41 Replies to “White Men Can’t Jump”

  1. “It is time for all members of our profession to acknowledge that mathematics is created by humans and therefore inherently carries human biases. Until this occurs, our community and our students cannot reach full potential,” wrote the group.

    Yet … earlier in the piece they cited that Trump and his followers were baaaad mmmmkay? Because they don’t believe in the inerrancy of science and mathematics. Now … they are suggesting that the findings and results of science and math are “biased”. Well, no shit Sherlocks !! Science, Data, and Math is easily manipulated to suggest a preconceived result.

    However the mathematical formulae misused to achieve these biased results are NOT biased.

    1. I saw a comment that such sentiments have to be expressed in a non-biased language other than English – if you can find one.

      Sign was suggested.

  2. Now numbers are racist. I can see that being said about “x and Y”, ie. why do we always use “x” first but now numbers. Perhaps odd numbers are male and even numbers are female and we need to start using more even numbers or maybe it’s that certain numbers are considered white and others black and we use too many white numbers in our calculations. At one time we felt that some fields of academic and scientific study were immune from this racial insanity but apparently not. God help us all! (oops I misspoke and used the male term for the chief diety, oops , I used the word male. Man, I can’t do anything right !! (oops did it again!

  3. If they get their way, sharpening a stick with a rock will be deemed a revolutionary act.

  4. “Thanks to science and mathematics, we understand now that masks, social distancing, frequent, rapid, mass testing, and contact tracing are all fundamental to keep our communities safer during the COVID-19 pandemic”

    Baloney. It’s all a crock of propaganda.
    a) no studies show that masks are efficacious. Quite the Opposite.
    b) social distancing was cooked up during the Spanish Flu 100 years ago to make government look like they knew something that they didn’t. Know medical studies confirm what the distance should be if it works at all. The exact persistence of the virus in clouds or on solid objects touched by people shedding the virus is still unkown.
    c) the tests have a greater than 64% False Positive rate coupled with a 20% False negative rate rendering them essentially useless.

    1. You missed that it takes days to get the results.
      When you learn of an area infected, then far too late…

      1. Deaths flatlined months ago, yet the infection rate keeps climbing. That means they’re measuring the wrong statistic. Or lying.
        They know this, but do it anyway. Why? Because they have a political agenda with interests unaligned with the best interest of the citizenry.

        1. And open schools long before they are ready.
          Also have problems with people on contract that the Pandemic was never in consideration.

  5. Mathematical Association of America goes “full retard”. Unfortunately, many of these alleged scientific and professional associations have been infected by leftist activists who’s primary goal is seeking office and abusing that office for ideological purposes.

    1. Mr Austin, I think you just nailed it, unfortunately, you will now be cancelled, because accusing leftist activists of abuse is racist….I think.

      If math is racist, then does 2 + 2 = 5 or 3? and are they male or female?
      See! When you’re bereft of reason and logic, the above line becomes neutral…I think, NO, must stop thinking, its racist to think, right? Or would that be left? Is it racist to end a sentence with a question such as saying, “right?” Its certainly political, but is it racist? I am unsure because my lunch is ready, and two lunches are not a supper or breakfast, so now I will put my head in the crapper and flush, because I need to wash off my raCISM! the ra came off, but the CISM is stuck like phlegm on the BBQ. see! Word salad special and not unracist right? Um’ left? Doesn’t sound right er correct. HEeELLLP! My sanity is aRGUING WITH MY INSANITY, AND INSANITY’S WINNING…

      1. GerryK, there is some merit to the 2+2=5 or 3. If you want to give me a few million I would rather the 2+2=5. Now if you want to take from me then I will go with the 2+2=3. Maybe math is now just a matter pf preference.

  6. When the Chinese take over the world, they having no time for such nonsense, the people who claim that math is racist just because Africans can’t count past two without help will look on the days of the peculiar institution as the good old days.

    Reminder that the globalist support of black supremacy is a means, not an end. In the end their black brothers will be hauled off to training camps to be turned into spare parts and cheap pork products. Ben’s Original Asian Wonton, anyone?

  7. math is racist….just too funny that, and the posts in here are just as phunny, many from people who think 666 signifies something other than the number that comes after 665, and before 667:-))))

    1. Did you know that federal government desk phone numbers were/are 666, as no one wanted that string, so they got better rates.

    2. 666? Thats racist, you racist. You’re racist aren’t you. Like me, you’re having issues with your reality as well. That was the Math Institute, so it’s half institution, just need to add the Mental part.

  8. I am all for solving complex problems with black math. Show me some. I will fully adopt it – if it works. I am still waiting to write the black biased SAT, MCAT, LSAT, GMAT etc. I can’t imagine I would have a big problem. In my daily life, farming and running vehicles, I often utilize Afro-engineering. We used to call it something else. Works great in a pinch.

  9. Garbage people promoting social justice are literally more dangerous to humanity than the nazis ever were.

    1. No Buddy, it doesn’t add up, that’s the problem. However, it does add up to insanity and stupidity, but I’m not sure what are the corresponding numbers to those words are, so I’m having difficult with the equation. As are the idiots that came up with this thing.

  10. Re: “”As mathematicians, we notice patterns – this is something we are all trained to do. …”

    Pity they didn’t notice the higher crime rate among blacks.

    1. Both math proficiency and crime rates can be linked to two other fields – single motherhood, and abortion. Single motherhood because it’s very rare that the kids will be properly socialized. Abortion because it shows how low value life is in your area.

      Oh, and it’s not availability of abortion, it’s how often it’s used. Look at the percentage of black women in the US. Look at the percentage of abortions performed on black women. And I’ll bet you that very few of them are married and raising the kids that make good citizens.

        1. The abortion numbers I want to ensure the source is neutral, so I’ve got the CDC breakdown here of race of abortion in the US (2015 is the last update I could find, Table 13 and Table 14, scroll down for totals):

          Single motherhood is more politicized, but the references provided in the article at https://www.fixfamilycourts.com/single-mother-home-statistics provide a good background. Single motherhood as the source of many of society’s problems is also the thesis of Ann Coulter’s book “Guilty”. I’m sure the academic references in that are overwhelming. If you prefer to watch your news, on Youtube look for “Ann Coulter Single Mothers”.

          Is that what you sought?

          1. C_Miner, NO! It was sarcasm,
            We’re posting about math being racist, and I saw an opening. Sorry, I should have made an /s indicator to explain. Sigh, I was just having a little fun with the stupidity of the declaration that math is racist. I appreciate you supplying those figures, which I believe to be true, including your prior statement. With the written word, there are times we sometimes do not express our meaning well enough, and it goes over the head of the recipient. If we had more than /s we could perhaps use /G for that, with the G being the head facing away fro the forward slash. I bet SDA could come up with a bunch of them if we were of a mind. Heck, even when conversing directly, our meaning and intent go over the heads of the recipients. I once, while talking with a cute woman who owned a black Kia soul, I said, Ahh, you’re that woman with a dark soul, her expression was as one being insulted for being accused of having demonic thoughts. Sigh! Sometimes jokes just don’t work.

  11. National Basketball Association players will be doing a little math learning, their audience is down 44% for some strange reason?

    Multi-multi-million dollar contracts will be going down along with that audience…

    Math is hard…. ha ha ha…

    1. Someone will go to Trudeau and tell them the owners are losing money and get a nice fat bailout check.
      Cha-ching $ Canadians will be shafted again.

  12. OK, Next oppression reveal please. Once they are done with math, they’ll start calling language racist, especially the English language. Little known facts about the English language, when King Henry VIII, he the chubby King of Anne Bolynn fame, commissioned the Monks of Canterbury to put the English language into written words, we already had letters from Europe, but no written language. He made the error of paying them by the letter, for each word they created. Hence, the U with the Q and G, and PF for F. When you see extra non needed letters in a word, such as langUage and qUantum, or PHYsical, or niGht and so on, you can thank the monastic order of Canterbury England for adding extra letters to words to make more money out of old Henry. They sure screwed things up for the English language, and these days, there are a lot of “people” that can’t spell, and “some” that are illiterate as well.

    Gee, I had fun with this thread. 🙂

  13. Mathematics is not invented by humans, the statement is wrong. It is discovered by humans.

  14. The phrase “two plus two equals five” (“2 + 2 = 5”) is a slogan used in propaganda, literature or other media, most notably the 1949 dystopian novel 1984 by George Orwell.

  15. I have an actual B.Math, from the pre-eminent mathematics university in Canada and Top 3 in the world, and I have never heard of these clowns. The fact that they keep conflating mathematics and the sciences is reason enough not to take them seriously.
