30 Replies to “Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bombardier”

  1. And yet, the Canadian government (at all levels) has bailed them out over 80 times in their history. Why? Because they are connected to the Liberal elite and they are considered too big to fail. Let them die – they deserve and it is past time.

    1. CodexCoder – wait until I sell my SkiDoo.

      SNC, Bombardier, Ubisoft (serial sexual harassment leadership). What could these ethically-challenged companies have in common besides the Liberals? The answer is geographical and cultural. All cultures are equal, right?

      1. He’s only supporting companies in his part of the country, the one that produces only the best prime ministers.

        1. B.A.D. re “the one that produces only the best PMs”: You mean like Pierre fart Trudeau, lyin’ Brian Mulroney, Justin “We we we all the way home” Trudeau, and Jean Shawinigate Chretien?

          When are we going to cut our losses?

    2. I hear there is a big market for private corporate jets in Indonesia. (LOL – sarc)
      PS: Private jets are the only thing Bombardier makes anymore, the billionaire Quebec family having run the rest of the company into the ground, DESPITE all the generous “assistance” that the wonderful citizens from coast to coast to coast have lovingly bestowed upon them.

  2. Each time I’ve looked at the company’s annual financial statement, I saw that it was clearly in hock over its ears. Debt-to-equity ratios of well over 1.0 are not a good sign.

    Contrary to my advice, my late father insisted on buying BBD stock each time the company made an announcement about one of its newest planes. As soon as I inherited those shares, I dumped them.

    I recall that they were trading around $4 when they were sold more than 3 years ago. I just checked and they’re under $0.30.  Unless there’s been a split in between time, that’s not a good sign, either.

    The price graph says it all:


    1. The last 2-for-1 split was in 2000. Wise move on your part. They are going to need to do a reverse split in order to remain listed on US exchanges (if they still trade anywhere other than the TSX). An old, wise investment councilor wrote in late 1999 to sell Bombardier and Nortel. Never had any BBD but I did sell Nortel at a little over $200.00 (almost the top). Best move ever. Made up for a lot of my other mistakes.

  3. Corruption in Indonesia?? Heavens!!! I see they now have an anti corruption agency. Must be the central disbursement office for graft.

    Indonesia is one of the most corrupt countries in the world. If someone tells you they are doing business in Indonesia without making payoffs, they are lying. Some use agents to make the actual bribes. Keeps them clean back home.

  4. WTF Quebec!?

    SNC, Bombardier, Highest Covid death rate in Canada, supply management, maple syrup price manipulation, AND the blackened member from Papineau.

    1. Just dragging the rest of good named Canadian Politicians….
      Lol…I crack myself up!

  5. Not to worry Power Corp will come to the rescue and “grease” the appropriate palms. This will blow over very quietly.

  6. You mean that bribery of politicians in other countries a crime?
    How the heck can I do business then?
    Forgot the golden rule…Don’t Get caught…Or be on the wrong side of politics.

  7. Quebec is all corruption all the time. I used to work with an anglophone who was a maintenance manager for a large multinational that used to have a factory in Montreal. (He ended up coming to work for me in Ontario). He kept a cash box in his office – the only purpose of which was to pay off safety inspectors, environmental inspectors etc. When the box was empty he took it up to accounting for a refill.
    The way he talked, it was simply expected, the company expected it, the inspectors boss expected his cut, everyone was in, and everyone knows it.

    1. Yes, I grew up in Quebec and bleed as a refugee to the west in 1978 and corruption was considered normal and everyone did it. You can’t do business in Quebec without corruption.

        1. Correction: eastern Canada insists on voting for PMs from Dummkopf country.

      1. I can vouch for the corruption in Kebecistan. I was sent there for a couple of years and it was a culture shock. Everyone was on the take. And I mean everyone.

  8. Another bail out coming from the liberals but they won’t make it so obvious.
    —- Bombardier will win a huge contract for PPE for the coming 2024 and on pandemic season(s). You didn’t think the virus was going to end during your life time, did you???
    —All Canadian airlines will be forced to buy only Bombardier airliners.
    —-By cabinet decree the RCAF will be forced to order only Bombardier aircraft. Just imagine an airliner as a replacement for the CF-18. All passenger windows crank open and the passengers each being issued with a crowd control weapon that shoots bean bags, will shoot at the engine intakes of the enemy a/c hoping that a bag will be sucked in and the engine will quit.

    1. Bombardier only makes small business jets. They no longer build, or service, any type of passenger aircraft. They sold off the CRJ division to Mitsubishi, the prop-planes to Viking Air in BC, and the C-Series to Airbus.

  9. If we want Canadian companies to do business in third world dumps we have to expect that they will conduct business to third world dump standards. If they aren’t prepared to do that there’s no point even showing up. If they try it here at home we should jail everyone involved, but for the sake of diversity when in Dumperstan…

  10. I’m going to be a little contrarian here. Indonesia, for effs sake? You have to bribe the bus driver. I suspec tit’s just payback for BAE losing a bid to them. Canadian law, or British for that, does not apply outside of the country. Often bribery is endemic and expected and necessary. It’s when they do these tricks at home I want them prosecuted.

    What, foreign money in Canada ypu say? No that can’t possibly be true, just ask Deer Leader about his “Charity”.

    Hey Captcha, why always inanimate objects? Where are the dancing girls? Please select all nipples, for example, would be interesting.

  11. I used to work for an international products and service company that moved their manufacturing from the UK to Indonesia and services from the UK to Brazil. Everything coming out of Indonesia was a mess and resulted in millions of dollars of rework. Had to send Westerners there to watch and direct the work. But guess what, the work remained in Indonesia and the concept is gaining traction and the West is still poorer for it. All of your politicians are paid to turn a blind eye to it either directly, through business venture ownership or indirectly by lobbying and under the table payments. Western workers get the shaft because companies want to make 40 to 100x profits nowadays, without giving proper payment to skilled workers. .

    1. Aye. My employer has a “resource center” in India. Guess where the N.Am work is going, slowly at first, like a drip.
      Much more profit.

  12. Just remember, most of that money was taxpayer money. Albertan taxpayer money. If you give money to someone you know is a criminal, and they’re gonna use that money to commit crimes…

    We’re all corrupt quebecers now. 😉

  13. Who gives a damn? You can’t do business in those countries without bribing someone.
