusting piece of garbage is willing to destroy her own child’s life for woke points with her equally disgusting friends.

  7. In a few years the child will be forced into hormone therapy by the parents, and eventually surgery will be recommended by one or more “medical professionals” – vampires posing as human beings in other words. This has already happened many times.

    I’m a lifelong agnostic, but I’m starting to believe in Satan.

    1. Michael. I you believe in Satan, then you believe in God. Without God there can not be a Satan.

      1. I understand this. Let me just say that it’s a process. Some people experience revelation, and some like me have to intellectualize it. In times like these I identify strongly with the idea of God described in Glacierman’s post above. Thanks Ranger. 🙂

    1. Agreed Tanker, and I’m an atheist, but respect anyone’s beliefs as long as they are not rabid about it like the followers of Islam! I would bet that if a straight married couple with normal children were to attempt to join that “congregation”, they would be ostracized by the rest of the people there. What a sad sick world these disgusting creatures are creating.

  8. I see many Psychiatrist bills in the future for this child. Assuming it does not commit suicide first.

    1. cal2, Your remark caused a chuckle, but the image I’ll get every time I pick up a Turkey baster, was not nice to impose on anyone.

  9. It would have been hard to imagine back in the 1970s but today there are many thousands of mothers even loonier than the one that spawned our current PM.

  10. That is disgusting!!! The parent who encourages their child that way should be jailed. That is totally provable, blatant child abuse.

  11. If the kid was ever to be charged with parricide and I end up on the jury, the kid will walk.

  12. Was that really a “church”?
    These people are evil.
    Those children are abused.
    I hope to see Mill stones hanging from necks for what they are doing.
    Of course, most of those “women” didn’t seem to have actual necks.

  13. This reminds me of “Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSBP), a mental health problem in which a caregiver makes up or causes an illness or injury in a person under his or her care, such as a child, an elderly adult, or a person who has a disability. Because vulnerable people are the victims, MSBP is a form of child abuse or elder abuse.”


    Kids are not lumps of clay for parents to shape or warp according to their own peculiar fetish or leaning.

    1. Exactly correct diagnosis.
      And nobody can report the parents to Child and Family Services, because then you’d be labeled a transphobe.

  14. I am irritated that this comment contributes in an inestiminably small way to the recognition these pathetic attention whores so desperately seek. So I didn’t play the video.

    We can only hope that 16 or 20 years down the road kid turns into a decent human. Failing that, I hope he gives this pair of turds their “Just an Excitable Boy” moment.

  15. In a sane world the parents would be arrested and charged with child abuse and the child would be removed from their custody.

    1. “In a sane world the parents would be arrested …”

      If only our child welfare agencies weren’t so busy with all the hardcore abusers … you know, Mennonites who reserve the right to spank their kids.

    2. Yep, but instead we’re living in the Kafkaesque world where denying a confused child their fantasies is considered child abuse.

    3. Steve, this world lost it’s sanity a good while back. It’s us straights that get the whipping now.

  16. Huh. You can’t even see the strings.
    God damn these conceited people for doing this to a child.

    1. I saw which one was you when I was removing the dogshit from my backyard the other day. Now you live in a plastic bag and will soon be on your way to the landfill.

      Just kidding – you’re the fat dyke with a buzzcut at far left in the opening shot. Funny that you called me an Internet “TuffGai” the other day; my grandmother could take you and she’s been dead since 2012, you fucking hippo.

  17. My first grade teacher (a female) dressed her son as a girl until he was of school age. He came out of the closet when he left home.

    He eventually committed suicide.

  18. Liberal logic: Telling a child that he or she is another sex or gender. Even going so far as to start reassignment surgery. Despite damage done to the child’s mental health, it is “perfectly normal.”
    Conversation therapy, on the other hand, is verboten. Liberals are sick bastards.

  19. we have one as chief medical officer in soviet clusterfukastan. you know it was a political appointment to even things up in the fraggle rock misfit bunch at the top

    1. cal2,Good one, that’s the second zinger in the same thread. Although I’m thinking “Fragile” rock misfits.

  20. Our mistake was letting the degenerates out of the closet. Now how the hell are we supposed to put the toothpaste back in the tube?

  21. I see the only “gender” left out of the introduction was heterosexual. That says it all.

    Watching that reminded me of Rosemary’s Baby which I haven’t seen since it’s release. Creepy definitely.

  22. Everything is normal. Psychosis is normal, murder is normal, nothing is abnormal because everything we see, hear, feel and observe occurs on a regular basis. That doesn’t mean it’s desirable, or even something we want to tolerate, but unless we draw a line in the sand, we will get what we allow. Probably bizarro world. It is going to get really crazy, very crazy, soon.

  23. Absolutely horrific. That anyone would do that to a child breaks my heart.

    I couldn’t even watch it all. Whatever he decides is fine with me, but you don’t make those decisions at that age without coercion.
