23 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. At least we know Greg Gutfeld is a conservative, even if a lot of his co workers are Democrats in Republican clothing. He’s right, they are telling us to “suck it up” after they spent four years wailing and deviously attempting to overturn the Trump presidency. Knowing our side, we will probably be sucking a lot of it up, but yes, as Gutfeld said, in 2024, there will be a massive political voting machine unleashed against them. The difference will be that we won’t need to cheat, and disenfranchise voters with fake polls and fake news. We’ll have truth and reality on our side. I still will not put it past the evil democrats to consider some kind of Arkencide for President Trump after office. There might be similar tactics for his supporters too. The next four years, if rump wins or loses, they will be dangerous and interesting times. I think things will get a lot worse before they begin to heal. Consider this a wake up, and prepare for at least four years plus, of living in the wilderness, at least figuratively, if not literally. Use the four G’s as your guide.
    Ground, Grub, Gold, and guns.

    1. The problem with your theory is that they will cheat just as much next time as they did this time if they get away with it this time. There opportunities to get away with the cheating will be even greater since they hold the presidency and now have the power to appoint their people to whatever jobs they want. If they get away with it this time, there will be no next time.

      1. Exactly right, Rusty Shackleford. This time is for All the Marbles, there won’t be a next time if they get away with it this time.

      2. Will cheat? They will have to cheat. Once you steal power you can never revert to any kind of normal for fear of justice. Justice? Yeah, I know that’s a bit of a laugh.

  2. Media outlets are getting battered or rising to the occasion. Fox News has been supplanted by NewsMax and OAN. It’s refreshing.

  3. If this election is allowed to stand there will be no next time. The Democrats skewed the 2016 election and failed to allow for the Republican turn out, many who had voted for the big ‘O’ in 2008 because well they were stupid enough to be taken in by the “I’m not racist because I voted for….”. We all lived through that disaster. The 2020 election was another case where they underestimated the resolve of Republican voters and as a result they had to pull the shutdown stunt while they stuffed the tabulation. With four years of negative press and propaganda beaten into them unmercilessly the Republican voter still came out and voted for Trump. Do not believe for a moment that the Democrats will ever allow themselves to take a chance on the next election. This is the party that pushed for no voter ID and then pushed the mail in ballot. If this election is not overturned and the American voter given back the right to a secure and integral election system then the basic concept of democracy and freedom will have been lost!

  4. It is a good thing that the media is hyper focused on their propaganda and have no clue what President Trump game plan actually is.
    It is far too late to stop it.
    He had 36 days from the Election keep these lawsuits in play.
    It really did not matter if he won or not but needed this time to get this election past the point that it cannot be certified.
    After that he is Constitutionally the President. If they failed. It did not matter. Too late. So if Biden had more votes, it is too late Trump is President.
    So, while the media is looking at the content of the lawsuits, and hyping super Biden, Trump is just waiting out the clock and say sorry suckers, you lose.

  5. The Democrats and our Liberals have a long incestuous relationship,quite often Democrat Schemes are test run here and more often we copy the Democrat Stupidity slavishly..
    So did this vote stealing by programming,get Beta Tested here?
    For I was amazed when Canadians elected the spawn in 2015 and even more appalled when it was reelected 2019.
    Now given my growing contempt for the morals and ethics of our Eastern Comrades I can see them electing the idiot,but what if I am wrong?
    Was it a steal?

    1. The previous federal election was all paper. Scheer the queer is the first party leader go overtime working to lose a winnable election. Trudeau wrote all the attack ads Scheer needed to win but none of that content was used. Scheer went weak-kneed before the UNIFOR propaganda arm; then he attacked media that was on his side. The last election was winnable and he purposely blew it. That is the only way to describe it.
