43 Replies to “They Went From “Flatten The Curve” To “Put Your Hands Behind Your Back” So Fast We Didn’t Even Notice”

  1. And what’s good for Quebec is good for the rest of the country, right? That’s what one gets when the Constitution and Charter of Rights are suspended.

  2. L- The comment section of the article and protests against such arbitrary, medically unjustified measures, predict a public clash. The Quebec govt. will have to go full on Maoist or back down.

    The government’s credibility will evaporate with full disclosure and a free public debate on the facts and science. No such free debate is allowed in the MSM.

    I expect Max, the populist, to be present at these protests.

      1. Closed?

        Minefields, machine-gun towers, rabid dogs and Razor Ribbon from “Sea to Shining Sea”?

        Where’s that old sense of adventure?

        1. Thats surrounding Roxham Road to keep the pissy citizenry away from the New and Preferred Canadians.

  3. The measures being taken by Legault are nothing short of dictature. Just a few days ago, at the daily press conference, the gov was assuring people they would never go as far as going into people’s homes. But now they do. In March, Arruda is seen in an interview talking about the inefficiencies of masks and that they actually increase your risk by giving you a false sense of security. A few months later in July, when the “curve” is finally flat, he imposed mandatory masks on their population. I know tons of people there that keep applauding the tyrannical measures taken by their government and do not question the inconsistency of the measures and the lack of science behind them because they trust TVA and Radio-Canada blindly. Instead of acknowledging the governments failure in dealing with old folks homes (which has been a majority of the deaths like in NY), Legault and Arruda keep blaming the population for “misbehaving” by not wearing their masks and daring to get together with a couple friends, and they take more drastic measures every day.
    They should change their name to Quebecuba.

  4. Lysenko would be proud. I used to wonder how the Russians could be so easily taken in by pseudo science, and then along came covid.

    1. Well except for the part of trains leaving every day and taking people to gas chambers and no food or water and a constant incoming stream of ever more refugees being forced in, yes.

  5. If it was ever about public health it is no longer about that. This is not about managing an infectious disease but about controlling the populace. At first, you could perhaps excuse it as politicians and public health authorities being unprepared and overreacting once their initial failures threatened disaster. But now, this is just doubling-down trying to justify poor decisions that failed.
    World has gone mad.

      1. Thanks J West, I took the time to watch the whole thing, at 57 minutes, and agree, it is very eye opening and informative, and yes, scary for those that still have some idea that this is not coming, and in the end all will be hunky dory. To all on SDA, this is well worth your time.

    1. Paul Craig Roberts is a lunatic conspiracy theorist who thinks the Holocaust never happened. What are you guys watching?

  6. I guess Québec doesn’t want my tourist $$ for another year. I’ll happily oblige.

    In the past, we’ve made a trip up there once a year, and left a few grand behind. No more – they don’t deserve it.

    1. Why would they need tourists when they can take money right out of tourists’ pockets via transfer payments?

      1. Holy cow look at Mr. Airplane and his ability to travel. Oh la la. I bet he has a scandalously gigantic carbon footprint.

        Me, I stay home and shiver and write a cheque of 100% of my meager income, payable to Africa or Quebec, and send it c/o Socks McBlackface, Ottawa, New Chyna.

  7. Just a little bit more…just a little bit longer…we’re just going to keep pushing a bit further…
    It might take cops 5 minutes to get a warrant but for many law-abiding citizens it takes less than that to UN lock and load.
    Hope Legault and his government and their cops get what is coming to them quick, fast and in a hurry.

    1. Buddy, you really don’t understand the cowardice of the average Canadian. Quebeckers are average even though their tiny minds think otherwise.

  8. Quebecers can be feisty, so this may not go well. In BC, we have an upcoming election, so there will definitely be no lockdown before October 26th. After that, who knows. We do have newer “restricted bubble advice” and a few flagrant party-goers were fined over the summer (after noise complaints), but nothing draconian here yet.

    Health rules do not consider that 28% of Canadian households are one-person, living alone. BC is more like 33%. As a senior, I am being reasonably cautious, but I need a social life (non-resident boyfriend, family, strata neighbours, small gatherings, mini-vacations and dining out in well-spaced venues) and services (dog grooming, house cleaning and repairs, haircuts, car servicing, shopping for non-essentials etc.) in and outside my home. I wear a mandatory mask on the Skytrain if I have to go downtown.

    I do not know one single person in my network who has had COVID-19 or who knows about anyone who has been ill. My son tested positive after feeling ill, but it was false and he tested negative after 2 days on the second test. I happily went to a small birthday party they threw for me a few days later and hugged my adorable grandchildren and him. I AM DONE with draconian lockdowns! The economic fall-out from small businesses closing and delays in health services are creating havoc.

    1. L. I think you hit a key point.

      No lockdowns in BC. Yet.

      But there will be after the election if ndp wins. And Horgan will then claim they have a mandate to do it.

      Opposition needs to make it issue #1

      1. But they won’t. Increasingly in this country, Liberal=NDP=“Conservative”. No matter who “wins”, the vast majority will lose and be too stupid to realize it.

  9. Always heartwarming to read thru a contentious CBC news story comments section once in a while just to remind myself how many thumb-sucking idiots there are in this country. Why is the US always invoked when there’s a problem in Canada?

  10. The article says exception for romantic relations, I guess that’s the type of party that is permissible. “It is okay officer, we are all F-ing in here.” “Carry on then.”

  11. You just have to know what to say when they come to your door.

    Residents – “Get lost pig, we’re making our blm/antifa rioting signs”
    Officer – “Oh I’m sorry to disturb you. Actually I can get my crayons from the car and help you with those!”

  12. They flattened the curve months ago because death rates have fallen from 200/day to under 10, so pivoted to new “infections.”

    But the virus did it for them, all their masked false hobgoblins contributed nothing, the metrics clearly show that for Canada.

    But they’re doing a great job of flattening another curve, our GDP. If only they could be that successful with covid.

    Years ago I was an officer at Royal Roads Military College, which Chretien wanted to close, so our CO had all our numbers updated to truly reflect our value as an officer incubator and English second language training in the summer.

    They went ahead and closed RRMC anyway, and their press release used the old numbers as justification, ignoring current.

    They’re doing it again, but on a much more massive scale, closing down all of society, but using the old numbers.

    The mask on mask off again nonsense shows they haven’t a clue, except where they can enhance their power.

    After all covid proved the need to dismantle the private insurance benefits market for a government Pharmacare takeover.

    That’s the thirty pieces of silver the NDP was given to betray future taxpayers. They needed it because they’re broke.

    The real covid story folks. Their leader seems oblivious to the idea of gaining seats with Laytonesque pragmatism, opting for pet programs and sealing the deal for years of ridiculous deficits with debt servicing overtaking revenues, a PET II legacy.

  13. Wow. Reading the comments is eye opening how many people fully support this. Eye opening, but not entirely shocking for canada.

  14. https://rbdavocats.com/tele-mandat-et-covid-19/?fbclid=IwAR1vxJ7-tsoFKV8Rc1SH8XmYn9jtlOiQ4JAhQHHvQQk9lyoHt-3WhUkXo-U

    According to this Québec Lawyer, Tele-Warrants are not for going into peoples homes and giving them fines. Judges can only grant warrants to enter homes for 3 specific purposes: to arrest someone, to escort them to jail or to escort them to the court to pay a fine. He said that judges would not grant warrants for cops to go on fishing expeditions.

    It’s just more fling-flang from the provincial government. Quebeckers have been at the forefront of fighting a lot of this bs since March. Ontarians and other Canadians need to stand up for their rights. This is the first time a lawyer has spoken up directly about a specific measure and contradicted the Government in a very specific way.

  15. Oh, trust me, it won’t be just “gatherings”. They will lie to judges and obtain warrants to even those who are alone in their homes. Because this is what police does for a living: lie to the judges, lie to the public, lie to the government, lie to the lawyers… They lie to live.

  16. For sure. My hair dresser is livid, as he got no rent alleviation, when others did. He is getting it and becoming more conservative as a business owner.
