4 Replies to “Social Disease”

  1. “Hate speech” is too much like “wrongthink”. I’ve mistrusted the concept since Bernie Farber endorsed it with such alacrity. You can force people not to steal someone else’s stuff or harm someone else, but you can’t make them like or even respect someone.

  2. I’ve always wondered about whether there are any benefits to courses that try to teach ethics. Those that were moral beforehand will still do the right thing because that’s how they are. Those that are immoral will lie and say they’ll follow the teaching (being even more immoral by adopting a false hood). No change for those that are ethical, and camouflage for those who aren’t.

    And when those who aren’t ethical rise to positions of power, that camouflage is used to invert the intent of the original rules. That’s what we’re seeing at Google and Facebook – “Don’t be Evil” becomes “don’t be evil according to Billy-Bob’s definition of evil” becomes “We think you’re evil because you insist we act ethically and you disagree with us about what evil is, so we’ll ban you.”

    1. Mary Mapes goes around to various colleges as a sought after speaker to discuss journalism ethics. That’s her job now. Who’s Mary Mapes? She was Dan Rather’s producer when Dan got 86’d after a false report defended as “false but accurate.”

      So, C_Miner. The answer is no. There are no benefits to these “courses.” I would add the caveat that there is an active recruitment process to convert seemingly moral students to ideological (end justifies the means) acolytes.

  3. It is a matter of principle or lack thereof. Some, who were aware of Zukerberg’s criminal conduct that he applied to found the company, made a deliberate decision to not support his business. That millions do not care is the most telling and damning verdict to the mental numbness of the world’s public. For them it was blatantly obvious that which starts criminally, lives criminally on. Apparently obvious things for some are less than obvious for others who suddenly go “Oh, ah, well I never!”

    It is just like when a candidate for a PM does not at all look like his mother’s husband but instead looks exactly like a dictator from Cuba, it is a no-shit-sherlocky effort to connect the dot and realize what kind of upbringing he could have only received at home: the communist indoctrination. But this is Khanada, where anything goes.
