24 Replies to “Mostly Democrat”

  1. Was there ever any doubt?

    But I’m sure CNN will label her as an extreme Alt-Right Fundamentalist Christian white supremacist instead.

  2. And just imagine the Arson she commits in the Statehouse!? Oh well … I guess she represents her constituents well …

  3. Which brings up the question. When are they going to ask Biden and the Democrats if they will accept the results of the election?

  4. Good.

    This Jezebel was the one put up to introducing “Breonna’s Law,” which would abolish no-knock warrants, forcing police to announce their presence so thugs would have ample time to destroy contraband, load their weapons or both before opening the door.

    Now, is she going to be bailed out by her rich friends tout de suite, or are Louisville’s finest going to have a chance, for once, what Jezebel and her pups were playing at before the lawyers’ cabal get involved?

  5. As a member of Congress, I presume she will be getting hit with far more than what a normal garden variety Democrat voter slug would be charged with.

  6. I am sure all right, er, left, thinking readers of SDA will feel a wave of relief at knowing that our valiant betters are working hard to suppress racism, especially the rank systemic racism found in the corrupt, patriarchal library system. Here in racist shithole Ontario, there are frequent reports of intolerance, abuse, discrimination, and anti-Trans-Veganism in our valiant progressive media concerning the library system. Must be that bad as well in Kentucky.

  7. This literally demonstrates intent that Democrats in Congress paid by the American people want to burn America down.

  8. Looks like a guy, in drag, in blackface.
    I’m no Chippendales candidate nor a Gentleman’s Quarterly model,
    but am I wrong to observe that the average Lefty is relatively butt-ugly?
    (with the notable exception of celebs)
    Sounds like a great thesis topic…

    1. It really looks like she was named after Attica State Prison best known for the 1971 riot where 43 people were killed. Her birthday seems a well kept secret but she graduated from college in 1994 so she was likely born 22 years earlier or 1972, a few months after the riot. Being named after a prison somehow seems highly appropriate. There are other pictures where she is not so fugly.

  9. Looks like future Hall of Famer Adrian Peterson who has two smiling mugshots, 2012 and 2014 on thesmokinggun.com.

    I bet she fought for extra yardage after first contact.
