23 Replies to “Punch Back Twice As Hard”

  1. Per Kate’s famous “Not showing up to riot is a failed conservative policy”…
    … I think that conservatives have been way too lenient (compared to progressives) to use the courts to right wrongs. There is too much an attitude of “I will just suck it up and move on”.

    I hope Sandman never has to work a day in his life.

    1. I’m sure that Nick Sandman will work many days in his life. He probably won’t “have to” work for money, but he will work for his passion and gifting.

      The testament to his character in the face of adversity was on full display during this test, but that was just a battle in the war of life.

      The true test of his character will now be whether he will grow and mature into a man who is not controlled by the temptation of his new found wealth and all its trappings and snares.

      By the appearance of who he showed himself to be already, he is well on his way to be a wonderful leader and mentor. He has been mentored well, many credits to his Father and Mother to doing a fine job in instilling a Godly character in him thus far.

      Many prayers for his continued growth.

  2. I hope I live long enough to see this kid as Governor Nick Sandman, then Senator Nick Sandman
    and eventually President Nick Sandman.

  3. He keeps winning and the progs heads just keep exploding because their cognitive dissonance fractures their evil minds.

  4. At least there are states in the US where a conservative can get a fair hearing on a defamation suit. Doesn’t work in Canada.

  5. I am so glad someone is actually winning against these Democratic pit bulls that pass for journalists in the media, I mean propaganda corps today. WAPO released a hit piece from the secret recordings of the first lady from two years ago on the same day she gets COVID. WAPO celebrating their positive result. These people are just scum. SCUM

  6. Thank you Kate for all you do with SDA! This story is exactly why I visit SDA each and every day. It made my day! This would never be reported in the MSM and never in a million years on CBC PREVADA.

  7. I can’t see President Trump getting overly sick on this virus due to his being constantly active.
    Now comes the question that if Joe Biden does catch it, chances are he will not make it. All this before this election which then just leaves his running mate that nobody wants or likes…

  8. Reminds me of Breitbart…one of his quotes …
    “Walk toward the fire. Don’t worry about what they call you. All those things are said against you because they want to stop you in your tracks. But if you keep going, you’re sending a message to people who are rooting for you, who are agreeing with you. The message is that they can do it, too.”
    ― Andrew Breitbart

  9. Punch Back Twice As Hard

    “things Rick Moranis never did” Alex.
    Hope he has a speedy recovery.

  10. And…MSM has not learned a thing from this. Good for Nicholas, but MSM will continue to lie, and mislead.

  11. I had never heard of Sandmann’s lawyer – Lin Wood – prior to this. I think the shear egregiousness if all these big media organizations piling on against a kid must have offended Wood so much he decided to get involved, and stay involved. Now he’s preparing to sue Biden for defaming Kyle Rittenhouse as a white supremacist.

  12. When are Sandman’s lawyers going to stop f*cking around and force at least one of these defendants to defend their actions in court?

    Nick “thanked all his supporters” when he and his lawyers were cashing their most recent fat cheque from a settlement. If he wants to thank this strong supporter, he can start by slowing his gravy train and switching to exposing the leftist media’s mass collusion and lies in an actual court case.

    Look, I don’t begrudge Nick being compensated for the truly horrendous treatment he received from many, but from personal experience I can tell you never to trust even your own lawyers. At this point I have absolutely no confidence that his legal team has any interest in true justice for Nick(or the rest of us) outside of making all of them lots of $$$$$$$$.

    Before he goes any further, maybe Nick should ask his lawyers just how many Ferrarris or mansions it will take to restore his reputation and good name.

    1. I think the way it works is to get the money from the first folks so you can go after the prize – CNN. You need a war chest to take them on. It will be the trial of a century and I hope it leads to crushing these sick media and elite scum.

  13. I agree that he should at least get one or two of these outfits into the court room.

    I would nominate NBC as they went on to attack his parents, and dox his family.
    Or the Rolling Stone who called for his parents to lose their jobs and attacked his church.

    But, I will defer to his choice to pick up a couple of million here, a couple of million there. Go Nick!

    1. There is certainly still time for his lawyers to prove me wrong… but then again… they are lawyers.

      And as my father was fond of saying…

      “Money doesn’t buy happiness, but at least it allows you to choose your own form of misery.”
