6 Replies to “Portland: Where Freedom, Safety, and Sanity Come to Die”

  1. Ironic, no, that Amanpour smears the ones who resist giving up their Enlightenment ideals.


    We need a term for the shills of soft facism, maybe “Uncle Joes”. Amanpour is nothing more than a cheerleader for soft fascism, the top down power of government partnered with their allies in business and finance. It entails concentrating wealth and power into fewer and fewer hands and bypassing the representative legislative process in favor of the bureaucrat’s ideological sciency policy, du jour. Unexpectedly, it includes submitting to supra national agencies and courts. Where does that leave you? You face higher taxes (incl reparations, and bailing out corrupt blue state pension funds), higher cost of living (energy), less “grow the pie” employment opportunity, competition from migrants, less freedom and gutting of the Bill of Rights, Kangaroo Courts in higher education, appeasement of and greater dependence on China, sanctioned interference by priggish SJWs….just scratching the surface. Yes, I suppose this is worst case, but remember you’re not dealing with practical down to earth people but cocooned faux “intellectuals” who see so much through an ideological lens, and are strangers to the very concept of unintended consequences.
    Remember, that Dems were willing to demolish the economy and inflict untolled damage on working people, including minority small business, while many of their peeps were insulated against the worst of it. The Dems do not wish Working America, well in any way, at all. Plan accordingly.

  2. Great conversation for the most part. It’s all a question of balance. I was bothered by all the “we and they” from the liberal. It’s the “you and I” and what we do that matters.

  3. Douglas Murray is playing the role of the Tocqueville of the 21st century. If I had only the CBC as my source, I’d think that Portland, if it was mentioned at all, was a left-coast utopia. Bret Weinstein may be making too much of his liberalism, which to me has a touch of the classical, with perhaps just a bit too much — for my taste — rosy-glasses optimism that society can be continually improved and that we know what the answers are.

    1. Weinstein is a sensible or, yes, classical liberal which is now a conservative position. I’m not sure what Evergreen is but it seems this is the second time that he’s been smacked in the face with reality. The trouble with all utopian visions is that they crash upon the rock of human nature. I have hope for him, however. He’s rational. He may come to his senses. We could use more liberals like him if they insist on being liberals.
