66 Replies to “November 14, 2020: Reader Tips”

    1. A potluck Thanksgiving meal–what a concept!

      Let me get this straight: the CDC is a federal agency. They hire educated and, presumably, smart people to work there. Now they advise this, something that people with far less schooling can figure out.

      Just how smart does one have to be to get fired?

      1. In any level of government, any person making the mistake of showing intelligence will be terminated immediately.
        That person becomes a threat to the establishment. Just watch how the city gets things done.
        Every time it rains or the snow melts we have a lake in our alley in front of garage door. Each year we complain until the city does something. We keep telling them they have to pack the dirt down but they refuse to go that far. The first vehicle through starts the digging process all over again. By one week later the hole for the lake comes right back.

      2. Presumably, you did not miss the memo from Dr. Than of Canada to have safest sex with yourself and wear a mask as second best. That is the brilliant advice for Canadians, notwithstanding that inhalling re-cycled CO-2 in a mask while exercising is not really a good idea. Brilliant advice that only the most OCD/paranoids among us would follow.

        I hope Americans will use their best judgement and celebrate their holiday.

        Steakman, see you on the same theme

    2. I’m betting they are taking their cue’s from Theresa Tham….
      You know, the one who told us to GF ourselves..?? (and wear a mask whilst doing so)

  1. An ode about someone in B. C.:

    Our Bonnie has this foolish notion:
    That we’re under viral attack.
    She claims that she’s a physician,
    But everyone thinks she’s a quack.

    Change “Our Bonnie” to “Theresa” and it describes someone else….

    1. Well, most everyone in BC think she’s a saint, cuz she’s so……calm. You know her famous saying right? Be kind, be nice, be calm…..GAG ME.

      The only word she missed was OBEY.

      The last two days, this unemotional train wreck has been giggling in her pressers, as the number reach new highs of cases each day. She might be on the verge of a breakdown. We can only hope.

      1. “STFU and do what you are told.
        This is and has always been the agenda.

        From the earliest day of this Wuhan pandemic, I’ve contended that the primary goal of all the ‘public health’ types is not to save your life or keep you healthy because they could really give a rat’s ass whether you live or die. The real game is to create a ‘public health’ carve-out to the First Amendment that gives unelected bureaucrats and elected officials the right to rule by fiat. Early in this self-generated crisis, the first target was church attendance. Now we’re seeing the same nasty little fascists who locked down entire states…while sending patients still infected with Wuhan virus into nursing homes in what appears like a conscious effort to slaughter the elderly and infirm. (I say conscious because Pennsylvania’s Secretary of Health Richard…err…Rachel Levine took his own mother out of a nursing home before signing the order directing nursing homes to admit Wuhan patients.)”


        1. Is not, was not, and never will be a pandemic, only in the minds of the terminally stupid.

          1. Unfortunately, there are far too many people who believe the propaganda and who are willingly comply with whatever they’re told.

            “I don’t want to get sick.” (What? You won’t have an immune system?)

            “I’ll wear a mask if it keeps someone else safe.” (What is the probability of “infecting” that person?)

            I could explain to those sheeple using basic science such as statistics or fluid mechanics that it’s all balderdash, but that means that they’d have to be intelligent enough to comprehend those concepts.

            And then there are those who take great joy at using the current circumstances to inflict misery upon people. Many of them work as airport security.

        2. It’s not just rule by fiat, but doing so without the messiness of being held accountable for one’s decisions.

  2. Wikipedia’s “List of dates predicted for apocalyptic events” notes;

    Little research has been done into why people make apocalyptic predictions.[4] Historically, it has been done for reasons such as diverting attention from actual crises like poverty and war, pushing political agendas, and promoting hatred of certain groups…

    According to psychologists, possible explanations for why people believe in modern apocalyptic predictions include mentally reducing the actual danger in the world to a single and definable source, an innate human fascination with fear, personality traits of paranoia and powerlessness and a modern romanticism involved with end-times due to its portrayal in contemporary fiction

    Funny enough, the list doesn’t include climate alarmism/climate doomsday cult.


  3. Gateway Pundit

    Did the US Raid European Software Company Scytl and Seize their Servers in Germany? — Our Intel Source Says YES

    Earlier today Rep. Louie Gohmert told Chris Salcedo on Newsmax that people on the ground in Germany report that Scytl, which hosted  elections data improperly through Spain, was raided by a large US ARMY force and their servers were seized in Frankfurt.

    1. What?, how would the US Army have any jurisdiction or authority to conduct a raid in Germany.?

    1. Quicksilver – We follow the Bannon site, Seb Gorka, and for me, I use Citizen Free Press as an aggregate.

      From one of the comments:
      The fatal “mistake” of the left is that they do not understand who God is and that He alone is the Creator and sustainer of mankind. This world is His world and ultimately HE ALONE shall reign from sea to sea as He presently reigns in Heaven. I believe President Trump recognizes this and wants America to be great again, in the sense of regaining its original identity as a freedom loving, God honoring people. A(s) a nation, our truest greatness will be found as we return to the God who made us and put us here to glorify Him. This is why Jesus was sent, so that we may be saved from sin and the dominion of Satan. Satan always fails in the end and God ALWAYS WINS!

      “To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, DOMINION and power, both now and forever. Amen.” Jude 1:25

  4. Revisting a post from yesterday:
    Outgoing Syria Envoy Admits Hiding US Troop Numbers; Praises Trump’s Mideast Record
    ‘We were always playing shell games,’ says Amb. Jim Jeffrey, who also gives advice to President-elect Biden.

    The fact that the bureaucrats are openly acknowledging that they intentionally lied to Trump and conspired to conceal the truth from him tells me two things. 1) They believe it’s over for Trump and that they have succeeded in checkmating him. 2) Trump was right to be paranoid and rely on his family. He was surrounded by people that were lying, sabotaging him, undermining his policies, and leaking true and false information about him. I’m wondering if these are the same weasels and liars that gave us Bush’s wars. Yes, I’m suggesting that they would do this to any Republican president, but Trump, being the bull in the china shop was especially targeted. I don’t know what drives these people or who they really work for. They do seem to have some sort of pathological hero complex. I think Edward T Hall, who analyzed the nature of “the bureaucracy”. way underestimated their malignance.


    The following is a copied comment from the website, MaggiesFarmanotherdotcom:
    Yes Minister: Sir Humphrey is right. It is not his job to decide on the issues – that is why we have elections. Having worked for the federal government for decades, I can tell you that most bureaucrats have for a long time believed themselves to be in possession of knowledge and professional expertise greatly in excess of that possessed by their alleged masters who have suffered the electoral process, much less the idiot voters who ignorantly placed them there. There is no feedback – there is no payback for slagging the policy of a new administration – they will be gone in a few years and you will still be there. Having been instructed in the best universities that their expertise is neverfailing, they continue to do what they think is best. If they fail, oh well.
    #6 fiona

  5. Headline at the Toronto Sun website. Lilley:Trudeau promises to get tough on hunters after boy 12 is killed in gang fight.

    1. Yeah…gang members who were prohibited from owning firearms. Banning hunting rifles is certainly going to prevent that from happening again. Trudeau is a fucking moron!

      1. And True Dough’s loyal city voters will bow down and thank him for stopping the gun violence……again……

  6. Jay Hill interviewed by Le Devoir (translated):

    Jay Hill may come from British Columbia, now live in Calgary and does not speak a word of French, but it is René Lévesque, Jacques Parizeau, Lucien Bouchard and Yves-François Blanchet that he cites as political examples. Because he wants to make his Maverick Party (the party of nonconformists) a sort of Bloc Québécois in Western Canada.

    “I heard Mr. Blanchet say in an interview that if it’s good for Quebec, he will vote for and if it’s not good for Quebec, he will vote against. I intend to have a group of Maverick MPs who will apply exactly the same strategy for the four western provinces,” explains Mr. Hill in an interview with Le Devoir.

    “We believe in more autonomy and fairness for Western Canada either through constitutional reforms or the creation of an independent nation,” he said. […] The Reform Party focused only on option A. Now we have option B. It is very similar to the Bloc Québécois.”

    “We will not repeat what I now consider to have been the Reform Party’s mistake,” said Mr. Hill. Preston Manning had a different goal than the Maverick Party. We do not aspire to form government as the Reform Party aspired.”

    The number of Maverick candidates will be higher or lower depending on whether the election takes place this spring or within three years. In the event of a hasty ballot, the priority will be to present candidates in the 49 constituencies where the Conservative Party obtained such a lead in 2019 that a division of the vote with the new formation would not necessarily contribute to the election of a Liberal or New Democrat MP.

    “If Erin O’Toole focuses on Ontario and Quebec and elects a minority government, we could, with say 12 or 14 seats, hold the balance of power. And like the Bloc, we would endorse measures that are good for the West,” says Jay Hill.

    Jay Hill does not hesitate to call Justin Trudeau a “clown” whose “fixation on climate change strikes at the engine of the economy that is the oil and gas industry.” He is the bearer of the resentment of the West towards Ontario, Quebec and the Maritime provinces “who do not see all the billions in taxes that this industry brings in and who do not wonder how they will replace this income.”

    Today Jay Hill has five former Reform or Conservative MPs on his team: Allan Kerpan, Leon Benoit, Val Meredith, LaVar Payne and Eric Lowther. At 67, Mr. Hill does not intend to stand for election himself. He is also only the interim head of training. The party hopes to be able to hold a guidance and leadership congress next May, if the pandemic permits. If an election were to take place before, Mr. Hill would campaign as a spokesperson, but not seek a seat in the House of Commons.

    This makes Peter Downing jump. This former policeman and soldier founded the Wexit Party (a contraction between West and exit inspired by Brexit), which this summer became the Maverick Party. Mr. Downing himself had recruited Mr. Hill, believing that his notoriety would lend credence to the movement. He blames him today for having already softened. “He’s taking a moderate approach. […] People here think he is giving up independence in favor of reform. He wants to make the party a Reform Party 2.0 and people don’t want that.”

    Mr. Hill defends himself against these accusations. Once again, he says he is drawing lessons from the Quebec independence movement. “Both Mr. Lévesque and Mr. Parizeau – but not Lucien Bouchard, who was more cunning – made the mistake of speaking more and more to their base, the die-hard separatists. This put off the moderates. “He retains from the two Quebec referendums that “if we only talk about option B, and this is what Peter Downing was doing with Wexit, you turn your back on the undecided and you scare all those who could have voted for independence.”

    Lots more at link

    1. As an original Reformer I voted against the Party moving east. Manning said it was 95% in favor but I always doubted that number. The goodwill that Harper retained with Western conservatives has been dissipating for years. I think Jay Hill is taking the right approach. Firebrand separatism might feel good in the moment but the long build for a independent West will take time. Quite frankly Westerners have to be educated to how Canada is actually ran. Write off the media and the school system as part of this process. The challenge Hill faces is creating a communication stream that can actually reach Western Canadians. The CPC has failed miserably in that challenge for decades.

      The legacy of Reform will be the election of 5-10 Wexit MP’s. Achieve that and Western CPC MP’s will see the writing on the wall and will drift across the floor. Reform started with Deb Grey in ’89 and then 52 seats in ’93. In our riding we ran a candidate in ’89 who garnered 2300 votes which defeated the sitting Conservative Party MP. By the time ’93 rolled around we had organized to the point that we knew we were going to win. Organizing at a grassroots level our membership was smart enough to ignore the pretenders who tried to snatch the nomination away from the members. As a political party Reform failed in that regard over the long term. I sat on the riding association Board and watched as the Party morphed back in to a top down organization under Harper. The philosophical commitment was not strong enough to prevent this from happening. Jay Hill saw it happen and I hope he can structure protection from this repeating itself. There will be people who infiltrate the movement to do exactly that. Desroy the movement from within.

      1. Jay Hill says the Maverick Party will run in 49 targeted ridings if an election is called in the near term. This seems to be based on ridings the CPC won by at least 25 points in 2019.

        It breaks down to,

        30 of 34 in Alberta
        9 of 14 in Saskatchewan
        5 of 14 in Manitoba
        5 of 42 in BC

        I think this is a smart, focused plan for a brand new party, and that they will probably, hopefully, win 12 to 14 seats like Jay Hill predicts.

  7. Entertain myself? Not a chance. The priests in my high school told me that I would be damned for eternity if I entertained myself.

    1. So, the next time I fly over Calgary, will I be seeing dead bodies all over the place?

      Of course, if NenXi enacts something, Edmonton’s Prinz Dummkopf lookalike mayor will do the same, but twice as bad.

      1. They are the Mayors
        And nobody Cares,
        They want New World Order
        At your local Border.

        They’ll fine us and make us Pay,
        Because we have no Say.
        And the bodies will Stinko,
        Because they are Pinko.

  8. At the outset Manning too did not state aloud his desire to run candidates out side the western provinces. But I believe he fully intended to and I predicted in time he would. So will Hill.
    Hill should be challenged to explain as Manning was (but refused to give an answer) which party will come alongside Wexit in a coalition to address western grievances?
    The Conservative party? Really!! Dream on.

    CT- The “long build will take time” has already been underway for 40 years. Or one can argue throughout all our history in this con-federation. The Progressives, CCF and Socreds, all western protest movements followed years later by Reform accomplished nothing but good salaries and pensions for those who got themselves elected selling the narrative that western aspirations can be reached in the rigged system.
    That’s why the eastern establishment can treat the west with such contempt and disregard.
    And always will until we wake up and threaten to get out. Only at that time will they do anything to keep us in.
    And the getting out can only be driven and achieved by the western premiers.
    Hill, like Manning may succeed in once again letting them off the hook. They will appreciate him.

    1. Thanks, Nancy!
      Oh, and nice Suess ditty….
      I miss the dark sky we had out in the sticks east of Edmonton


    YES, ITS BIG. Coverage was really good until Jones starting talking, but no ones perfect

    And it’s a REAL Peaceful Protest

    1. This is really sad. the guard was just a kid, and seriously unprepared for what he would face that night. Had he accosted the bomber, he would have lost his life had the bomber prematurely hit the “explode” switch, but others would have been saved. Have a sense, in reading his testimony, that he will never escape the “what ifs”.

  10. Well if we’re going to have Joe Biden to kick around maybe we should pick an appropriate theme song for him?

    Anybody remember the 60’s hit,’Young Girl’ by Gary Puckett and Union Gap – “better run girl, your much too young girl.”
    “You’re just a baby in disguise…get out of here before I have time to change my mind…”

    You get the idea. Sounds like a creepy JB theme to me…ha

      1. How about a theme tune for Kameltoe Harris. Got the blues going here tonight and thought of that old Elmore James chestnut, ‘Shake your Money Maker’. Seems appropriate…..

        It’s been recorded by tons of artists. Fleetwood Mac rock it but so does Clapton and Beck (Jeff not Glenn).

        1. Saw Eric Clapton and “Cream” live in Montreal back in the day.

          It was a warm summer night in the middle of the Saint Lawrence River in July at an outdoor concert at a place called Place Des Nations. They held concerts there every Saturday night. This was after Expo ’67 had ended and people were still in the spirit of partying.

          Enjoyed the concert immensely, loved Clapton’s style and I still do!

          Eric Clapton & Jeff Beck ~ “Shake Your Money Maker”

          1. A coupla white boys lost in the blues. Lyle Lovett wrote a tune about that very theme.

            Clapton is really at home in the blues. He’s had a huge career in a number of styles but he’s a blues player at heart.

            Don’t you miss live music? It’s one of the things I hate the most about the Covid19 crap.

            Thanks for the post NR

  11. How corrupt is the media? Well the CBC and CNN were ranting about the Proud Boys and other Nazi groups at the demonstration for Trump today, and then giving us heartwarming stories of Dementia Joe going for a bike ride and how cute his dogs are.

    1. Perhaps Prinz lost a bet about result-oriented “Dominion Voting System” and Joey came to collect. A stiff $88,200 for the average person but chump change for the big spenders of other peoples’ money.

      ” But Joeyth, it workedth forth methe in 2015.”

    1. BA

      The UCP is in deep shit on a few fronts.

      The china flu and the hysterical medical bureaucrats aided and abetted by their unions (and the teachers) are going to force them into another shut down.

      The Keystone XL pipeline is looking like the pipeline to nowhere. It will eventually get built but if it sits in the ground unused by the next election cycle…

      The debt will rack the party from within. Red Rachael will make the most of it.

      A PST…dead man walking.

  12. Well the Covid 19 blues haven’t got me down cuz I guess I live in a bubble out here in the buck brush all the time. ha

    We’re ass deep in snow. Sure put a cramp on everything. Dogs have been antsy so we loaded up and headed to the river. They have to lunge through in spots. They had a large time. Kicked out some pheasants while I walked on the river ice. We’ve had a few nights of -20+ so the river froze. The snow is not as deep on the ice.

    Came home tired and I cooked up some frenched antelope ribs – rare. Delicious.

    Got the blues show on the box a drink poured – LG
