20 Replies to “Things That Go Trump In The Night”

  1. Has anyone bothered to ask her just how Trump being elected, in any, way, shape or form effected her personal life, other than her personal level of insanity?

  2. You kinda wonder, don’t you? I’ve had conversations with ‘friends’ about certain politicians, and they come back with ‘he has a hidden agenda’, ‘he’s not good for the working class people’. I ask for evidence! Nada! Brainwashed.

    1. My next-door neighbour in Fort St. John dislikes Prinz Dummkopf but hates Trump even more, considering DJT a “fool”. She won’t say why, though.

      1. A Canadian phenomena at work, it’s hard to find someone who doesn’t hate DJT. I actually have (had more accurate) friends I never hear from anymore since I admit supporting him. I too have never received an explanation for why except for one thing which they all seem to cling to, he said grab women by the **** in the 80’s when he was a playboy billionaire….the horror! Meanwhile, Michael Jackson, a full blown pedophile is a hero, still revered. Time to face the fact we live a completely feckless society and the only realistic solution is to divide up the country.

        1. He actually said, ” They LET YOU grab them by the pussy…. ” But like other things Trump, the media immediately, deliberately misinterpreted/misquoted.

  3. Notice how this “educator” can’t express herself without an F bomb for emphasis. they consider this word magic and evocative.
    It should only be used when necessary – fixing your car, for example.

  4. Has this cow EVER doubted where her next meal was coming from? Where she would sleep that night?

    While she seeks undeserved attention online, working-class white men ruined by the pandemic and used as a host and punching bag by every parasite in America are taking their own lives daily. If the Biden coup is successful, their troubles are just beginning.

    If she’s that afraid of what Trump will do to her and her little brat, then all she need do is see that Orange Man Bad not get either of them alive.

    But she won’t.

  5. “In the beginning the organizer’s first job is to create the issues or problems.” ~ Saul Alinsky

    Why do they all seem to believe that they are the head organizer?

    1. Evidently, Alinsky ignored one of the immutable laws of the universe: if it works, don’t fix it.

  6. This is right up there with the story about the woman who joined the Satanic Temple because of her Trump angst. Nutjob.
    I’ll say it again: There’s a very discernible wave of mental illness sweeping Western nations, I even see it in my own neighbourhood. Former reasonable left of center types who’ve simply lost their sh*t and are so fixated about what is happening South of the border and so immersed in their anti Trumpism it’s the one and only thing they can talk about 24/7 – so of course I avoid them like the plague. What it stems from is anyone’s guess…Fluoride, vaccinations, drugs, education, Media.
    I dunno, take your pick.

  7. If your daughter donates all her allowance $$ to … “save the cheetahs” … then you have extreme privilege. I grew up with no allowance whatsoever. This woman has got one thing right … she is privileged. Privilege (read: white guilt) which accrues from being born in America.

    Oh? And BTW … my children volunteered for Christmas toy drives and worked stocking food pantries for the poor. Helping other humans. Not some cheetah on the Serengeti… whose fate is ultimately in the hands of a Marxist WarLord.

    1. Exactly.

      If mommy and her little spoiled brat were actually oppressed, mommy knows where the airport is. They are not.

      They are no doubt living off alimony and disability payments that the brat’s father and former employers have been forced to pay out just to see the back of the crazy dog, leaving mommy free to spend her days pickling her brains and raving on the Internet.

  8. Douglas Murray: Trump is crazy.

    This is second had so ….
    In a recent article about Joe Rogan’s interview with Douglas Murray, the writer justifiably praised Rogan for being very curious and open to fair and open minded interviews with people from across the political spectrum.

    However, the writer added that Murray and Rogan agreed that Trump was crazy. Muray pointed out that despite Trump being crazy, people were more scared of the even crazier left which is why Trump succeeded.

    I was thinking, or possibly muttering, how so Douglas? In what way or ways is Trump crazy.

    1. Crazy in the sense of not giving a fig what you think or say about him on Twitter. Crazy enough to possibly out 4chan 4chan? Beyond that, as crazy as anyone else. He like McDonald’s more than I do, for example.

  9. I really don’t care for Trump the man, but I do wholeheartedly support him for what he’s managed to get done under enormous pushback, plus hate, and irrational TDS. I also support him for president for another four years. I’m thinking I’m gonna get a red T shirt with, ” I support Trump” on it, just see a few lefty idiots pop their corks, and go bat shit crazy. Truth is, I would do that even if I didn’t support him, cuz it would be so much fun to screw with their minds. I have family members that hate Trump without any valid reasons.

    One time, my daughter casually mentioned to her aunt that I was watching Fox news, and she went apeshit! Why is he watching Fox news gasp! I said, have you ever watched it? The answer, “No I never could or would”. My reply, “there is your problem, as usual, you have no idea why its wrong, and you are believing the opinions of others, who also have no idea why its wrong because they also, have never watched Fox news either”. We have not spoken since, but I believe she has installed a rubber room in her basement. I just love pissing these idiots off with logic and reason, cuz they just can’t deal with it!
