Margin Of Fraud

It’s on.

Attorney General William Barr has authorized federal prosecutors across the U.S. to pursue “substantial allegations” of voting irregularities before the 2020 presidential election is certified…

A thread on the Pennsylvania lawsuit here.


47 Replies to “Margin Of Fraud”

  1. Perhaps election laws have some ‘gravitas’…alternatively they could be swallowed up by the graveyard.

    Not a headline but a headstone!


    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North

  2. You have to love the AP trying to deflect in that head line.

    Why don’t we let judges decide what the proof is, or if there is little proof. The media are so used to carrying the Dems water and deflecting for them they just have to toss in their two cents instead of just reporting the events.

    And Twitter using the AP and Reuters as their basis for the fraud being disputed? Are they the courts now? I think people have to wait for the courts to review the allegations, at the very least.

    Al Gore, President-elect, according to the media. Like they get to decide. HA.

      1. Hilarious! “…journalism coach Homer Davis. “Journalists strive for offense — they love to tear down — so having to protect a gaffe-prone old coot is going to be vastly different.”
        Hope Joe doesn’t take offense!

        1. Robert, no one forced the Fox News Bubblehead Bleach Blonde.
          In poker its called a tell.

        2. Robert, I checked into fucks news about 25 years ago, and they were a lefty shitthole back then, it’s just taken a while to come to the surface!

      1. They are in deep doo-doo. The left all regard it as Faux News, and will never be persuaded otherwise.
        The right is walking. They have no viewers left, and no chance of winning any.

    1. It started downhill after Rupert Murdoch stepped down and turned it over to his leftist soiboi sons.
      November 3, 2020 8PM Fox News jumped the shark for good.

      1. I cancelled fox almost a decade ago for their leftist bias. It was subtler then, but still just as damaging.

        It’s about as subtle as a sledgehammer now.

        1. My brother-in-law watches FOX to balance his almost constant consumption of CNN.

          He gets so angry with me when he says that and I can’t stop laughing.

          1. LOL, reminds me about conversations with woke leftists nutjobs from EUrinal whose best argument often is “America is Satan, you would realize that if stoped watching CNN”

  3. I await further developments,fully expecting to be richly entertained by weeks end.
    Damn this Trump Show has been the best TV in 30 years,blows all the lame Holly-weird dreck right off the screen.
    What will be the next plot twist?
    I am rooting for the Master Showman to destroy the Uni-Party,through a magnificent entrapment of voter fraud conspiracy just carried out.
    Given how shrill the demands for the President to concede defeat are becoming,I suspect the poor Demons are starting to realize,they bin had.

    Never a dull moment,just for a kicker,assume Fox is part of the scam..what then?

  4. He’s going to get Huber and Durham right on it.

    As long as it’s not political in any way.

    Barr is very averse to such things, and as such avoids them.

  5. One must trust the swampÉ … hmmm, we shall see who`s loyal to the US and who is not.

    1. Robert, to switch your keyboard back from French characters, Ctrl-Shift twice. You’re welcome – ask me how I know… 😉

  6. The Dems will have the last laugh once that silly Orange Man loses all these silly lawsuits. There’s no way he’s going to win.


  7. Well, well, looks like RCP is trying to suck up to reality.

    They’ve taken GA, AZ and PA off of Biden’s 290, he’s down to 259.

    The Governor of Georgia, Kemp, has said ONLY LEGAL VOTES will count. AZ is down to a fractional difference, with 72k votes to count. Yeah, they’re still counting………

    In PA, over 600,000 votes have been segregated , due to the USSC , as being ‘late’ votes and potentially Unconstitutional.

    Things are getting real, fast, and it’s just getting started.


    1. I believe they never called it for those states because the final results are still up in the air.

      But it does mean that Biden is not the President-elect as he and others have claimed.

  8. If Barr had been doing his goddamn job all this time:

    Joe and Mr. and Mrs. Emhoff would already be in prison for giving aid and comfort to enemies of the United States, along with Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg.

    Bernie Sanders would have lost by 20 points on Tuesday.

    The Democratic Party would be in an advanced stage of self-disbandment as the globalists cut their losses.

    We would not be clutching at straws like this.

    Barr is humouring his boss in the hope of getting a few more paycheques before January 20. They all are.

    Stop expect the cavalry to show up. It isn’t coming. If the American people are not willing to water the tree of liberty with the blood of election thieves, they will not keep their republic, and will not deserve to.

    Stop the steal? What are you waiting for, Americans? Permission from the New York Times? You have enough firearms at your disposal to kill every last fucking pedo and globalist and thug and raghead and chink spy in America and still have ammo left over. Get to work.

  9. One would have to think that some of these corrupt Democrats or those who saw the Democrat’s crimes would be having second thoughts.
    Or are they too far gone for that?

    Men fought and died for democracy and for the right to vote.
    Can any Democrat comprehend that and the monstrous disrespect they are showing the war dead ?

    1. Next time, please post a clue about the link. It’s a forensic accountant who has a series on how to detect a variety of types of fraud. The linked episode is about Benford’s law to find unnaturally sourced groups of lists/numbers.

      And expertise in one field doesn’t imply competence in any other, so I wouldn’t recommend he try running for office on the basis of being numerate.

      1. I prefer Numberphile for items like this. He’s not an accountant, he’s a mathematician. 1.1k liked the comment “like this comment if you’re here because of the 2020 election”.

        He also goes into more examples of where and why it doesn’t apply. Generally, the higher values compared and the higher the number of values drawn, the better fit it is.

  10. now we know why the dims didn’t want ginsberger’s spot filled, or at least get the new face to agree to pull a sessions, and agee to recuse herself from anything Trump, or elections. The other issues were just smoke and mirrors, to detract from the real issue

  11. Just a little theoretical question here for all the Timmys and Karens out there and anyone else that wants to throw their two cents worth in. Suppose out of the three or so States that all of these fraud allegations are registering in, just suppose that an undisputed case of fraud is proven., absolutely proven with undeniable evidence, what then? Does the Electoral College remove that State from the voting process for the President? That would mean disenfranchising tens of thousands of voters from their rights! Does it open the door to investigate the voting process across all of the other States, looking for fraud? Or is there an obligation under the Constitution to conduct another election in six months time since voter fraud was committed? If another election has to be called who is in charge in the interim? In the Democrats zeal to win at all costs they have caused a constitutional crisis with unimaginable consequences. I only hope that saner heads will prevail, however in looking at the last four years I have my doubts about the saner heads in America.

    1. The Constitution says nothing about extending, cancelling or re-running elections. The majority on the Court are……Constitutionalists. They’re not going to make up rules, now, yesterday or in the future.
      If there is substantial fraud/fckery in a state election, the state legislature has options:
      1-Approve the vote winner.
      2-Disqualify the vote winner and award the Electors to the opponent.
      3-Abstain from submitting electors.

      The likely option is 3. If the sum of all state Electors is less than 270 for any candidate, then, CONGRESS shall have an election for POTUS. And that election is not based on reps, but on states, and members majority per state.

      Republicans have that majority. Trump becomes POTUS. And the Riots begin.

  12. The devil is in the details, now the federal prosecutors (a lot of them swamp creatures) get to decide the meaning of the word “substantial”…

      1. Not necessarily, I doubt they will be given much wiggle room, but Trump’s people need to keep lighting fire under their asses.

  13. Yeah, sure, Barr’s prosecutors will investigate, we’ll have a report in 2 years, after Durham’s.
