Featured Comments

From the previous post come two brilliant comments from Jim and CT respectively, both well worth a careful read:

Complacency and submission to faux authority types permitted a wide spread corruption of the organizational infrastructure across the entire spectrum of human activity in western democracies. From education entities to labour entities to corporate entities to political entities to legal entities to the media there was a failure to challenge and to root out the infiltration of Marxist philosophy and doctrine embedding itself in the fabric of activity.

Now, the majority of these complacent and submissive supporters of western democracies find themselves on the outside looking in as a Marxist insurgency roils across the country supported by the various entities named above. These same supporters have no idea of what they can do to oppose the insurgency and no idea of what entities can be persuaded to support and work with them to restore order.

Standing on a precipice and staring into the abyss is where these supporters of western democracies are today. If they fail to figure out that they have to cease their complacency and their submission and if they then fail to move quickly to organize themselves into a formidable infrastructure that is able to counter and challenge the Marxist philosophy and doctrine then the Marxists will win, if not now, at some point in the near future.

Excellent and to the point, Jim. Like so many aspects of society, people are looking inward with a serious lack of skills to determine their future actions. Politically ordinary people have no idea how to organize and make their voices heard. If Trudeau gets his way and his socialist promises are accepted then there will be little hope for Canada.

How people could have been led down a road that totally ignored the communist threat is astounding to me. It is as if the fall of the Berlin Wall brought an end to communist ambitions led by Russia and China. Communism is an ‘international’ effort to raise the downtrodden. It is a fascist theology. Geopolitics is not abstract. It is a very real reality. If your governance cannot produce enough to satisfy the people, you go out and take it from someone else. The communists have incubated their efforts in western media, education, and government workers. Any challenge to what they have achieved will take years and will be bloody. By the time society realizes the true nature of what is going on it will likely be too late.

8 Replies to “Featured Comments”

  1. I’ve been on this planet a long time and never have I seen the manipulation of thought so blatant. Yes, all of the above entities are complicit. Unless and until the great unwashed wake up to the reality, our collective future is in serious doubt.

  2. A significant aspect of the situation is expressed in the second comment by CT. People (with a serious lack of skills) have been looking “inward” and “ordinary people” have no idea how to organize etc.
    Yes, The ordinary folks have been too busy working, raising families, etc. That in defence of the ordinary folks.
    However, many have also been wilfully distracted by media, amused by Hollywood, obsessed with shiny plastic crap, and uninterested in educating themselves in the ways that matter, such as by inculcating critical thinking skills, looking outward, and paying attention.
    Wakey wakey….

  3. The one thing that continues to baffle me is that no matter how many times its been tried and failed, there are enough people to keep the idea alive with the thought, “it just hasn’t been done right yet. THIS time it will be different”.

    Its obvious to me now that once a kernel of Communism is permitted to first germinate, then and ONLY then, is it the optimal time to stamp it out of existence without significant pain. Once its allowed to grow even a little, it is only a matter of time before its everywhere. For us, it is already too late to deal with it without enormous sacrifice.

  4. “Communism is an ‘international’ effort to raise the downtrodden.”

    No it isn’t.

    It’s an international effort to concentrate the means of production into the hands of a few thousand sociopaths and exterminate anybody posing a meaningful threat to their rule.

    The “downtrodden,” broadly defined as people too lazy and stupid to thrive in a society that has advanced beyond subsistence farming, are just the foot soldiers of the elect, motivated by promises of something for nothing that the elect have no intention of keeping.

    Immediately after the revolution, the “downtrodden” will be as poor as ever.

    Then the elect will run out of their victims’ money, and either flee or be assassinated by their own muscle once the muscle stop getting paid.

    The “downtrodden” will run out of food, and starve, their population declining to pre-industrial levels or lower.

    1. I don’t disagree Ghost. My language there was not clear. I should have said communism is sold as a “an international effort to raise the downtrodden”. Yes, the reality is the exact opposite.

  5. They are well written thoughts you’ll never see or hear on a Canadian MSM outlet.
    I always wonder what the Canadian intelligence community thinks of this coming future. Guess I’ll never know.
