When The CIA Does It… Is It Illegal?

23 Replies to “When The CIA Does It… Is It Illegal?”

  1. This should be big news but the way these revelations translate into anything resembling justice, it’s hard to get excited. Discovering more corruption where everything is swimming in it overwhelms whatever remnant of honesty exists and to navigate the political sewers to achieve.

  2. This is the work product of 8-hours of interviewing Brennan by Durham? Durham had the goods … and Brennan was forced to admit? Why did it take 4-years for this to be made public? Remember when Obama (and Nancy Pelosi) said he had the most scandal-Free, and Transparent administration in history? Ha!

    There can be no doubt that Brennan is a dirty Deep State Leftist apparatchik. Filthy Dirty. And what justification would the CIA have to SPY on President Trump? A dirty dossier bought and paid-for by the most corrupt politician EVER in the History of America? HER minions need to be yanked out of our government … every fricken infected bureaucracy.

    Is the current CIA Director spying on Biden? And on Hunter? And all their filthy dirty ChiCom connections and sources of $$$. Is this how Biden raised $375M so easily in Aug. This seems a LEGITIMATE investigation.

    We are in a LIFE and DEATH struggle to save America. Yes, we are at a “precipice”. God Bless PDJT … his entire family … and all his associates. If the Blue Line is thin … the Red Line is even thinner! MAGA 2020. SAVE America 2020

    1. We’ve got the same thing up here. We were promised an open and transparent federal government and we have. We can see the theft of our tax money taking place before our very eyes and the corruption is now in full view.

      That twit of a prime minister isn’t even hiding it any more, daring us to do something to stop it. But, Canadians, on whole, won’t. They’re too busy being stoned on their cheap legal dope, while sitting on their collective backsides collecting all that “free” government money. Meanwhile, he and his gang are busy ransacking and looting the country for their own benefit.

    2. A couple of my wife’s dumber farcebook friends still circulate the BS of the halfrican’s scandal free reign.

  3. Anyone with half a brain should suspect Trump has ties to the Russians do to all of the dubious financing deals for his casinos.

    It was perfectly reasonable – if fact necessary – for the US government to investigate the possibility that a Russian patsy could be elected president. They may have found nothing specific enough to charge Trump but that does not mean the investigation was unjustified. Many legitimate law enforcement investigations don’t end up with enough to law charges but were not wrong.

    So rant and rave as much as you want about these investigations. No honest person will have a problem with them given the evidence that was available then and even now given what we know about Trump’s completely corrupt nature and his willingness to sacrifice US interests so he can profit personally.

    1. Where do you learn about ” Trump’s completely corrupt nature and his willingness to sacrifice US interests so he can profit personally” ?
      Is that something that has been fed to you through some media outlets?

      You do realize that most of the media has a clear agenda and no respect for the truth, don’t you?
      What if you are the patsy?
      Have you ever considered that possibility?

    2. If investigsting Trump was perfectly reasonable,Trump’s signal to the Ukraine that he was interested in info on Biden was reasonable as well. Actually, Trumps comment was a lot less objectionable, as it is perfectly reasonable for a Presiddnt to investigate corruption. I have a theory thst Biden was made the candidate to ensure that investigations of corruption do not go forward. Investigating Biden would likely spill the beans on the rest of them. Why should Biden get nabbed for scamming the system while Hillary, Kerry and a slew of others get security their treasonous behaviour.

      1. “Investigating Biden would likely spill the beans on the rest of them.”

        Finally a reason why Balmy Biden was appointed(and he was appointed, “democracy”is so easy to manipulate these days.)

        Bonkers Biden will be found to be bananas and replaced by the Communist Watermelons that have taken over the Democrats.


    3. Anyone with half a brain would understand that … Apple, NIKE, the NBA and virtually every US Corporation has deep ties to Communist China for all their dubious business deals. Right? Show me the CIA investigation into LeBron James’ dealings with the CCP. Tim Cook’s? Phil Knights?

      Anyone with half a brain would understand that SHE paid $hundreds of millions to fabricate a FAKE dossier compiled by disreputable spooks and sources.

    4. timmy soy boi, it’s illegal what Commy Brennan did, the CIA may NOT operate inside the USA borders against it’s own citizens, now STFU ignoramus !

    5. It’s interesting they never investigated Obama’s ties to domectic terrorists like Bill Ayers. Or his sending pallets of cash to the Iranian Mullahs. Seems all the errrors and mistakes only go one way.

    6. Let’s see:
      Hillary’s reset button, and of course her Russia colluded dossier with the help of like minded oligarchs in the motherland.
      Obama to Russian PM, “after the election I’ll have more flexibility” with the reply he would surely pass that on to Vladimir.

      … and so much more. https://thehill.com/hilltv/rising/409817-russia-collusion-bombshell-dnc-lawyers-met-with-fbi-on-dossier-before

      How many hotels and casinos did Trump build in Russia? This may surprise you, but unlike Demidiots, Trump built things.
      You’re an idiot. Anyone with a brain knows Russia had zero impact on the 2016 election and more likely favoured Hillary.
      I know she was a big favourite with the KKK. https://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2016-03-14/ku-klux-klan-grand-dragon-will-quigg-endorses-hillary-clinton-for-president

  4. Anything the CIA does within the United States is, by definition, illegal. The purpose of the CIA is to harvest foreign intelligence.
    The job of investigating foreign government’s ties to American citizens is specifically an FBI task, not a CIA job.

  5. Peter found out that Page was working him and his boss Andy (busy Vagina)….Peter last week did an Interview where he was somewhat Honest… The Big Ears was angry that Flynn was not following his (Obama’s) Russian policy….Petty childish behavior, just because Putin scared little Obama….Using all the Government Agencies as a personal “Tribal” Cabal….

    John Brennon committed treason during and after Trump became President….When looking for a Russian Spy it is Brennon that fits all the criteria….Sally Yates dropped to her Knee pads for John B, Sally’s team included unmasker Susan Rice & UN Ambassador….A Brennon Internal Source IMO was another John… Bolton


  6. TimG is correct that he does have half a brain. The half brain that he possesses watches MSNBC and CNN.

  7. Thanks for posting TimG.

    It’s amazing and comforting to witness the discernment in the SDA community as to see, understand and speak out against the utterly steaming fertilizer factory bots that the MSM have created.

    Tim is our Monday morning poster child for “catch a liar, put out a fire”. I actually laughed at some of statements. TDS in full bloom.

    Well done SDA community!

  8. (((Anyone with half a brain should suspect Trump has ties to the Russians do to all of the dubious financing deals for his casinos.)))


    Actually, Russian have little to do with casino investment. Their main focus in the US is and has always been transportation. They own a vast majority of the Taxi Medallions in NYC and base themselves in Brooklyn. If you’re ever looking for the Russian “mafia” just open up a door to an auto body shop on High Street.

  9. I despair for the lack of criminal indictments against all these swamp dwellers from the Witch on down. all the way through to Lois Lerner! If Biden is successful, there will never be any justice, and its proof that there are separate rules for them and others for the citizens. I’m not even sure if we’ll ever see that justice even if Trump is reelected. The vast size of the criminal swamp that operates in Washington (and Ottawa) will never be fully drained. It is indeed sad and pathetic that decent people cannot live in a truly free and honest world because of such pond scum!

    Sure, we know they all skim off funds to line their wallets, but these deep swamp miscreants blatantly use front end loaders and dump trucks. When ever I think of the billions in CASH that Obama sent to Iran, I’m convinced he and Joe, and probably the whole bunch around them skimmed off a healthy percentage, or was paid by Iran afterwards. The only surprise, was that the plane actually made it to Iran, instead of simply disappearing. That was an item we learned about, there are so many more we’ll never learn of.
