14 Replies to “Color, Communism And Common Sense”

  1. Deja vu? It appears that the communist have rebadged themselves as Antifa!

  2. Speaking of cancel culture, the left’s contempt for Blacks and rare video clips:

    The banned video of Dr Stella Immanuel defeating Dr. Fauci by an HCQ TKO is here:

    Apparently, Black doctors opinions (based on evidence) don’t matter.
    Kate: Let’s encourage everyone to share this gem to facilitate a Streisand effect!!
    Isn’t Barbara a SJW? What a mansion.

    Let’s not forget, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons sued the FDA in June to allow HCQ to be used. This article describes the political interference very well:

    1. PS – Dr Dtella Immanuel does say things that are questionable. HCQ is not a cure, it’s a treatment. I have not read any study that says it prevents COVID 19 and I think that her advice on not wearing a mask would increase infection rates. But, her testimony regarding her 350 patients could be true although I have not seen any study where 100% of patients survived when taking HCQ with zinc etc.

      1. Raised levels of Zn++ stop viral protein production by corona viruses (demonstrated in 80s). Hydroxychloroquine and related drugs act as ionophores allowing more Zn++ into thecell(demonstrated 2003) leading to hydroxychloroquine becoming the drug of choice for Sars(NIH 2005). It is a cure for the virus in that it stops replication ie phase one of illness(flulike symptoms). It is a cure if used with Zn++ early in the disease or as prophylaxis. The addition of a broad spectrum antibiotic such as azithromycin reduces the chance of secondary bacterial infection developing.
        A small group of people progress on to phase two which is the body’s immune system reacting adversely to the virus and creating a cytokine storm causing clots and inflammation. The best treatment for this is the MATH+ protocol and success is marked by a decrease in C-reactive protein(an inflammatory marker) not by the presence of viral markers on swabs. CRP goes up in post viral syndrome so MATH+ (methyl hydrocortisone, vitamin C and thiamine) treatment should be continued until CRP is normal.

      2. The HCQ cocktail does not cure the flu virus you just get better, so far thousands have.

        1. We aren’t talking about the flu. We’re talking about Covid-19, the stuff my father-in-law died with while in a nursing home. Didn’t get any HCQ by the way.

  3. The Academia that research Slavery & those who achieved success and were rewarded with Statues, or had Universities Cities/ in their Names… They where Judged by their PEERS to be worthy.. To claim otherwise is insane! We would have to research the Ancestry of the Claimants to find what role they played as PEERS @ that time of History….Nothing Is Legally, or Morally Valid to Judge the past Societal Judgements….

    The Communists don’t believe in the Concept that the Judgement of “Ones Peers” is fundamental to the Rule of Law…..The Magna Carta…..

  4. “…. Deja vu? It appears that the communist have rebadged themselves as Antifa!”

    Antifa has always been Communist … first in Berlin in the days before 1933 when there were street brawls with the Brown shirts … and then in the Soviet POW camps holding Germans right up to 1950s.

  5. Culturally, the west is on the home stretch of traversing the road to serfdom (communism after the revolution). Economically, halfway. We are witnessing an iron curtain of censorship descending over the western world, not from international communism directly but from the internal domestic actualization of decades of cultural Marxism and postmodern nihilism disguised as liberal arts and humanities. Many of the useless graduates that we laughed off as unemployable burger flippers have found employment in corporate HR, executive suites, and boardrooms completing the take-over of both public and much of the private sectors.

  6. Soviet agent Lester Pearson and Pearsons hand picked successor Peeair the Turdhole were the first communists to rule over the Canadas . Pearson and Turdhole understood that dividing Canadians into hierarchical ethnic tribes, institutionalizing inequality and bigotry, imposing french language supremacy ( “bilingualism”) and multi cult would be the beginning of the end for the once great English speaking nation of Canada. It worked like a charm too. The once great English speaking nation of Canada has now been reduced to a corrupt french language shithole, a multi ethnic nationalist socialist State, a new Vichy run by the most ethically and morally corrupt individuals the country can produce who then rule over the place like an authoritarian cult. Pity. Canada is a prime example of the rot that Communism/Socialism policies produce. #WEXIT.

    1. Sean, I appreciate that you have said what I think… but so much more politely.

    2. What you said well is also true but as far as WEXIT goes, I doubt that it could be pulled off without the politically necessary result being another welfare state but without the toxicity of the Eastern establishment. Alberta is crawling with entitled, big government, red Tory, and demographically ascendant NDP brain-deads. Edmonton and Nenshi are proof.

  7. I try not to voice my opinion too much on this site as I feel I am in over my head sometimes, but agree 100 % with what Sean has said. He has said what I believe and feel “more eloquently” than I could…I thank you sir…..Steve O
