7 Replies to “The Power Of No”

  1. Trader Joes is not a FREAK’s store of Choice….The Corporations who Have SJW agents in the Corporate structure will find they are destroying band loyalty…. The hammer will hit! Just Wait! When you stand for SHIT..You are nothing but Shit….

  2. I had first read about grandma’s product review a couple of days ago. The 4Chan reviews and Q&A that followed are hilarious.

    My student society was hit by the Trader Joe’s treatment in the early 90’s. We drank a lot of beer. The brewery we bought the most from gave us some posters. Attractive members of both sexes. As both sexes (and multiple preferences) are present in the student body, both poster types were put up. All of the regulars looked at the ones they liked. A complaint was filed that the posters were sexist. A meeting was held to discuss, and the overwhelming majority of those opposed to having both types of posters up were strangers to us. They could have been regulars there, but they chose not to. After the meetings, all posters came down.

    Some of the regulars who had been riding the fence and giving week support to the “ban them all” crowd were apologizing to the rest of us a couple of months later. They saw how their tepid support of the “ban them all” group led to a huge loss of morale and trust within our group of regulars. They didn’t care about the posters, but didn’t want to make waves when some were hard-core against the posters. Only after they saw how disheartened the rest of us were with their sell-out did they realize it was about more than some stupid posters. And when they wanted the trust back, it was already gone and could not be reclaimed.

  3. Mylifematters!! Wrong! Grandson, your own kid – if he wasnt receptive to learning how to act like a responsible human being instead of some “sheeple” following a trend – call him out.
    Didnt listen to your parents teachings ,…….now try jail!

    I’m with Grandma!

  4. Everyday now there is an ad running on the radio in upstate NY, basically it says if you see something say something. It is all about a Nazi Germany type of snitching on the “dangerous” violators of the fraudulent cov2 dictates.

  5. He discussed surrendering with his probation officer… Sooooo, at least one prior…

    Personally, I don’t think he’s worth the powder.
