27 Replies to “I, Napoleon”

  1. You must use Newspeak. Using Oldspeak is wrong. You don’t want to be wrong.

    The future is certain. It is the past that is variable.

    1. That would be just about 68% of all Canadians, others are on the cusp of stupidity. When I say that, you must realize that the percentage of Canadians that vote liberal, will vote any other socialist party as an option when they have been screwed enough by the liberals. They will take an even more brutal screwing from the other socialist parties. That is the Canadian populace of 2020. They still think the whu who flu is killing us all even though it cannot and will not.

      1. Below is a comment that was found in the National Post.

        “The danger to Canada is not Justin Trudeau but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the job of Prime Minister. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of a Trudeau than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgement to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man as their Prime Minister in the first place.

        Canada’s problem is much deeper and much more serious than Mr. Trudeau who is a mere symptom of what ails Canada. Blaming the Prince of Fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their Prince. The country can survive a Trudeau, who after all is merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools who made him their leader and are contemplating doing so again on Monday.”

        The comment is précis of a letter to the editor by – L. (Tex) Leugner. Source CochraneTODAY October 27, 2019

  2. No, I don’t recall the features of Bill 16 being put before the electorate as a mandate. Enlightened voters intuitively knew that the Liberals are taking us down into the portals of Hell and voted accordingly. As with any undesirable outcome of living under the mob rule of unconstrained democracy (given our sad excuse of a constitution) you can either live with it or revolt. This individual chose to go it alone against the mob rule. He will be sacrificed by the state.

    1. “No, I don’t recall the features of Bill 16 being put before the electorate as a mandate.”

      Bill 16 was Zoolander’s 1st term. The opportunity to get rid of it was last October. Who did you vote for?
      If you voted for Bernier, then you voted to keep Bill 16.

      1. The Great Red Scheep and his flock of little pink lambikins lost all by themselves.

        Baaaaaaa. Baaaaaaa. Baaaaaaa.

  3. When Eskimos are told they are NOT Eskimos because the word is NOT 2020….Does that mean Eskimos should not be proud that they have survived North of the Tree-Line following the Cariboo for Generations.
    Eskimos know they are Eskimos… Indians know they are Indians… The 2020 twits haven’t YET survived themselves. The ancient White DNA of Napoleon, Attila the Hun, Hitler, Stalin, are just waiting to prove again why they ruled…

    Will Canada survive the insufferable Marxist attacks on reality? Peaceful riots & looting by Viking & Communist
    hordes….Tribal Law …The Virus has provided DNA evidence of Who is Who…


  4. trick them into thinking there’s a shot that makes someone conservative….

    ……then buy a crap ton of insurance

    1. Why buy insurance, when things are bad enough they don’t pay. An example being the people who’s flights were canceled when the “COVID” started and did not have the insurance honoured.

      In Canada there are three classes the political connected like Trudeau where the law doesn’t apply. The people in the middle forced to pay for everything and the people on the bottom that have nothing so the laws stop being enforced for them because they can’t pay.

  5. I have a chosen pronoun for these people … “Ghouls”. Which is polite shorthand for “sick bastards”

  6. Dad should kidnap the child, flee to the Russian Federation, and claim asylum from state-sanctioned child abuse. Find a nice, traditional, hard working Russian gal. She’d straighten out the kid, and they make incredible wives and life partners.

    I think you will find no extradition would happen in such a case.

  7. Sarah Palin was right as well, about death panels. If they start making fun of someone, pay close attention.
