112 Replies to “He Admires Their Basic Dictatorship”

  1. “We’ll get used to it”

    The Kerry Russell character in “The Americans” about returning to Russia.

      1. Oh for the good old days to take him outside and beat the living crap out of him….
        Jo, snap out of it…..what a good dream I was having.

        I would get arrested and Mister above the law…GOD complex.

  2. Besides the well known fact that A) Blackie didn’t get to be PM on his own efforts (+ there ain’t nothing that Erin O’Tool’s cuckservatives can do) and knowing that B) 85% Canadians are plain stupid… there is hope left. Still.
    Even if I can’t see elections or a federal budget any longer. Or that lawlessness and a failed infrastructure awaits us all, Canada is Kaput. Bankrupted. Financially and morally.

    1. Cut your TV cable, stop all mainstream/legacy media. Research and question everything.
    2. Learn new skills. Especially handy skills.
    3. Stop consumerism, sell everything and leave big cities while you can.
    4. Move rural, grow food & barter for goods/services.
    5. Be free again.

    I did so in 2015. Best ever decision. I have 9 to 11 lbs pickerel, partridges and moose here. Idiots in big cities will get curfewed then locked down. Enjoy y’all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. And yet you’re still on the internet and thus precisely traceable. If the troops are willing to and capable of killing entire cities, what makes you think they won’t come for you? They’ll likely make a gruesome example of you to show us in the ghettos that there is nowhere to run.

      1. Enough is a typical wise guy.

        I was one of those “troops” you refer to.
        Nothing will happen to me. I am in control here. Not so much you where ever you are with racked up credit cards, poor credit history, no handy skills. I was also in three combat campaigns in Afghanistan and can set up kill zones, etc. Extensive experience in survival too as an instructor. I know it’s easy to claim shit. Especially from the comforts of a keyboard.

        No gruesome example will be made of me. Not so sure about easy targets like you.

        Now and if I may I need to walk my German Shepherd in the woods trails on my 10 acre lake isolated home 2 hours north of Kirkland lake.

        1. Ray, if a government bent on subjugating its own people wants to make an example of you, they will do so. The people coming for you will have the same skills you have — hell, you may even personally know some of the people who will be coming — but they’ll have far more resources. If they want you, they will take you. And if they want to parade your remains as a “there’s nowhere to run” warning to others, they will do that, too. Do not underestimate what the ruling class will be willing to do to us.

          We’re all easy targets, Ray. Even you.

          1. Sure. The gubmit will mount a fucking tactical op with those shitty green Bell 412 choppers because he is such a notorious rebel they need to make an example out of him. Right after they get their finger out of their asses and finally procure a replacement pistol for the 1944 vintage Browning. They will make sure the “troops” coming for him are as diverse as the recruiting posters. The “troops” aren’t coming for Ray. If anybody comes for him it sil be slimy lawyer, bill collectors and useless cops.

          2. No, they will send a couple of squad cars to his place. If he has any brains he will realize that trying to shoot it out is suicide in the long run regardless of the immediate result and he will surrender. Then they will fuck him over in courts. Royally. He will be bankrupt, his property will be confiscated etc. If he does not have brains then depending on the outcome of first confrontation they will roll in heavy and kill him, likely his family too. Media will blame it on gun owners and “right wing fascists”. Cops will be congratulated on preventing a mass shooting spree. Karens will sleep happily convinced that they are protected. More turd worlders will be imported to vote for the government who sent in the goon squad. Welcome to sad reality we are living in.

    2. Actually since Dominion was used and is based on Canada, I don’t think Blackie actually won. I now think Canadians threw him out but he cheated to a minority.

      1. I’ve been thinking the same about the Canadian vote.

        And, it not like we didn’t see the UN Agenda 21 coming. I kept trying to alert people until they thought I was nuts.
        And here we are …

      2. Read the latest Mark Steyn column on the Ambulance with no chasers. Any Lawyer associated with Trump is being doxxed but more importantly read what he states about “Lord” Malloch Brown the head of Dominion about whom he wrote a column some years ago. He provides the link to his earlier column. Read it. Very serious skullduggery has taken place.

    3. “Besides the well known fact that A) Blackie didn’t get to be PM on his own efforts (+ there ain’t nothing that Erin O’Tool’s cuckservatives can do) ”

      This is probably the most intelligent and truthful thing you have said so far. Blackie is the PM partly thanks to the efforts of worthless idiot maxipads who threw a temper tantrum and sabotaged the neutered Dairy Queen. That is correct.

      Of course Dairy Queen would have been orders of magnitude better that Blackie. Pathetic is better than pathetic and evil.

      But you can’t explain this to Maxipads. Maxipads are dumber than the dumbest of Sander’s supporters. Even Bernie Bros could eventually understand that their objective was to destroy Trump. This basic logic is beyond grasp for low IQ cretins like ray/Enema/Kevin. And so because of you we got Blackie. It is all on you.

      1. You keep making this claim about Bernier undermining poor Scheer. It’s been explained to you many times that the math doesn’t support your stupid contention at all. Also: butthurt.

        1. Also: butthurt is a word used almost exclusively by fat smelly mommy’s-basement dwellers who never go outdoors. Just saying.

    4. Thanks, I prefer the modern world. Have fun living your 1890 simulation which is subsidized by cities.

      1. Lets see if cities can feed them selves, shitbag. Maybe they can generate their own electricity while they’re at it.

      2. There are many who like colonista truly think the CPC or Canada’s “conservatives” are actually a conservative politicL party.
        They say the C word alot too. They don’t actually do conservative stuff.
        Especially pandering for votes while 0 conservative platform or conservative values or conservative principles. Name me anything conservative Scheer promised last year. He never did.

        1. “There are many who like colonista truly think the CPC or Canada’s “conservatives” are actually a conservative politicL party.”

          Oh shut up already you slanderous piece of excrement. Right above your most recent piece of recycled drivel I write: “neutered Dairy Queen” and “Pathetic is better than pathetic and evil.” I have no delusions about CPC in the current form nor did i ever see Scheer as a worthy of leadership of conservative party/movement. Would he still be better than Trudeau? Yes absolutely. No question about it. And you and your ilk have helped keep Trudeau in power. FOAD.

          “Name me anything conservative Scheer promised last year. ”
          Cancelling previous Trudeau gun control measures and restrictions on freedom of speech.

  3. That lisping, light-loafered, lying little potato just made my blood boil with that script.
    We need an election, although I doubt that would change anything…..right, Erin?

  4. By the way, speaking of Coid-19, The Lancet, [thelancet.com] a self-defined prestigious and very well known British medical journal, has a recent article, Vol 20, Issue 11, Published October 8/20, by Talha Burki.
    It outlines ‘China’s successful control of Covid-19’.

    The article declares that “China has managed to control the pandemic rapidly and effectively”. It tells us that ‘as of Oct 4/20, China has 90,604 cases and 4,739 deaths, while the USA had 7,382,194 cases and 209,382 deaths. How was this magnificent feat accomplished? [My note: Just speaking statistically, in a population of billions rather than millions – is this data base of 90K cases and less than 5K deaths medically feasible?]

    The article tells us that ‘the speed of China’s response was the crucial factor’. Not a word about China’s having hidden the existence of the virus for weeks/months, having censored its doctors who tried to warn about it, having kept its borders open allowing international travel and the spread of its virus. How’s that for speed?

    Then – it tells us that ‘lockdown’ and ‘wearing masks’ was the key. And comments that ‘commitment to the greater good is engrained in the [Chinese] culture’ – and chastizes the US for its ‘hyper-individualism and declares that ‘China does not have the kind of raucous anti-vaccine, anti-science movement’ as in the USA.’
    [Is the article really asserting that the reason for the US high numbers is – not statistical lies by China – but because the people are opposed to using a non-existent vaccine and are opposed to seeking a scientific treatment ? How’s that for scientific causality?

    But – actually, the article DOES claim that ‘how you think about something will result in your becoming ill. It declares that on Sept 22/20, Trump demanded that China should be held accountable for the virus – and 9 days later, Trump tested positive for the virus. So there. That will teach him.

    So, according to this article, the reason for the ‘low cases and deaths’ in China is entirely due to their ‘commitment to the greater good’ and their ‘rapid response’ with their lockdowns and mask wearing. And it notes that, unlike the US, which puts its elderly into Retirement Homes, in China, the elderly are looked after by the family… I presume this is a claim to assert that the ‘elderly did not die’ in China.

    Oh- and by the way – the article also declares that there was NO economic hardship from the lockdowns in China. And quoted on Wuhan resident who said that ‘business is blooming’.

    And this article is in a ‘scientific’ medical journal!!

    1. ET – I imagine that in China a doctor risks being reducated if he dares to write COVID on the death certificate.
      Why didn’t the Lancet compare Spartans to Galas. Just Google COVID and the country name:

      Canada with numerous lockdowns
      – Nov 12 new cases – 5516
      Nov 12 deaths 83

      Sweden without lockdowns
      – Nov 12 new cases – 4519
      Nov 12 deaths 0

      And Sweden’s economy is doing fine.

      1. The correct comparison is between Sweden and its Nordic neighbors. Sweden suffered FAR more deaths with no apparent economic benefit to show for it.

        1. And of course that is not entirely accurate. Norway and Finland BOTH had FEWER restrictions than Sweden. Lockdown stringency is available because of a feature created by Our World in Data, a research team based at the University of Oxford that produces the information. The higher the number, the more stringent the lockdowns.

          So what do they tell us? information in all sorts of wonderful charts and graphs.

          Our World in Data shows Sweden’s government response stringency never reached 50, peaking at about 46 from late April to early June. (As a point of reference, the US averaged a stringency of about 70 from March to September.) This is well below the top stringency of Spain (85) and Italy (94).

          Norway’s lockdown stringency has been LESS than 40 since early June (it is ZERO on Jan 22), and fell all the way to 28.7 in September and October. Finland’s lockdown stringency followed a similar pattern, floating around the mid to low 30s for most of the second half of the year, before creeping back up to 41 around Halloween.

          And given the fact that Sweden is actually a BUFFER to Finland and Norway AND as a result has significantly more immigrants and that the infection and death rates are heavier among (foreign born – as the press puts it), there are other factors at play.

          Really, stupid people only focus on ONE variable when there are many. But then why would anyone expect anything other than nonsense from you?

        2. The correct comparison is between you and discarded placenta. Placenta wins on charm, wit, sent and IQ.

      2. PaulHarveyPage 2
        Canada with numerous lockdowns
        – Nov 12 new cases – 5516
        – Nov 12 deaths 83

        Masks can be your friend you know! NOT!

        1. Here’s an irony.

          Airport security is obsessed with having the mask “cover” one’s nose. Yet, the top edge of most masks don’t give a proper seal as it doesn’t follow the contours of one’s face.

          It’s all about control and compliance.

          1. Having had to wear a proper mask, with a proper face seal and the external air supply to sustain oneself in a hostile environment, the blue masks say “kontrol”. Period. Doesn’t do anything for you, otherwise except keep your spit to yourself, if you get agitated.

          2. There’s no way one can use logic and reason with the soyboys, lesbians, and third world immigrants in airport security. They understand only one thing: the virus is deadly because the state says it is and they will enforce it, even if they have to beat it into you.

            One tattooed soyboy airport security thingy I dealt with earlier today justified it with the “I’m only following orders” argument, so I guess it’s all right to abuse my rights, then.

  5. So there it is indeed folks, your smoking gun. Hard to tell who I’m most pissed off at…him or media lickspittles. Hell with it, I have enough hate for both.
    If there are some still on the fence, let this be your epiphany. And if you’re a little slow on the uptake, then you deserve everything that’s coming.
    Thing is I’ll be forced to attend this three ring circus that’s coming to town only because you were too fng stupid.

    Too harsh?

  6. I don’t know if its true or not but… There is no vaccine for the cold, there is no vaccine for the flu, why would any one think that there is a magic China flu vaccine??? If a flu shot is a watered down flu why would it not cause one to be more acceptable to the china flu??? Note the rapid increase in china flu with the seasonal flu shot and who’s pushing it. Just food for thought..

    1. Ynot, As far as I am aware, you are correct. There is no vax for the cold, or the flu, so there really cannot be a true one for the covid virus either. They are just bullshitting us with verbal pablum. Covid is here to stay, and will be used as a tool to try and control us with fear, every year. herd immunity really is the only chance of beating it. When I quit taking a flu shot 25 plus years back, I also quit getting the flu two weeks after. I’ve had the flu once in all that time. In March 2001. I will refuse any vax they put out, and if they wish to ostracize me for that, so be it.

      1. Gerry…and same.

        I took this BS flu shot once…2009…after about 2 weeks starting feeling shitty…said shittiness last for over 3 months. Told my Female 67 yr old Dr that and she had a shit fit.. and went near postal on me..!! I was like What the Ever loving F is up with her.?? NO joke, she berated me and asked rhetorically why we were even doing an Annual check up.??
        One wonders what set her off and why.???
        I think I even noticed some spittle from her verbal foaming at the mouth.

        I dumped her that very day and said flu shot has never seen my arm again, have not been ill with it since those days – last time I was sick sick..? 2004 for 4 days totally bedridden…and I’m not one to take time off …ever.

        They can shove their flu shot and any other BS Vaccine sideways – over my and my wife’s dead body(s).

        As for PM Obergruppen Fuhrer I continue to wish him a pleasant day…the one where he wakes up and finds himself fully emulating Nicolae Ceausescu’s last day.

  7. Canadians traded freedom for the illusion of safety and the corruption of free stuff. Worse, they were so intellectually deranged thanks to generations of socialized child abuse masquerading as education they voted for it and all popular political parties offered it at various levels of enthusiasm. The deranged dominion under the Spawn’s basic dictatorship.

  8. Reset is the word they use for the planned Communist takeover of countries. No property rights. Universal income. Freedoms removed for the greater good. Ratting out friends and neighbors.

    We are so screwed.

    1. It’s sometimes amusing to note how the “reset” is disguised.

      While I was sitting through the numerous “liberation theology” Sunday sermons 40 years ago, the minister, one time, used the argument of the Israelite practice of the year of jubilee:


      When all else fails, find something from Scripture to justify “wealth re-distribution”.

        1. UnMe is a sociopath like all addicted trolls. You can’t actually hurt its feelings, because it doesn’t have any. Flat affect, no relationships, scares normal people away with its dead eyes, no life outside the Net. Can’t understand that nobody gives a shit what it thinks about any subject whatsoever.

          Could there be a better pseudonym than UnMe? And it’s too fixated and self-absorbed to even understand the irony. Duh!

  9. This fucker and anyone on his side have to go.
    I expect nothing from the Faux Con party except spinelessness.
    But it is time for a reset.
    Fight the commies now or bow down to them sooner than later.
    Big Government means no liberty.

    1. Whistling past the graveyard.
      There are no more pathetic people on earth than Canadians!
      Not smart enough to catch on, too cowardly if they did.

      Canadians are the embarrassing remnants of kneeling Brits, now kneeling to the Trudeau shithole progeny; ever ready to bow to someone, solely dependent on the hated Americans for what little freedom they once had.
      Canadians eat a lying Big Mommy Government shit sandwich with a smile every day and love it.
      Learn Chinese you submissive failures.
      Not a one of you will do anything but yap.

      1. I’ll eventually do less than yap. Already given up on letters/emails. Probably give up on voting.

  10. If anyone thinks that these SS type camp guards in the media and politics will not enjoy inflicting pain upon us all once they get their way and have us in their camps they are stupider than a toronto liberal. After 4 years of tormenting the President of the US these presstitutes and like minded scum will be the first scum to sign up for the new Stasi, Ray is right.

  11. You know that stunt where kids put a laundry detergent pod in their mouth and see how long they can last before having to spit it out?
    That’s what watching videos of Justin is like for me.
    My record so far is about 45 seconds, although I can last a little longer if the sound is off.

  12. The declaration from the MEDIA that Biden is “President Elect” when in this moment, at best, he’s the “Presumptive President” ,,, just gives PM Blackface the go head to push the agenda. They know this time they have to work, way faster, than when Hussain was president. They have to get permanent control of the election process in the first two years. They never want to take a chance that another Trump like person comes along,,, ever again.
    In two years they will firm, unforgiving control of everything. They already have the Schools and Colleges/Universities. They have all the MEDIA. They have control of Policing and Spy agencies(FBI,CIA,NSA,etc…) In the next two years they will finish taking control of the Social Media, and Internet(net neutrality), the Voting systems and the Electoral College, which will give them control of Government. And along the way they will take firm control of the Military Branches, moving who they want up the ranks, and leaving who they don’t want at lower, less powerful positions.(Biden appoints transsexual to review military)

    1. Carl, even Tucker Carlson used the term “president elect Biden” in his recent show on voter fraud.

        1. Carl, I agree, he is not “president elect”
          I was merely expressing surprise that Tucker Carlson used the term; maybe he mispoke himself; he MUST know.

          1. He was saying “president-elect” in a sarcastic manner. Juslt liek I say “the right honorable Prime Minister”

  13. Newsmax reports that twenty Asian countries have just signed a trade pact with China(the country that strangely enough, doesn’t have a virus problem anymore). Meanwhile Western countries are shutting down their economies. Hmmmmm.

  14. Don’t matter what shade of lipstick they put on it.
    They don’t create the wealth they need to keep that pig fed.
    Without other people’s money, the pig will eat them.

  15. No, I don’t think Ray is right. The population of the world – never mind that of Canada – is too large for each and all to move to a rural cabin, grow our own food, and isolate ourselves from reality. I note that Ray uses a computer – and that means a non-rural infrastructure of electronics, manufacturing etc – none of which emerge in a rural isolation.

    The Facts are – that the virus emerged in Wuhan; whether accidental or deliberate is speculation – but China enabled its international spread by censoring and denying its existence; allowing international travel; and aligning WHO with it – and WHO denied the severity of the virus and trivialized how to deal with it.

    As for Trudeau- he’s a naive, ignorant and arrogant puppet of unaccountable people like Butts – who are isolated from reality, both economic and material, and live primarily, as I see it, in the utopian sophistry of the Seminar Room. That is – in words, words – and with no idea of the pragmatic results of their rhetoric.

    The thing about socialism is that it enables a powerful big central government – and this sets up an elite oligarchy – who become very wealthy – for a while. The other thing about socialism is that it is fundamentally disastrous – because it ignores two of the three facets of the economic infrastructure; namely: Investment and Production. It focuses only on the third facet: Consumption.

    But- if an economy operates by investing money into, eg, a factory making bicycles – and producing and selling these bicycles…well, IF the government TAXES all the profits from this industry – THEN, the factory can’t pay its workers, can’t buy raw material, can’t produce any more bicycles…and…?
    Socialism removes an economy’s capacity to Invest and Produce goods. It, as an economic infrastructure, can’t last.
    But- socially – it sets up a powerful oligarchy, as we see in China …and China, economically, is most certainly NOT socialist or communist; it’s deeply and above all, corruptly capitalist. [Note: I support capitalism, but not corruption]. So- this oligarchy controls the population – and sets up a network of isolated elites. Rather like the Washington Swamp oligarchy and Canada’s own Laurentian Elite oligarchy.

    As for Canada – my view is that its governing infrastructure of ‘official bilingualism’ – which means that 85% of the Canadian population are barred from major government roles; and an electoral system that privileges the Big Cities [where the public service all live] – means that it’s almost impossible to get rid of our Laurentian Elite and allow The People to govern themselves.

    1. Couldn’t agree more ET. At best, Canadians get to pretend to be free. The degree to which you can practice freedom is determined by your postal code. There will be no end to this, especially when we abandon the first past the post system in favour of proportional representation, which I have no doubt will be forced upon us by the Lib/NDP coalition of commies. Once this arrives it will become mathematically impossible to elect an even remotely Conservative government in future (assuming there is one, certainly not in the current crop). Live as well as you are allowed and if any level of government requires your cooperation for anything tell them to go fuck themselves!

      1. I hope so for she was like shining a brilliant light in a dark room and making us all move into the light with her comments.

  16. L- Government, via arbitrary measures, taking control of the entire private sector which is
    every voluntary association where citizens self-govern:

    1.Private businesses(producing the wealth to clothe,feed and shelter et al).

    2. Churches (moral health, self-discipline of virtue over vice, enabling self-government, from savagery to civilization),

    3. Sports, recreation, gyms( where citizens exercises to stay physically and psychologically healthy (a healthy mind in a healthy body “Mens rea sana, in corpore sano”).

    4. Social life, includes now even family life, including the celebration of holidays, weddings, funerals,(all things required for psychological health again both for individuals and society).

    We usee to think that for tyrants, for tyrannies, totalitarianism to conquer our nation-states. To conquer our glorious, powerful Western Civilization, one built on human freedom shouldering the responsibility, that of solving problems via the process of free thought, speech, scientific method and due process in law. That to conquer us would require us losing a major conventional military war. Not going to happen.

    However, in “Unrestricted Warfare”(U.S.S.R./C.C.P. military analysis) Cult. Marxist/Maoist infiltration, it only requires the long march through the institutions. We’ve lost faith/confidence in our own values. Thus our institutions, created to protect our values, have been turned against us. Without a shared identity, shared cultural values, our nation-states and our entire Western Civilization collapses.

    The old proverb, a house divided against itself cannot stand.

    Presently, compromised or violated are our Right to: Life, Liberty, Security of the Person, Property, Freedom of Expression(thought), Association, Press(now under total gov’t. control and ideology). Now, the shining city on the hill, the U.S., faces a Nov. 3 rd. fraudulent election process, where even the concept of government legitimacy, deriving only from the consent of the governed, is violated, subverted, swamped).

    The sacredness of the individual(made in the image of God) is desecrated, is lost. Then self-government loses it validity, morally and politically. Individual Rights and Responsibility is replaced by group rights, meaning whatever group, the oligarchy, orders you to bow down to, idol worship.

    “Truth in the service of Love” – requires the freedom to search for the truth, when the panic-demic cure is worse than the disease, that isn’t Love. That’s evil ,the imposition of unnecessary suffering !

  17. Global Billionaires telling lackey millionaires to start the great steal from the middle and working classes.

    This is why the NDP is going down, they’ve been out commied by that twit.

      1. Gitmo’d!

        Dominion Voting Systems is allegedly a Crown entity. Which means Trudeau is at least partially responsible for cheating in the US election.

        Invasion coming, on deck!


      A cranial exit wound….enabled via very hi speed copper jacket.
      That I would live to see that result…??

      Him, 7/8 ths of the MSM, every Liberal MP, the entire PMO, Privy Council….just for starters.

  18. What part of “bogus opposition” isn’t clear, Kate?

    The only thing at all likely to send the Libranos and the Red Chinese packing for good was American tanks.

    Donald Trump was our last hope of being anything but a Red Chinese puppet state. He has failed—or rather the American people failed him. If they will not fight for their own freedom, they won’t fight for ours.

  19. That this is a NWO take over there has never been any doubt. That aside Kenney is a globalist. O’Toole’s votes were counted by Dominion. Hmmmmm Any other questions?

    1. Right!…and let’s not forget that 3 hour delay to the wee hours of the morning in confirming the counts and O’Toole as the winner.

  20. Has anyone found a link to the original video from Global? I believe he said it but I’d like to have the original source if possible. I haven’t been able to find it. Thanks.

  21. Can anyone provide a synopsis of what that smarmy twat said? I REALLY don’t want to have to click on the video. I can’t stand listening to that.

  22. Well we really need to thank the boy for his honesty;”This pandemic has provided an opportunity..blah blah blah”
    OK great ,we can safely ignore all government instructions with respect to “The Dread Covid” for even our lisping wonder of a Prime minister acknowledges government is doing nothing to deal with this Wuhan Flu ,with its 99% plus survival rate..Oh no.
    For “This is our chance”..

    For right from the start these stumbling power happy buffoons have been unable to even do the most basic functions of the task for which they have sponged off of the taxpayer for decades.

    Ignoring the malice of “Building Back Better” just examine the levels of staggering incompetence government help has inflicted upon the actual taxpayers.
    Useless,clueless and extremely dangerous..that is my summation of our “helpers”.

    Did anyone else notice this weeks shrieking?
    “Our models predict we ,Ontario,will need 400 ICU beds..We must lock you down at once..
    400 ICU beds in Ontario.
    Does this say BUSTED HEALTHCARE to you?
    The original,”flatten the curve” was an open admission that Canada’s healthcare system was already broken,without the resources,particularly staff and PPE to protect those staff from a “Computer Modelled Pandemic” that has failed to live up to those “projections” even in countries which had no ability to mitigate its effects.

    Overwhelm the capacity of our hospitals..well when you already have backlogs,people waiting hours,days,in Emergency…what is left to be overwhelmed?
    When regional hospitals have closed patient care rooms for years and renovated these rooms into offices..?
    They had no pandemic capacity and everyone,except the particularly obtuse,already knew this.

    Listening to that idiot on the video loop as I type this, we need a new country..for there is no room in my country for people so stupid that they would elect this critter once,nevermind twice.

    Perhaps Trumps exposure of the Democrats will also reveal how the 2015 election was run in Canada.
    As the Dominion machines seem to have been test run here.

    1. Well, just in my neck of the woods, despite the bleating of Comrade NenXi, we only have 54 denizens in the ICU, same as two days ago. Only 240 COVID “hospitalizations” out of 1.5 MILLION, if one believes that COVID testing we read about. Hardly what NenXi “Things are unbelievably bad”, intimates in the Calgary Sun. And I should know, as many others in this town probably have discovered….I have not met, driven with, spoke to, or sat in the same hospital room, on a bus, in a taxi with anyone who has COVID, dated COVID’s sister, or shopped at the local Safeway, Superstore, Co-op, Sobeys, Walmart grocery, seen anyone spread eagled out on the floor, foaming at the mouth with COVID. As for PM SFB, he reads what’s put in front of him. There isn’t an original thought in that buoy’s head, just dope on the brain. As for those WHO elected him, are you even sure real people did and not some cooked up, one-armed bandit, election tabulation, “counting machine”?

      1. /\ VOTE TIMES 1000

        Yea…it literally Blows my brain watching the DRONES in our city many of whom which I fully Believe, put that mask on the moment they wake up.

        I have now for the past 4 weeks not worn one…and every time I got to Cdn tire or Wally mart or wherever, if they have some clown standing there pointing to his mask as I walk in…?? I tell em: “I’m exempt.”
        Done and I could give a shit either…

        This bug with a kill rate of less than 2.7% is NO More virulent than any other flu. Mask dos SWEET fK all, Social Distancing…LMAO at this utter idiocy…and what makes me believe this is COMPLETE BULLshit..??

        The fact that NO ONE IN OUR HEALTH system since Jan 2020, has said ANYTHING about our IMMUNE systems and how to maintain said system. Nadda. Nothing. Nothing but Hysteria – lockdowns and the rest of it.

        Hey NAHEED…who within the CCP gives you your marching orders hmmm…??
        NenXi indeed.

        1. Another “tell”…construction on the Ring Road, just south of me. Not a mask to be seen all day….ever. “I can see construction from my back porch”……all the way to Russia.
          I have to wear one in the taxi and at the hospital. Stress is bad for your health, so I wear the damned thing to keep an even keel, in public.

      2. “Things are unbelievably bad”

        I flew through Calgary earlier today. Funny, I didn’t see any streets clogged with dead people. I guess I must be in denial….

      3. …I have not met, driven with, spoke to, or sat in the same hospital room, on a bus, in a taxi with anyone who has COVID, dated COVID’s sister, or shopped at the local Safeway, Superstore, Co-op, Sobeys, Walmart grocery, seen anyone spread eagled out on the floor, foaming at the mouth with COVID.

        You too, huh? A “pandemic” from March to November, and nobody I know, or anyone they know, has contracted it, and it’s not because they all strapped on N95s in March.

        Welcome to North America under Maurice Strong’s very lively ghost.

  23. there was been a mountain of evidence that all this covid1984 has been a scam from day 1but our premiers have chosen to ignore it. I don’t believe they have our best interests at heart or they would have called a spade a spade kept whats was left of our economy going. What has been done in the last 5 years to combat the 2030 SDG’s agenda since 2015. Not dam much, Moe is a fraud as far as I am concerned, kenney same .

  24. Off Topic. Conservative Treehouse has just been deplatformed by WordPress.

    Can’t imagine others such as SDA won’t be far behind.

    Purging escalates

  25. This is what dicktators (sic) do.
    They capitalize on mass hysteria frenzy, with the help of low life politicians and the media cartel.

    The media cartel is not going to report anything that may question the motivation of the dicktator (sic), he gave them 600 million of your money to keep it down.

    The absolutely worst part is that most of the plebeians will agree either from ignorance, malice or just plain stupidity.

    You can argue with the plebeian that this is not only dangerous, it is completely deplorable, they, for the most part don’t care.
    They may let you talk and nod, though they are not interested.

    Urge you to keep doing it, its difficult, nonetheless absolutely necessary, future depends on it.

    This is where we are today.

      1. You see, there is no reason to respond to the guy with insults.
        If you have a better argument, go for it, otherwise just ignore,
        He obviously likes the attention without any actual real point.
        All he does is points into the thin air and calls that an argument.
        Anyway, I basically skip when seeing his moniker.

        1. Actually there is plenty of reasons to insult he/she/it, mock or ridicule, just no need to debate.

  26. Given Papa Pierre was an admirer of communistic states like Cuba, forgive us if we feel Pierre’s Boy is taking advantage of this pandemic to play out his dream. Justin is even looking more and more like his sire as time passes.

    Who is going to fix the mess if the people of this country keep voting stupid?

    1. “There is a level of admiration I actually have for China, because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime and say we need to go green,” stud Trudeau, 15 November 2013. Hey, it’s an anniversary day to that statement, seven years ago.

  27. In Trump’s second term, Justin will be quivering in hiding, hoping he isn’t Gitmo’d by Trump.

    Justin won’t be able to implement much of his UN agenda, so long as he’s acting like Cuba North

    1. Check the eyes, even he doesn’t believe what he’s been directed to say. Collect his payola and disappears into the sunset. I’m surprised he’s stayed this long.

      1. And no, I didn’t listen, just watched his lips move and his facial expression. More a “tell” than listening. Watch his eyes, they give him away every time.
        Busy listening to some bluegrass, instead. Calm Radio online.

  28. Maybe Canadians need a good kick in our complacency. Maybe we need a bit of suffering to wake us the fuck up. It’s our own damn fault.
    For your information there is only one political party in Canada now, and it’s lead by a greasy pig punk. Why do you think we never hear any complaints.

  29. “Unme” would consider it an honor to clean Princess Soiboi Selfie Socks anus with just his tongue.


    1. Ego. He always had a swelled head, didn’t he? It comes from having an excessively high opinion of himself.

  30. Welcome folks to Red China, North Korea, the USSR etc….or otherwise known as Trudeau’s version of canada, also known as Hell.
    Now will Ontario finally wake up and realize what they actually elected, quebec and southern bc are beyond any degree of intelligent thought.

    1. Now will Ontario finally wake up and realize what they actually elected, quebec and southern bc are beyond any degree of intelligent thought.

      Hahahahahahahahahahahaha! Why do you think Daddy was in office for so long, even though everyone knew what a jackass he was as PM?
