16 Replies to “San Francisco is Ground Zero for Racism in America”

  1. Since these schools teach dreck they should reflect that in their name. I nominate “Polished Turd” as a suitable moniker.

    1. President Trump keeps these lawsuits going or wins them by December 10. He has run out the clock on this election being certified. He is President no matter if later Biden actually had more Electoral College Votes later.

    1. Real number is 214 Biden to 232 Trump that the media is not reporting.
      Their not at all reporting on the appeals in the courts. Where President Trump is the master of litigation

    2. I doubt that California’s vote would remain uncertified. Their legislature would likely declare for Biden. I don’t know if they have the power under the state constitution but they likely do. Quagmires in the other states would likely vote for Trump. A lot of governors arbitrarily changed election law without any legislated of constitutional power to do so. I’m guessing that Pennsylvania’s count may end election night with Trump 700,000 votes ahead.

  2. Old joke. What would you do if you dropped your wallet in SF? Kick it to Oakland.
    I would like to change that to… Pick it up with a pair of 10 foot tongs and burn it.

  3. Welcome to the island of misfits … I used to say about SF. But no more. The entire State is the land of misfits. Misfit immigrants from other nations and other regions of America. All come to CA to “experiment” with the total erasure of America. Erase America’s HISTORY first … and then the collective consciousness of our nation ceases to be. I can scarce believe what I am witnessing … and I’m not THAT old. It’s only taken one generation past my own to irreversibly destroy America from within.

    Sadly, the well-heeled, arrogant leftists who voted 76% for Biden in my locale … believe they will be SPARED when the communist-lite purges come. They actually BELIEVE they will be spared from the taxation without representation or reason. They actually believe their Silicon Valley Jobs won’t be sold off to the lowest wage East Asian comer, let alone offshored permanently. And the purple-haired Twitter Employee will be content with the government stipend once ‘her’ job is sent to Malaysia, as ‘she’ will have more time for ‘her’ transgender-blog.

    Our nation better come to its senses … or the RESET button will be coming down … HARD on everyone’s life. And to think, we all took duck-and-cover drills for the coming thermonuclear end to America … and now … the end came without so much as a whimper … but the silent 1’s and 0’s of a manipulated voting machine. Silencing the last votes for human FREEDOM. REAL Freedom … not the targeted government-mandated Freedom to be a “science-based” gender bender.

    1. So Kenji, How long you got, before you can vacate that cesspool? I know you’re waiting on the missus to retire, but I’m thinking you might need to cut your losses and run, before they decide to stop everyone from leaving.

    2. The thermonuclear war would have been preferable. If the peoples of the western world may not enjoy the fruits of their labour, nobody else ought to—and the people who bankrolled communism in the first place would have been among the first to die.
