19 Replies to “Unexpectedly”

  1. Ah, but carbon taxes were an overwhelming success.

    Remember when Buttshead said that an “alternate route” for a pipeline wasn’t needed, but an “alternate economy”? That was the whole objective all along, to return western civilization to the halcyon days of feudalism before that dreadful document, the Magna Carta, ruined things for the ruling nobility and granted rights to the serfs.

    Some 50 years ago, the Club of Rome declared that “the earth has a cancer and that cancer is man”. Soon after that, we had the phony-baloney “energy crisis”. The elites have been playing such games with us ever since.

    1. So when do we declare on war on those entities that are trying to kill us, if we are the cancer?

  2. You actually mean that people still heat their homes at 40 below? And drive to work and buy groceries? Who would have suspected it.

  3. I’m sure this won’t stop our little dictator from increasing the carbon tax. In related news, the prairies are going through a record breaking cold snap with snow, for this time of year.

    1. Itès already programmed in; 5 years of increases from when it was first introduced. Itès called creeping taxation.

  4. Carbon taxes have been a massive failure?? I think it’s been an overwhelming success IMO.
    Of course it all depends on how you look at it.
    Actual conversation with a 40 something Vancouver car owner when putting gas in my rental. An age I thought that might provide a glimmer of hope for this country. Something…anything really, to restore my faith for the up and coming generation. I was totally expecting a “You know what? It’s total Bullshit!!!” Yeah, right.

    Me: “How ya likin’ the carbon tax over here?”

    Mr. Jeep Wrangler: “It’s awesome!!!”

    Me: “Uhhh…It’s awesome??!!??”

    Mr.Jeep Wrangler: “Yup, you’re not going to believe this but the air around Vancouver has been so much cleaner”.

    That screams success right there folks. And when you’re done screaming…start weeping.

    1. I live there.. Most of the smog was from the airport blowing up the fraser valley!.. I have seen weather inversions where you couldn’t see from the ridgeline of 96/176 in Surrey across the river . Havent seen that in a while, but I’m not on the road everyday anymore. Traffic pre-chin-bug was getting worse. So it’s even more expensive to drive than it was, so carbon tax hasn’t stopped the traffic..Carbon tax is blatent fkn theft.

    2. Actual conversation with a 40 something Vancouver car owner when putting gas in my rental.

      Well, it was in Vancouver, Canada’s portal to an alternate universe.

  5. LOL. No one actually believes these taxes are about carbon emissions, do they? Wasn’t this clear when none of them could answer even simple questions about how much these taxes would reduce emissions or affect temperatures?

  6. Millions of progressive voters have been conned into thinking that carbon taxes already in place have had some effect on climate, and that further “climate action” is possible if we pay more. I don’t think that the carbon taxes already in place have made even 0.01 C difference to the mean temperature, the money has gone mainly into general revenues, and the incentives to change to lower carbon have been weak (not to mention the probable overstatement of the human role in recent warming).

    This fraud has to end or our economy will eventually stop working altogether. We would be much better off to put into place mitigation plans in the eventuality of sea level rises, if those never happen then the plans will cost us very little, if they do happen (and they could even without a human impact on climate) then we would be ready and have plans in place to deal with various changes in sea level.

    The Green Party in particular is misleading voters on this subject. Their “climate action” plans are nothing more than a bizarre attempt to dismantle the modern economy altogether and replace it with something that would provide governments with almost no tax revenues within 20 years. Then who is going to pay for the pensions of all the wealthy socialist idiots who vote Green? Come to think of it, let them try their schemes, they will probably be the ultimate losers.

  7. What’s that sayin’? “There’s a sucker born every minute?” If you shine a light in one ear, you’d watch cartoons play on the opposite wall. Only “The Big One” would raise sea levels where he lives, because the land sank below sea level (Richmond, Delta), or his house slides down from British Properties to join the heap at the bottom of Lonsdale Ave. Then the tsunami gets ’em.
    He doesn’t know that Alberta fills his tank, so he can tootle around to Overwaitea.

    1. This post was a reply to Burton, in case you’re wondering, but it applies to anyone that believes carbon taxes are good for you. Good for emptying your wallet, not much else.

  8. This right wing think tank I follow is great for my daily dose of confirmation bias. Life sure is unexpected in my echo chamber!

    1. Glad to help you get out of your echo chamber once in a while. Yes, conservatism, based on what has worked in the past, is usually right on the great issues of the day. When we hit new territory we rely on the wisdom of the ages (the Bible is a great teaching tool, for those who will learn). When a new idea is brought forth we ask for what it predicts and base the results on that record. Environmentalists and climate catastrophists have failed in all of their major predictions, and the current crop of models that we’re told predict the end of all (by bringing the temperature back to where it was 3000 years ago) are running 2.5 to 3 times too hot for the CO2 changes. It’s almost as thought CO2 isn’t a primary driver for the climate after all (look up CO2 solubility in water by temperature and you’ll see why it follows air temperature instead of driving it).

      The reason renewables won’t work as well is that they don’t have the energy density of coal, natural gas, or radioactives. Our ancestors didn’t leave the stone age because they ran out of stones, they found better ways to do things.

      Carbon taxes are regressive because they promote the religious belief that you can change the weather if you live “right”, and that all sinners are outsiders who must be forceably brought into the fold. Why can’t progressives be tolerant, and accept that there are others who don’t think like them, and leave us alone?

      Thanks for posting, this was cathartic for me.
