White Fragility “may be the dumbest book ever written”

A recent podcast of Megyn Kelly featured writer, Matt Taibbi. Get past the fact that he’s not a Trump fan and you’ll find an interesting conversation where he and Kelly dissect the Woke culture that is damaging our society. Towards the end of the podcast they talk about “White Fragility”, written by self-proclaimed racist, Robin DiAngelo.

This subject particularly hits home with me because a few months ago I was invited to a socially distanced picnic in Mountain View, California with a dear friend of 4 years. Not too long into it she told me that I had to face up to the fact that I was a racist. She admitted that she was a racist too. All of this comes right out of White Fragility specifically and Critical Race Theory more generally. I suggested to her using words like “biases” and “prejudices” might go a lot further in gaining allies and winning her argument, but she would have none of it. Hey, if my friend wants to call herself a racist then go for it. But I entirely reject the label being affixed to my forehead!

Here’s an excerpt from Taibbi’s article:

It takes a special kind of ignorant for an author to choose an example that illustrates the mathematical opposite of one’s intended point, but this isn’t uncommon in White Fragility, which may be the dumbest book ever written.

This dingbat racialist cult, which has no art, music, literature, and certainly no comedy, is the vision of “progress” institutional America has chosen to endorse in the Trump era. Why? Maybe because it fits. It won’t hurt the business model of the news media, which for decades now has been monetizing division and has known how to profit from moral panics and witch hunts since before Fleet street discovered the Mod/Rocker wars.

For corporate America the calculation is simple. What’s easier, giving up business models based on war, slave labor, and regulatory arbitrage, or benching Aunt Jemima? There’s a deal to be made here, greased by the fact that the “antiracism” prophets promoted in books like White Fragility share corporate Americas instinctive hostility to privacy, individual rights, freedom of speech, etc.

15 Replies to “White Fragility “may be the dumbest book ever written””

  1. It’s intolerance.

    They can’t tolerate that anyone thinks differently from them, and feel that they must put unbelievers down (usually by ad hominem) as a way of elevating their own thoughts. It indicates someone who doesn’t want to discuss, but wants to dictate. “I’m better than you, because you don’t agree with me, so you must do as I say because it will make you a better person.” They smell the poop all over themselves as a badge of honour, and look down on you if you won’t roll in it with them.

  2. Generally I feel that the louder someone cries racist, the more racist that person tends to be.

    And labelling everyone you don’t agree with as a racists surely dilutes the pool of racism.

    At any rate, they can all KMA.

  3. “Hey, if my friend wants to call herself a racist then go for it. But I entirely reject the label being affixed to my forehead!”
    Along these lines espoused by Robert I have a daughter in law who is colored(Haitian) About 6 years ago my son married this girl. She was kinda cool and was welcomed with open arms into our family. My wife and daughter included her in many of their activities. To them she was just another one of the girls and to me she was just one of the family.
    Then 3 years ago at Christmas things changed drastically. He was eating nuts and held up a brazil nut and said what kind of a nut is this.I said it used to be called a “nigger toe”
    Well between that and my dissaproval of BLM and White Privilege we suddenly became racists. I have come to the conclusion that many color people walk around with a permanent chip on their shoulder. Hell, a football player for the Roughriders said he went to a Nascar race with his girlfriend (white) who also races stock cars and he indicated how racist it was because no one would even look him in the eye.
    Hell, I never look at ANYONE in the eye.Black or white.
    Anyway as Robert said.I refuse to be labelled a racist. They can go plum to hell for all I care.

    1. Yeah, we used to call them “nigger toes” too. Guess what? I never even met anyone who wasn’t white until I was 13 years old!
      Yet here we were calling these nuts that name. It wasn’t racist, it just…w-a-s what it w-a-s.
      I never met a group of people who tried so hard to be labeled “the Other” as hard as negroes do. Too bad.

  4. “Not too long into it she told me that I had to face up to the fact that I was a racist.”

    What are friends for, if not to baselessly call you racist.

    If I were in your shoes, I would have refered to her as a friend in the past tense, dear or not.

    1. Or you can double down. “You forgot that you’re also a whiny bitch with poor taste in men who dresses like a skank. Oh, too much?”

    2. I understand what you’re saying but I do believe that everyone deserves a path towards redemption. I know that she has been going through a particularly difficult situation [mentally] with Covid and with her job. Unfortunately reading White Privilege and watching CNN/MSNBC/PBS/ABC/CBS/NBC 8+ hours per day hasn’t been the remedy to get her out of her dark funk.

      1. “…reading White Privilege and watching CNN/MSNBC/PBS/ABC/CBS/NBC 8+ hours per day”

        Sorry, Robert, this seems, sadly, like a lost cause.

  5. White fragility, putting one’s self into Stockholm syndrome has been around since only Blacks were “allowed” to use the word “nigger” no mater the context in which it is used. All races exhibit racism. Restricting it to “whites” is just the post modern nihilism tool for silencing all speech from non woke whites and subjugating woke whites to encourage racial supremacy of other races as part of cultural Marxist vandalism.
