11 Replies to “Everything Old Is New Again”

  1. What to say? The more things change the more they remain the same. I never thought I could ever be so disappointed with my fellow man as I am today.

  2. I remember these guys from the seventies, but to apply such a noted connection to this terrorist group just gives them power beyond their existence. Not sure how to characterize this strange attribute to a bunch of dead or incarcerated terrorists, but it’s better left to history.

    However, with further consideration, the way history is being subverted these days, I’m sure that a few years from now, they’ll be considered a religious awakening phenomenon, or perhaps a creative and enlightened approach to persuasion. It certainly seems to be a well copied model. Instead of pushing for change in a civilized manner, they figured it was easier to use the bombs and guns, kidnapping, and hijacking model, which has been “religiously” followed by countless terror groups ever since.

  3. You can add Chicago professors Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn and many others to that list. Every so often Ayers will poke his head out of his hole for a sound bite or two and I can only shake my head.How those two can walk around Chicago without constantly looking over their shoulder mystifies me to no end. But hey, it is Chicago after all, so there’s that.
    College campuses were ground zero in the sixties and seventies and took turns being destroyed while progressive professors and Deans nodded in silent approval… those very same students achieved positions of political power, many went on to the highest positions in academia where they gladly infected/infecting another generation… and around it goes. Don’t think for a moment the same isn’t going on here in Canada.

    Guess now it’s the mayors who are silently nodding.

  4. What’s the difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter?

    Terrorists die in bed.

    He will gladly die with his boots on, who fights for anything worth dying for.

  5. “Days of Rage” by Bryan Burrough. x

    Guess who is the new San Francisco DA? And who his parents are?
    Hint: He didn’t see them much as he grew up.

    1. Bill Ayers adopted son whose real father was killed in a “workplace accident”.
      Received a Rhodes Scholarship and the rest is history. It’s almost like their lives are mapped out for them.

  6. It’s actually kinda sad that these radical leftists didn’t die from all the drugs they did in the 1960’s and 70’s … sad.

  7. All too many of them ended up with nice sinecures teaching undergrads at our universities.

  8. Does anybody know what fascism is?
    Does anybody know history of the 20th century of Europe?
    Does anybody recognizes fascism that is antifa, black lives matter?
    Does anybody bloody recognize that the North American civilization is on the brink?

    What the hell is going on and why is everybody ok with that?

    What antifa and black lives matter are doing parallels exactly how certain national socialist dictator got in power.
    Exactly the same actions. The going on in Portland and Minneapolis is no different than of the Third Reich brownshirts, Chicago is parallel to Kristallnacht.
