KNKX: Your Connection To Jazz, Blues, And Groupthink

“Cliff” Mass is an American professor of Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Washington.

Last week I wrote a blog post–Seattle, A City in Fear Can Be Restored — criticizing violent individuals who have brought repeated destruction to downtown Seattle and attacked and injured numerous people (including reporters and dozens of police officers). I also criticized the irresponsible and reckless actions of members of the Seattle City Council, who allowed the violence to continue, tried to cripple and defund the Seattle Police Department, and who have persecuted Chief Carmen Best.

And was fired for it. But read the whole thing.

20 Replies to “KNKX: Your Connection To Jazz, Blues, And Groupthink”

      1. Some how. I think Unme is telling the truth.

        What an odd person you are. Granted, more folks on the left are like this.

        1. It’s the doppelganger again, someone without enough personality to post on their own handle, who instead does childish impersonations of others as poopyheads.

          Probably a friend of UnMe trying to make the rest of us look bad. Or perhaps an employee of an HRC group?

  1. Media, whether public (bought off by large donors or state owned and funded) or private, is now the habitat of the institutional left. There is no tolerance for dissenting opinion, logic, history, truth, critical thinking, or reason. Leftist narratives can’t stand the sunlight of open and honest debate but thrive in the shadows of censorship and the burning of heretics . We are reliving a variation of 1930s Germany. This guy is just now getting it.

  2. If he files suit for wrongful termination, which he should, he better be prepared to go all the way to the USSC. (And with Roberts full tilt to the left, who knows what will happen there? Hopefully, President Trump can replace the cadaver next year.) He lives in the state of Washington, which is coincidentally under the Ninth Circuit Court.

  3. All of this revealed to me an Achilles heel of public radio. Stations depend on contributions, and rich, activist contributors have enormous power on station management.

    Lefty prof discovers how economics works, film at eleven.

  4. I am frequently amused by the shock and squeals of anguish of members of the left as they slide down the throats of their compatriots. You work for NPR you have to expect this sort of thing.

  5. He runs a great blog that blows away any environment Canada forecasting when it comes to snow storms.

  6. What disturbs me most is that we have seen a lot of this — shutting down alternative voices, sometimes to the point of people losing their jobs — but the right, and even those in the middle seem to have no effective counter. I think we have already lost. We will go on with expressing our outrage until we are not allowed to do even that.

    1. The only thing that is likely to stop most of America’s cities from falling completely into the hands of leftist and black supremacist death squads is the removal by force of their civilian city councils and replacement by a committee selected from the police department that is willing to give their brothers authority to use live ammunition on the death squads.

      Either the men in blue will get rid of the useful idiots or the thugs will do it, sooner or layer.

    2. Until we really old people start beating the living shit out of the morons who are persecuting us.

  7. every revolution considers the first day a success if they take over the radio and media. Well I guess we are well past the first day of this cultural Marxist take over. Thanks to Kate and others for providing these gems of reason and light in an otherwise dark world.
    sorry for the weather dude but when you lay down with dogs….

  8. Scary and sad. Scary because there is no limit to how far these lefty toads will go, to “Win”, they don’t care about people losing their jobs, their life, or anything in between. Part of the problem for our side is that we tend to think things through, we think logically, we evaluate and rationalize. Their thought patterns are erratic, they must be, because they are not rational in what they do. As has been said on SDA many times, they are insane, leftism is a disease, and our problem is that because they seem to operate without logic, we cannot comprehend how they function, which pretty much stops us in our tracks, we simply can’t get a grip on how they operate or why they operate the way they do.

    Sad, because as LindaL. said above, we may have already lost the war with them. They remind me of an attack a few years back, by a large group of apes in Africa, that went rogue, and attacked and killed several people. I don’t remember the details now, but apes are powerful, super strong, and they literally tore the victims limbs and heads off in the attack. How do you defend yourself against a pack of savage apes? You can’t unless you’re armed. I’m thinking that for those on the left, who are extreme, they act like those apes, and we cannot reason with them. They are so convinced that their way is the only truth, they will not discuss or debate, they will not even listen.

    The fact that the left politicians will not condemn these actions is very telling. If civil war does erupt between the left and the right, it will be a violent bloody war, because we are dealing with insanity, we are dealing with people that went to the dark side and never returned. There will be no quarter, given from the left, they will obliterate us if we are not vigilant, the same way those apes obliterated those people in Africa. It will not end well, no matter the victor!

  9. Mr. Mass forgot what happened after Kristalnacht. He has identified himself as an ideological enemy. The body politic that is growing in power cannot tolerate dissent. If he’s fortunate then the only purge he’ll be facing is the job. If he’s not, then his home address (known to the station and their employees/volunteers) will be visited by thugs in the middle of the night. They won’t try to convince, they’ll use what happens to him as a way to convince others that it’s not a good idea to stand up as a voice of reason.

    I really hope I’m wrong about this.

  10. They have the media, academia, local governments, and in Canada, the feds.
    What is “the best a man can get” nowadays?
