Wuhan Tru

Brian Lilley;

News reports of U.S. President Donald Trump downplaying the serious nature of COVID-19 have received plenty of news coverage — unfortunately, we can’t say the same thing for the Trudeau government’s handling of the situation.
As late as mid-March, the Trudeau government was saying the risk to Canadians was low and closing borders was ineffective, if not downright racist, while also discouraging the mask use we all deal with now.

More: a Patty Hadju juxtapose.

13 Replies to “Wuhan Tru”

  1. But that doesn’t count. I am just wondering why it’s safe for 12 dollar an hour clerks going to work but 200 thousand a year MPs can’t. Or try to see a doctor. No worries they got your back.

  2. It doesn’t natter what President Trump does. The corrupt MSM will spin it in a negative way. I have to refresh the memories of way too many people about the events of February to May 2020.

    If President Trump walked on stormy water, saves a drowning man and then calmed the sea, the headline would be: “Trump can’t swim – endangers bather – causes climate change”

  3. Ottawa only finally closed the border to save face when President Trump made plans to do so, guessing, correctly, that the Canadians had no intention of stopping Chinese patient zeroes using store-bought Canadian passports to enter the United States.

    That has not stopped the CBC from goading the suggestible into vandalizing cars with US plates whose drivers are trying to get to Alaska, feeding them fish stories about rich Yanks partying in Banff.

    The border will re-open when the Libranos are sent packing and replaced with good men willing to do their part to combat bio-terror, whether Canadians do it or US troops do it for them. Not a day before.

    I can live with that.

  4. An honourable person who purposely did something or failed to do something that caused the deaths of thousands would have killed them self.
    Such wanton disregard for human life should be punishable.
    Still waiting for the Thin Blue Line to act.

  5. What is laughable is that they are trying to deny things that have been well-reported.

    The Liberals used to go all-out when hiding their corruption. Now, they are so stupid that the entire fiasco is like watching some sort of slapstick film.

  6. China Patty even admitted she never heard of her agency that warns the government of pandemics. If that isn’t criminal neglect I don’t know what is.

  7. I am still trying to figure out how all governments at all levels can justify 100% full-time pay for notoriously overpaid unionized receptionists and direct-service professionals to sit at home (think of all those inspectors who never visited any site during lock down). It is a simple fact that “working from home” is simply impossible for some jobs, though part-time works for many jobs. Reading and responding to e-mail from bored managers is not very productive work. No wonder employees all like “working from home”.

  8. Partner for WHO/Peking Tam? If you recall, she advised us to”do it yourself” is best. Besides, the rules are for the plebs, for You, not for We.

  9. BC has a new advisory. You can get COVID outside. This is the new media tactic out here to scare everyone to self-isolate again and be afraid of parks, now with windows closed and only 6 people in your “bubble” and never share food/drink with anyone. Never let a US fire smoke crisis go to waste! My American friends actually phoned me to ask if I was OK.

    The NDP really do not want to order the population into another shut-down, as they may call an election, as people are becoming a bit sloppy about having their freedom cancelled by the government and their activist and media buddies.

    Actually, the air does not smell of fires in the City of Vancouver, but it is severely overcast, covering a lovely good weather streak that is normal here in September. I feel cheated. In other years, we regularly have smoke from the BC interior fires for a few days every year, usually in August.

    These days, of course, we regularly get Environment Canada scary red advisories out here for normal seasonal weather changes. It is a bit useful for planning, but so overblown.

    Good news! Unions have another excuse to get free paid-days off! Health! How could management not agree? Meanwhile, private sector services go ahead. No mail delivery today as the air quality is soooo scary, so another holiday Canada Post day off.

  10. The damn thing is still just a flu and science has been kicked to the curb by the terminally stupid, many who post here.
