Khmer Noir


Two Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies are fighting for their lives after they were shot multiple times at point-blank range in an ambush, authorities said.
Crowds of protesters blocked the entrance to St. Francis Medical Center in Lynwood, where the wounded officers were in a critical condition, police said. Some protesters chanted “we hope they die,” the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Office said on Twitter. A witness told ABC7 that some had tried to break into the hospital’s emergency room.

More here, including:

59 Replies to “Khmer Noir”

    1. While I agree BLM/Soros Army are pack of degenerate thugs and so are the progressive/Liberal politicians and Billionaires that fund and enable the BLM thuggery… they are all psychopaths to be sure… but sometimes the cops don’t help themselves, just look down-under for a prime example of “just following orders” cop thuggery… also enabled and funded by far left “progressive/Liberal” politicians and the CCP…
      The one common factor linking BLM thugs and Victoria Police Thuggery… Globalism…. and what country benefits the most from the ideology of globalist authoritarianism… Chy-na. We are in a war and are own “elitists” and their media are the enemy.

  1. BLM are depraved animals, in other words, terrorists. Shoot ’em where they stand. They’re no better than ISIS and the Taliban.

    1. Actually Tanker, they are worse. They are here on the north American continent, most Isis and Taliban are half a world away. Based on that statement, the BLM/Antifa are the immediate threat to all of us, and yes, those who riot and loot should be shot. They should also be declared as domestic terrorist organizations.
      Currently there are a lot of corporations, and sports organizations along with their idiot “athletes” who are donating vast amounts of money to them. These fools are funding their own demise, but we all will pay the price for this lunacy. What do you think these groups will do with all that cash? I don’t think they are opening retirement accounts with it. How long before they become armed, and then the real revolution begins. Just what Soros and the Davos elites are planning for. So be prepared to send a thank you note to Gobble, faceplant,and Twits for the funding.

      1. “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves among those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear”

        Marcus Tullius Cicero

    1. I have zero respect for westboro, but they’ve never ambushed and murdered anyone. I assume you’re some kind of lefty trying to deflect from the unmitigated savagery of your heroes.

      1. Uhm, sure…., that is why I called them vermin.
        The parallel is that they deliberately use vile, outrageous, indecent provocation and language during a tragedy to get someone to attack them, or to commit some act of retaliatory violence.

        1. ummmm, chriswsy not to swift is proving it’s self to be at the top of the stupid list. He/it fails to realize that the “church. RCC, is in cahoots with big business to try and take Trump down, and Trump is pissing in big business’ corn flakes. The RCC was also happy when they shot JFK, who was also a threat to big oil, in Texas . westboro is a bunch of assholes, and need to be put in a cage and permanently locked up.

  2. “Crowds of protesters blocked the entrance to St. Francis Medical Center in Lynwood, where the wounded officers were in a critical condition, police said. Some protesters chanted “we hope they die,” the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Office said on Twitter. A witness told ABC7 that some had tried to break into the hospital’s emergency room.”

    Shoot them and leave their corpses in the street.

  3. Are Dementia Joe and Heels Up Harris rushing to visit the families of the cops, like they did with Blake? When can we expect the demonstrations in the streets and from the media?

    1. why would they? do you know if the cops had open warrants on them? had restraining orders on them, and were in the process of violating it? accused of rape? etc…

      they only visit with those that support them, and slow joe ain’t getting any cop support this time around.

  4. How sick can you get? They are in extreme need of a deprogrammer. This is cult like thinking.
    I wonder if such a thing exists for people like this. Like they did for Moonie members.

    1. Well Warren,a warning shot through the head generally cures what ails these idiots.
      Cheapest “deprogramming” known to civilized man.
      Burn Loot Murder have self identified.
      There should be no bag limit.

  5. I truly believe a tipping point is coming…an act so horrific committed by these animals that it’ll even give the media pause, the same media who obviously are running cover for these mutts.
    Then and only then will the gloves come off and the hunters will become the hunted.
    They’re getting awfully close.

    1. Unfortunately I have to disagree. The truth about the Holodomor was poo-pooed, the liar was feted and rewarded.

      50 years later the wall fell.

  6. Yup, these BLM and Antifa bastards are worse than vermin.
    They get no sympathy from me.
    Their nothing but anarchists, trying to destroy the country.
    Should be a bounty on them and no bag limit.
    They make me sick!
    Enough is enough!

  7. If you actually support this MARXIST group of Filthy SCUM, YOU own this As well.

    I’m with whomever would see this FILTH exterminated with EXTREME Prejudice.

    1. “I’m with whomever would see this FILTH exterminated with EXTREME Prejudice.”

      Guns generally work better but hey, if you think prejudice will do it then maybe BLM has a point.
      So how does “extreme” prejudice work instead of just regular garden variety prejudice?

    2. steak, tho O’Butthole hasn’t personally pulled a trigger, he certainly is culpable in these shootings

  8. Depraved indifference goes to murder 2 if either passes away. Otherwise, attempted murder by depraved indifference.
    Time to start making these idiots feel justice personally as well as their collectivist bankers and backers.

    1. That video clip reminds me of a scene from the second half of the movie Lawrence of Arabia.

      Lawrence leads a successful attack on a Turkish train after which the Arabs looted and ransacked what was left over. The presiding British officer, Col. Brighton (played by Sir Anthony Quayle), expresses his disgust at what happened, to which Sherif Ali (Omar Sharif) responds “It is payment.” It was their reward for taking the risk in the attack.

      I guess we’re to assume that those who swarmed and then cleaned out the truck thought they “earned” what they carried off.

  9. Lets remember that a vocal minority of maniacs does not speak for the rest.
    The black community has to come out and attack and then destroy BLM.
    And while they’re at it they need to attach every POS pro athlete who supports BLM to this kind of act and make them wear it.

  10. Just a reminder that these are the people the BLM-NFL, BLM-NBA, and BLM-MLB are taking a knee for today … or raising a clenched fist for today.

    Our culture has hit rock bottom

  11. And journalists have the gall to wonder aloud why decent people regard them as enemies of the people.

    May I suggest that after removing and holding without bail the globalist stooges passing for city governments, city police departments force the local globalist media to choose between either shutting down or agreeing to:

    1. seek approval from the police department before printing any news report.

    2. print a full retraction of any and all libels against the city’s finest on the front page.

    3. remove the libels from their website.

    The police department will be the judge of what is considered libel, not a scumbag globalist judge unworthy of her office.

    If a policeman was forced to kill a black supremacist or antifa thug or antifa, that is exactly what the hacks should be expected to print, without adding their own commentary reflecting their own prejudice against the cop who booked them for marijuana possession decades ago.

  12. Americans’ Very Right to Keep and Bear Arms Is on the Ballot This Election | Opinion
    John R. Lott, Jr. , President, Crime Prevention Research Center On 9/8/20
    L- When police budgets are being laid-off, their budgets being cut, and Cult. Marxist media laud violent criminals and rioters(terrorists). The police role in maintaining the rule of law is eroded. To effect further demoralization, they are personally denigrated by both the media and Cult. Marxist politician’s. The political endorsement of Marxist’s Critical Race Theory makes them a target. But they are not the real target.

    Their real target is the citizens. The police are in the way, but only temporarily so when municipal and state(provincial) elect Marxists. They begin to erode the Rule of Law.

    Under Common-Law, it’s the citizen’s responsibility to suppress crime and to come to the assistance of police, as needed. An unarmed citizenry, seeing the police overwhelmed, under siege and, in effect, handcuffed by judicial/political policies. Then watching aghast, as the public square, the retail sector is looted and the mobs(insurgents) threaten residences.

    They soon learn why, they were disarmed, first.

    The smallest minority is the individual, but organized, willing and capable of defending government of the people, by the people and for the people. They and their descendents will remain a free and self-governing people, for another generation.

    Remember, every institution has no more integrity than that of the individuals, who make it up.

  13. The stupid cops and Politicians need to decide who’s side they are on. If you are going to let BLM and Antifa protest Without consequence while arresting moms without masks in parks then this is what you are going to get.

    Not picking sides just stating the obvious.

    1. IDNF, in a lot of cases, the police have been ordered to stand down and allow this rioting to continue. Sure there are stupid cops, ignorant and evil ones as well. The majority however, are trying to do their jobs. Those that arrest the Mom’s, for such trivia, are a problem, perhaps a power trip. Also, yes There should be “consequences” for BLM and Antifa. … time, there will be! I would put money on that. At some point, Joe Citizen will begin to push back, if those paid to do this work do not.

      1. All cops look stupid right now. Being a First Nations mom I can tell you there are far too many judgmental thuggish sexist juiced up morons who have no business being in
        Law enforcement. Honestly, they are some of the stupidest people on earth.

  14. BTW … the shooter looks like a kid to me. The body language and size … surely less than 15yo … looks more like a 12yo to me. My guess … gang initiation. The minor will not receive an adult trial. Wanna bet?

    1. And if your theory is true, which by the way I agree with, the press will come out and try to get us to empathize with the little creep, its society’s fault, it wasn’t his fault, it takes a village to raise a child, its poverty, yada, yada, yada, ad infinitum. We’ll spend taxpayer dollars in the millions to convert the underage perp to see the error of his ways, meanwhile the two cops will get nada!!! Any bets!

      1. Yes … it will become societies fault … that turned this innocent youth to a life of crime and such a heinous act … it’s our fault

    2. Kenji, that was my first thought when I saw the video yesterday, he ran like a kid, not a grown adult

  15. Will be interesting to see who is planning and funding all of this.

    Any guesses?

    Should be an interesting week as this starts to come out..

  16. I sent a Lefty friend of mine the story. She responded with this: “I have to believe it’s not BLM members, but those horrible individuals who just want to add to the hate and division.. and it’s working.”

    To her idiotic comment, I wrote back: One of the main perpetrators has been identified as Kevin Wharton Price of the Africa Town Coalition:

    There’s a video here where he is celebrating the attack on the two police officers. BLM – loud & proud!

  17. It would be such a huge loss if these two brave officers were no longer able to kick in your doors, terrorize your family, shoot your dogs, drag you to a government run covid detention facility, take your guns, harass you while you’re driving etc. A monumental loss.

    1. Shut up you mentally deranged fuuctard.
      A racist, a bigot and now just your Garden variety fuuctard.

      1. Keep frothing at your mouth subhuman. To me both sides are equally reprehensible. You on the other hand, should be celebrating that your beloved anti racists scored a hit.

          1. Colonialist is not wrong. I can tell you that we Indian people suffer the most from deranged idiot cops than anyone else. Once you’ve experienced it you will hate cops for the rest of your life.

  18. CNN is busy distracting from this story today, by reporting a cop somewhere punching someone at a traffic stop.

    1. And actually that cop did nothing wrong… and his political masters fired him to appease the black looter mob and antifa. Will not work. Georgia will burn tonight. Savages will run amok. Patriots will try to intervene. Cops will be arresting patriots instead of doing their fucking jobs.

  19. You always wonder what sort of people become nazis. Absolutely no empathy at all. Oh well, let’s just ignore them and let them grow and become more organized.
