56 Replies to “Money Well Wasted”

    1. Kenji, he used up all the grease when he used it for several racist blackface episodes.

      Oh, and one banana, as well.

  1. Even the tin pot dictators and parasites of the UN have better taste than the Canadian electorate or perhaps they are more high class when it comes to being bought. Perhaps because they didn’t experience 50 plus years of institutional fawning and praise for the Trudeau dynasty, they were unmoved by his aura.

      1. “No one gives a shit”
        Probably what Pallister & Ford voters thought with regard to the “progressive” in Manitoba & Ontario ‘s progressive conservatives…

  2. How much foreign aid and programs were promised buying these votes? How many side deals for Liberal-friendly businesses to get deal in these countries and give kickbacks to the local politicians? I would suggest the actual number is a thousand times this amount.

    1. Only your pocketbook will tell you how much you’ve been shafted…..again…..and again….and again.

  3. Dear Santa,
    give us a length of rope under an ugly New York Christmas tree and we’ll find a way to make a gift that keeps on giving to every Canadian and American.

    1. We spend a lot of money on his failures. I wonder how much a success would cost us. We’ll probably never know.

  4. Don’t worry about your money or your liberty, Justin has re-imagined it for you.
    Canada doesn’t have the check and balance of mid-term elections.
    With the moribund NDP in tow, Canada is a one party state.

    This is bad; real bad. Btw, not a whiner, but someone who actually works, lives and breathes in the real economy, with experiential awareness of statism’s inherent inefficiencies and lack of discipline, that inevitably leads to decline, depravity and despair.

    That is their stock in trade; your despair. If you think covid will depress all things economic, wait for re-imagined battles against non-existent enemies like climate change, gender discrimination and invisible but dangerous white supremacists.

    All imagined, now re-imagined, none with any true cost benefit analysis, entirely unaccountable; so ideal to the ruling class.
    Unless of course, you’re a good little party member. What could go wrong with that?
    When people with no skin in the game rule you, what do you expect? I expect suited homeowners to get skinned very soon.

    1. The media and politicians are doing a hell of a good job in trying to make us hate ourselves.

  5. Of course he had to spend that money wining and dining Third World dictators, feeding them Canadian salmon and lobster. How far do you think he would have gotten if he served them only poutine and maple syrup?

      1. Correction, it is only borrowed and printed canadian money, zero value unless you are paying the money you borrowed with devalued dollars. there must be someone out there who knows what I mean?

        1. Correction: They have no clue about budgets.
          Free money….let’s party…
          Pay it back, na, make it a forgivable loan and party again…

  6. Bullshit. I don’t believe for a second it’s 2.3m. He was ‘entertaining’ some of the known worlds most infamous despots. Bribing duplicitous dictators and henchmen with Canadian tax dollars. Canada already sends 2 billion annually to Africa. That includes the countries the Bong was attempting to ‘influence’ like Senegal, Ethiopia, Tanzania, South Sudan etc. and what about our contributions to the Frank-Oh-Phonie? That cabal of fwench speaking counties that are led by murderers and human rights abusers. His personal ethics align very closely with theirs.

    All of the Bongs buddies took the money promising their vote and then turned around and voted for another country. That’s the kind of friends he cultivates.

    He got a personal slap down from the world he so very covets. It looks good on him. The problem is the Canadian taxpayer got stiffed with the bill for the Bong’s vanity project.

      1. Can he stay in office forever or does the PM have term limits;
        It would be a disaster for Canada if you keep him until he gets disabled or dies in office?

        Just asking?

        1. The only term limits in Canada are those imposed at the ballot box, by Party backroom shenanigans, or by retirement. Which was a massive mistake. The Americans only imposed presidential term limits in 1952, but I don’t think they have any others.

    1. I totally agree.
      The 2.5 million is the travel expense.
      The rest will be aid funding. With the mandatort kickback.
      No loudmouth, bumbling messy Foundations.
      African dictators are professional grifters

  7. In other wasted money and corruption news, Blackie is busy buying the media again. True North reports that over eighty five million dollars was paid in bribe money to Canadian magazines. This includes over one and a half million dollars to Macleans which is edited by Infrastructure Barbie’s husband.

    1. And that is the reason why we commoners are broke and being in the government is a profitable business.

      Once this accounting comes due, we will really be sorry shape as a country.

      1. To creditors. Won’t be long now till the Prime Minstrel does it all over again. Just throw a third shift on at the Funny Money Printing Press.

  8. At a certain level, you have to feel sorry for him, as execrable of a human being as he is. He’s like that one kid in high school. The one that was good looking, got good grades, was good enough to play on the sports teams, but never fit in with that one particular crew of “cool kids” that he so desperately wanted to be part of. The times he was included, it was because he had a car, or his folks were out of town for the weekend and the party was at his place. But no one ever actually liked him. He was always on the outside looking in. That’s Justin.

    1. If he weren’t actively destroying the economy and further degrading the culture while arrogantly ruling over a population capable of being and morally obliged to be responsible for their own fate, I might have conjured a minute amount of empathy for the Spawn you describe.

    2. Yes, I know the type. John (J.D) Roberts of Fox news infamy was just like that on the west side of T.O. and Mississauga. The wanker still is.

  9. Privacy and Secrecy in Canadian Government hides lots of incompetence and corruption …
    Recall legislation?
    But then again the government is sworn to represent the Crown not we the people.

    1. That is why Kanuckistan is a bureaucratic dictatorship. The senior civil servants prefer the Lieberals because they can be counted on to pass 99% of the legislation the government claims it requires to rule over the subjects.
      When losing a court battle with a citizen, the government chants its mantra, “That’s not our intent,” and makes Parliament retroactively amend the legislation.

  10. How much did the G-20 summit cost?

    Glenn Beck joked that they are spending $1 billion to discuss austerity!

  11. He is universally hated I hear, an entitled, condescending liar.

    Even among the Champaign, Jets and Climate Change socks and sandals crew.

  12. He’s close to being a idiot. Sadly, an idiot in power can be dangerous. Even more sadly, he got elected to a second term.

  13. But… no $16 Orange juice.
    (The bill might have been smaller if that was what he was giving out.)

    1. $16 This week $19 in another two weeks and $ 23 in a month….welcome to our hidden inflation. Our government says we have no inflation at all. Suck it up.

  14. Dear Leader will make Canadians pay very dearly for his failure. He will follow in his (real) daddy Fidel’s footsteps. The gulags and re-education camps are being built.

  15. My mother told me she read an article in Chatelaine during the reign of the first Trudeau. Back in the seventies. It was an interview with the attention-seeking, crazed trollop who gave birth to the current Trudeau ruler. The demented dauphin was at the time only a child, and apparently he was present for at least some of the interview.

    At some point, Pierre’s one-time wife exclaimed “oh, Justin, you are so annoying. Go ask Chef to give you a cookie and leave me alone”.

    If only we too could get rid of him so easily.

  16. How many times could the bad water issues suffered by First Nations been fixed by the money pissed and foreign aided away by the Fed Libs just in the last couple of years alone?

  17. The guy is an idiot.
    The only thing he ever done is blow other peoples money on self-aggrandizement.
    Though even that is suspect since the guy doesn’t know anything, its the puppet master that makes him do stuff, without him, the idiot would be lost, come to think of it, that would be preferable.
