20 Replies to “Good News”

  1. I kinda suspect he wasn’t in too much danger in jail, he probably got a lot of respect and would have had inmates protecting him.

      1. Damn fine shot.. Seal team six should come calling.. He is needed everywhere now..#JustCallKyle!

  2. “Thanks to ALL who helped this boy.”

    This “boy” is more of a man than 95% of Americans. (Never mind us Canadians…)

    1. The ” boy ” has big, big giant brass balls.
      Definitively trust him to have my back in combat.

  3. Get back to me when Kyle arrives safely in a country willing to grant him asylum.

    The Biden gang will move heaven and earth to toss him back in the can, where he can be safely be made an example of by any of a number of their “diverse” allies.

    Kyle is out of jail. He is not free.

    1. The Biden gang will have their own issues to deal with once Trump is re-elected. Biden and others are compromised. As Lin Wood has stated, lots of people will be going to jail.

  4. I have little doubt that he is on Trump’s pardon list if he loses and moves out of the Whitehouse.
    He is certainly more deserving than the band of criminals, thugs and degenerates that Obama pardoned.

  5. I’m 100% in favor of shooting orcs *when necessary*. However this kid took an AR-15 to a volatile street protest. The first rule of self-defense is don’t put yourself in harm’s way on purpose. Had the orcs been swarming through his neighborhood then mag dump time. Repeat as necessary. But this situation is not as clear cut as many of us conservatives pretend.

    1. steve, don’t include me in your “us conservatives”. This a clear case of law failure, and a kid picking up the slack, now git back to me once you grow some nutz!

    2. Stand by and let the thugs burn things and loot. You must be a City Councilman, or County Commissioner somewhere, eh? Just like all the other feckless LOSERS who stood by and let the nig-nags Burn Loot and Murder.
