I Want A New Country

I really don’t know what we’re waiting for.

Good question: Is this money going to the Chinese National Oil company that just got the approval for exploration drilling in the Flemish Pass Basin?

44 Replies to “I Want A New Country”

  1. But I thought oil and gas were bad? Or is it only non-Liberal voting oil and gas that’s bad?

    If they really believed that crap they’d outlaw gas and diesel sales tomorrow and the country would be in anarchy by Monday. Instead they slow play it, in the hopes that unicorns will be found and their skittle-scented farts will be the free energy that the greens so passionately desire.

    1. And on the tree planting lie.. Libscum better get moving on this. “Everyday” for 5 years, they need to plant 1,095,890.4 trees.. gave them the Leap-day off.

    2. It’s not just because we vote non-liberal. We got caught up on in PET’s Trudeaunania back in 1968. Our butts hurt to this day from that mistake.

      1. In 1968, even Alberta was caught up in Trudeaumania (“He’s young! He’s hip!”) and many ridings went Liberal. Four years later, many of those MPs were out of a job and PET took umbrage at that.

        The Liberals have been punishing Alberta for it ever since.

  2. Don’t worry Jason will spring to action. Another listening tour headed by Preston Manning but now assisted by David Suzuki and Neil Young.

    Then a couple of years to collate the data.

    But don’t you worry, he’s on it.

  3. Gee, thanks Shameless. That’s going to be real comforting to all those oil workers, professionals, and tradesmen in Alberta and NE B. C. that your idiot boss, with considerable assistance from Red Rachel and Johnandrew Horganweaver, put out of work.

    Each of my hands has 5 digits. One of them has a message for you. I’ll let you figure out which one it is and what it’s saying.

  4. Honestly, until you actually vote for the people the CBC says are white supremacists, you deserve to be exactly where you are.

    You will not get charge, unless and until, you demand it.

    1. You will not get change until you get support from someone able and willing to bomb Bay Street to the ground.

      Alberta is only leaving Confederation if she shoots her way out—or, more realistically, President Trump sends the US armed forces to do it for her. Get rid of the problem and only the problem—the Libranos and their friends on Bay Street and St. Patrick Street.

    2. I disagree. Change isn’t coming with demands but with unilateral & unequivocal action.
      So jack shit is changing.

  5. “I really don’t know what we’re waiting for.”

    That is a good question indeed. I am worried that by the time you get to it, Blackie will plant enough imports in Redmonton and Nenshitown that it will be too late.

  6. I’m curious about what product this “offshore industry” produces. Seal pups? ice bergs? Or … is it oil?

  7. In all seriousness, this is the most egregious two-faced action I have ever seen from the Liberals. Two faced in so many different ways.

    1. Robert of Ottawa, Sorry, I couldn’t help myself….”this is the most egregious two-faced action I have ever seen from the Liberals. Two faced in so many different ways”. Um’, would that be “multi-faceted”?

  8. What are they waiting for?

    Perhaps someone to come out of the wilderness to lead them?
    Or perhaps an avenging angel coming down from the heavens?
    Or just some version of divine intervention?

    The last three points where not in anyway directed towards the site host nor to anyone that is a frequent visitor.

    It matters not what is done to repair or eliminate the damage done. What matters is that unless it’s a spiritual matter, don’t expect a messiah to come the rescue.
    If anyone comes riding into town claiming such, you would be wise to tell them to leave on the horse they rode in on.
    Particularly if the horse is light green. Metaphorically speaking of course.

  9. I wish I could say it’s a good chance for the usa to pick up a couple republican senators, but we’d probably be a blue state. Alberta has pretty much been overrun with libs. Look at Edmonton and Calgary mayors for proof. The ndp and Nutley are actually still a viable party in this province!


  10. We better start concentrating on how we are going to oust this pack of Jackasses we have running this country into a Socialist quagmire. The worst of it is the fact they are a freaking MINORITY government acting like they have a majority.

    1. The worst of it is the fact they are a freaking MINORITY government acting like they have a majority.

      Remember that Prinz Dummkopf said on the night of the election that the “people of Canada” gave him a mandate.

      1. BA, between the n d p and the blockheads they do have a majority. Like minded socialists each and every one.

    2. Sadly Liz, it’s not the Liberal jackasses running the country that are the problem. It’s the majority of canadians that voted Liberal, NDP, Green and CPC that want a government to babysit them. That’s what canadians want. That IS canada.

      I still have a small amount of hope that Albertans and maybe Saskatchewan will come to the realization that socialism is not a good path forward and decide to separate, but I have to admit that hope is waning. The socialists have spent the last half century infesting the bureaucracy, education, justice systems, media and so on. And we let them. Now we’re paying the price.

      1. “The government should DO something!” For every time I’ve heard that load of bollocks from someone…

        1. I get a lot of people mad at me when I remind them that the voters are the government. If they didn’t cast a ballot, they have no reason to complain.

          1. Well, I have voted all of my eligible years. I don’t believe it ever made any real difference. If voting really made a difference, the “powers that be” would have made it illegal long a go.
            There is an old saying:
            Gold is the money of kings
            Silver is the money of noble men
            Debt is the money of slaves
            Are we Canadians all slaves? Who is our slave master? Bet it is not the government of Canada.
            I hope for the Republic of Western Canada.

          2. That’s the problem. We ARE, or at least should be, the government, not this bureaucratic monster that we’ve allowed to develop over the years that people are usually referring to when they say The Government. I occasionally ask, when I feel like arguing in futility, “Why don’t YOU do something?” in reply, usually I just get stunned silence.

  11. I know what Alberta is waiting for.
    A set of stones.
    Good luck.
    You people kick stones and sometimes fist shake but basically just belly-ache.

    Eastern Canada Will Never Help You…and why do you need its help or approval? Because you’re apparently quite weak and even aimless.

  12. The NWT has a payroll tax, anyone working there but living elsewhere pays it.
    3% IIRC
    Alberta should put on a 10% payroll tax on everyone working in Alberta but not living there.

    1. Those who have families elsewhere and “commute” to Alberta don’t even pay Alberta provincial tax, even though they spend most of their time in that province. Residence for tax purposes – for those who live in the various “camps” – has been defined as being where the person’s “ties” are and that means basically where the family lives.

  13. I posted on this but have no idea where it went. The government invests in nothing. They borrow and give away the wealth of others. Do they plan on paying the workers for doing nothing, hell of an investment that. They have closed and destroyed most of the Canadian economy. Invest, sure thing.

  14. “I really don’t know what we’re waiting for.”

    I’ve been waiting since the early 80’s for the western dishonest federalists to have a “come to Jesus moment”. You know who they are. All having benefited from the CON-federation concept.
    Manning, Hill, Harper, Day, Rempel, Romano, Wall, Lougheed, Blakeney, Moe, Kenny…one could name many more.
    The west needs a leader from outside the political class that can cut through the horsesxx that is “federalism.
    CON-federation demands that westerners grow weary and beaten down and turn to government in order to have a minimum standard of living, and don’t have the resources to fight.
    Think of the millions in western treasure that Manning/Day and Harper road In to town on.
    What a waste of blood sweat and “treasure” .

  15. Nfld is BROKE. They cannot pay their bills.

    They offered a bond package and not one institutional investor bought. The feds were forced to backstop them in order to meet civil service payroll. They are wards of the state.

    300 million? C’mon the bong was going to give We charity more than that. It’s welfare, and a guarantee that in the event the government fails the fishworlders will vote liberano.

    1. ab the entire east coast has been a ward of the state all my fairly long life. There were many contributions to the war effort from the Maritimes during WW2, not so much after. Things that were viable productive industries were all shut down over the years by the federal government. Coal mines, steel plants, fisheries, you name it, the feds screwed it. Now they have even f’ed up the tourist industry with their whu who flu insanity. They really are stupid or extremely dangerous, make that and extremely dangerous. Put your mask on and die because that is what masks will do, kill you.

      1. vowg:

        Indeed. The libranos don’t need Alberta. They have known that for decades. If you won’t send librano MP’s to Ottawa don’t expect anything. It looks like the ndp have also come to the same conclusion. They have one MP in AB who’s ass should get roasted. She should be called to account instead of hiding.

        Unless the opposition can nail the bong on his ethical (criminal) lapses he will run out the clock on this parliament aided by jughead singsing. This move will be the end of singsing. His caucus will come to realize the ndp is irrelevant under his leadership. Who needs the ndp when you’ve got the bong.

      2. They have one MP in AB who’s ass should get roasted. She should be called to account instead of hiding.

        Heather McPherson’s about as useless as her predecessor, Linda Duncan, also a Dipper. Regrettably, I have the misfortune of living in her riding.

  16. Interesting that East Coast (Chinese?) oil operations get $320 million, while (mostly BC) casinos, where all those Chine$e $million$ were laundered, are getting a $300 million (loan?).

  17. Why we are waiting for the need to be obvious to a majority of Western Canadians.
    As half decent people do not use force to sell their ideas.
    Yes I know this allows the fools and bandits an unfair short term advantage,but you cannot defeat an ideology by becoming it.
    The moment is approaching at what amounts to warp speed for politics.
    The High School council that rules Canada seems hell bent on forcing the West out.
    As I have said before,What if anything would/should they have done differently in Ottawa if Separation was their intent?
    The cost of Fiscal Ineptitude is to be imposed on the taxpayer.
    Tax on tax on tax,for your own good of course.
    The Covid Show will increase in intensity;
    “We are willing to kill you,to prevent you contracting Covid 19”.
    This is the “official” line.
    The “emergency powers” will stumble on,long after the “Emergency” has passed us by.
    Western Independence is closer than most of us think,as Canada is a corpse,which is stinking pretty good..
    The Federal NDP are showing their true nature,that being the same as the Ontario NDP who allowed the Ontario Liberals to bankrupt the Province and impose all of Butzy Boy’s ecological madness..
    Now the bankrupt NDP will kiss Emperor Justine’s ass for “Paid Sick Leave ” and a graceless escape from an election lambasting by the voters.
    I wonder how many of the NDP supporters knew they were voting Liberal?
    As many as the Conservatives who would not buy Liberal Lite?

    Different values,different expectations..we have so little in common with our Eastern Comrades that they they seem to be from a different planet rather than another country.
    The Eastern Model of “Economic and social reality”,only works with massive injections of Other Peoples Money.
    That OPM has to be stolen via lies,extracted via force or borrowed from those not born yet.
    Each of these options has maxed out.
    The West has no choice but to Declare Independence.
    We cannot afford to remain in confederation,not when the benefits go east and the costs come West.
    I am not morally obliged to pay for ‘Free’ Lunches in the East.
    Currently there is zero likelyhood of balanced budgets in Confederated Canada’s future.

    Why would we repeatedly accept a bill for a bartab we never drank from?

  18. John the truth is obvious and the average Canadian is too stupid to see it. You have hit most of the reasons Canada is going down but the biggest reason of all, the people. Ignorant, self important, educated beyond their intellectual ability and programed for socialism. I do not think there are anywhere close to the numbers of thinking people now in western Canada to even want to move towards separation. Our population has been diluted with diversity and multicultural bullshit, except that the bullshit was the plan and we, not me, bought into it. All races and people and cultures are equal, well, they are not. Alberta, Sask., Man., are full of freaking socialists and there will be no change. Do you think the guy from Somalia gives a damn about anyone’s history and freedom in Alberta? Do you think the muslim running the local gas bar gives a damn? They do not. What we have known as Canada no longer exists and there will be no return by going to the ballot box. My generation is damn near gone and what people will say is good, FOAD. That is where Canada is.

  19. I am an Ontario resident who very much sympathizes with the western provinces and can understand the enormous of amount of frustration with the present Liberal government. I can see why many people in Saskatchewan, and Alberta are calling for WEXIT, but unfortunately I also see that as the outrage and rhetoric increases it plays into the Trudeau Liberals plan. The Trudeau Liberals are going to continue to pull stunts like this announcement, all the while thumbing their nose at Western Canada because it plays well to their base in Ontario & Quebec. WEXIT calls from Alberta & Saskatchewan only inflame the urban Liberals in Toronto, Montreal & Vancouver, and much like the little kid poking the caged animal confident that they cage will protect them, the Trudeau Liberals only need those urban votes to stay in power. They will continue to “poke the bear” because it amuses them, so maybe its’ time to stop getting upset, and to start figuring out how to open the cage.
    Alberta & Saskatchewan should be exploring ways of maximizing their trade with each other along BC, Manitoba, and Northern Ontario. Also take advantage of every way they can trade with their neighboring U.S. States that doesn’t overlap with federal jurisdiction. Collect your own provincial income taxes similar to Quebec, rather than have the CRA do it. Re-examine a provincial Pension Plan and withdraw from the Canada Pension Plan. Take all that frustration being directed at the WEXIT rhetoric, and re-direct it by combing through every federal/provincial agreement and find every loophole that will benefit Alberta & Saskatchewan. It will take some time, and there will be quite a bit of spilled ink and court cases, but it will only take one win to open the cage.

    1. This has been trending on another thread, today. Aware of it?

      Alberta and Saskatchewan supply 100% of the stuff that anything runs on in this part of the world, from BC right through to Montreal. Everything. https://www.nationalobserver.com/2018/11/13/news/guess-where-quebec-gets-its-oil

      Tell me electric cars will change things, or windmills and solar, especially industry or farming. Seen any electric trucks driving around with their lithium battery power packs? Think of the waste disposal issues. The oil industry isn’t going anywhere soon. Taxing me on CO2, especially in this winter country is criminal.

      Kan-eh-jians are stupid and a lot of them live in central/eastern Kan-eh-duh.. We have our share, they vote NDP,GREEN, LIB and CPC.

  20. Alberta needs a government that has the courage to do a few things:
    1) Bring in very conservative curriculum in schools. This accomplishes 2 things, it will frustrate far left teachers and parents and give children a good education.
    2) Severe cuts to govt employees as much as possible without hurting Healthcare etc.
    3) Implement Harper’s firewall.
    4) Extreme prison sentences for protests that aren’t peaceable as well as other property and violent crimes.
    5) Cuts to welfare spending.

    The main idea being to make Alberta an uncomfortable place for liberals to live and hopefully make a separation vote more likely to succeed AND help to ensure a conservative country once we separate.

    Meh, a guy can dream.

    1. Johnboy
      “2) Severe cuts to govt employees as much as possible without hurting Healthcare etc.”
      It is already dead.
      Alberta/Buffalo cannot “hurt” public healthcare,it died of unionitess 20 years ago.
      If we want medical coverage that works,has reasonable costs and compassion,we cannot leave it in the hands of the Bureaus.

      This Covid Fiasco has highlighted how dead public funded healthcare really is..
      First they could not even make sure that Canada had the basics on hand..
      Running out of basic PPE for medical staff..just classic government.

      Then the “Emergency Lockdown” to prevent our hospitals being overwhelmed..so no emergency capacity in system,in event of real emergency the system does not shift into higher gear,bring in more staff,more resources..Hell no,in the Government Run model,you imprison your customers and deny service to most who need medical help.

      Useless Clueless and exceedingly dangerous to the tax paying citizen.

      So our new nation needs to rethink the Canadian Sacred Cow,all of them.
      Government cannot be trusted to limit itself.
      The business of every Bureau is to grow the Bureau.
      Stupid taxpayers? Just an annoying inconvenience.
