“…the agency had not touched thousands of files for years”

CBSA has lost track of 34,700 people due to be deported

The federal auditor general says Canada’s border agency has failed to promptly remove most of the people under orders to leave the country.
In a report tabled in Parliament today, the auditor says the Canada Border Services Agency‘s efforts were hampered by poor data quality and case-management flaws, resulting in avoidable delays in thousands of cases.

But wait! It gets better.

The auditor suggested reviving a program that paid failed refugee claimants a small amount of money to leave Canada, an idea the CBSA agreed with in its response.

37 Replies to ““…the agency had not touched thousands of files for years””

  1. Bwaaaa…..
    Of course that’s deliberate neglect.
    “Neglect” run as ideology. Importing 3rd world voters and letting them eventually gain citizenship is the easiest way to get a permanent leftard voting majority. Nothing very hard to understand about that.
    Canada enjoys that or it wouldn’t vote for the Uniparty whose policy it is.

    1. Bill, think you are correct. When it comes to deporting someone it is usually a white person or an old person.

    2. I used to live across the street from a federal immigration office. The staff was almost entirely made up of BIPOCs…

  2. “The auditor suggested reviving a program that paid failed refugee claimants a small amount of money to leave Canada”

    Ah, the idiocy of voluntary extortion. Seeing the mobster’s toughs coming down the street, and offering them money before they put the bite on you in the preemptive and empty hope that this will not encourage them to do it again and again and again. Please, Mr. Immigrant, if I give you this money, promise me that you won’t come back. Oh, you are here again because you came through the Roxham Road sieve. So if I give you some more money this time, if I give you some more money, promise that you won’t come back this time…

    How about if you ship them home with a warning that if they ever return illegally, there is execution waiting for any invader because that is what they are? That which is rewarded is repeated.

    1. How about a 2 day get out of country followed by a shoot on site no questions asked or listened to.

      1. Two whole days, that is overly generous. But sure. Harvest them for organs to compensate for the costs.

  3. Man oh man! Wait till andy scheep, pierre polly-ever, and the rest of the opposition tigers hear about this!

  4. Anyone willing to bet that those files were lost accidentally on purpose?

  5. Jugmeat Singh will soon be clamouring for an amnesty because we’ve criminalized them and most aren’t white so it’s Canadian Systemic Racism.

  6. “Lost for year’ ? Check under ‘new citizens’. The three year gift given to all who apply, no qualifications necessary.

  7. The proper action to see here, would be;

    everyone in the department fired
    pensions gone, retroactive 20 years (yes, go after retirees)
    any pension monies paid out, must come back, credit card interest
    all cabinet ministers going back 20 years, same deal
    privy councilors

    They simply are not doing the job. That they continually claim that only government can do. That they annually have demanded raises to do. This is not the only department doing this. This is not the only government that has turned a blind eye.

    You pay taxes every year; you know that none of these people ever did.

    There is no individual, in any government office, or under any government contract, anywhere in Canada, that is not rotten to the core.

    Public Service. Unions. No civil society is possible that includes public service unions, or the the drooling morons who always say “but they have done so much good”.

  8. So why not de-fund them, like Trudeau’s heroes in China would do to it’s own citizens?

    No welfare, no housing, no Jobs.

    Of course we know that only Citizens are enemies to Trudeau’s government. Nothing was lost, the attack on Canada is well under way by the communist leaders of the “Post National State”.

  9. CBSA puts in the work and presents the information on why someone should be removed, usually to be denied by a liberal minded refugee tribunal.

    No differwnt than cops arresting and charging someone for murder and they get out on bail.

  10. When Alberta separates I fear we will bring all the same government largesse problems with us and nothing will change. To escape this tyranny of tax theft we must separate AND come up with a new system of government that puts a hard limit on taxation in the constitution.

    1. Excuse me, but haven’t you, personally, in this very forum, put forward the notion that “Alberta needs it’s own old age security program in place before we get serious about separation”?

      If you want smaller government, THEN START INSISTING ON SMALLER GOVERNMENT.

      If you just want Alberta centric big government, …

      1. If you want a nanny state that only has programs you personally approve of, you are never going to get it. Not from an independent Alberta, not from Canada, not from Donald Trump. Not from anyone.

    2. How about a constitution that puts a limit on total number (percent) of people that can work for all government this includes commissions. Otherwise any group that receives more than one cent of public money.

  11. It is interesting how they managed to find the German girl as reported on CTV Edmonton lat night. Her parents have lived here for 12 years on work permits and she is being deported at 21. They take illiterate people from shithole countries and immediately place them on likely permanent welfare but can’t give a kid who has lived over half her life in Canada a break. Liberal assholes.

  12. All these agencies (not just CBSA) are make-work jobs for blithering idiots that nobody in the private sector would trust with a potted plant over the weekend, never mind a full-time job—and who’ve now been on paid vacation for four months, sleeping till noon and drinking during the day, and increasingly giving up the pretense of productivity.

    Pretending to manage a problem that the private sector could solve in weeks. If someone doesn’t turn up at the airport for his flight back to Septiktankistan, offer a generous cash reward to anybody able to apprehend him and turn him in—dead or alive.

    1. “that the private sector could solve in weeks.”

      Why not deputize international security companies to nab them and get them on a plane with no phone calls or intervening passengers. Have a Somali roundup day where they arrest 100 of them and get them on a plane to Mogadishu before their lawyers wake up.

      1. why not throw the lawyers on the plane with them. take everyones picture and issue a shoot on site with reward.

        1. Forget taking pictures, brand them with iron on their foreheads “DENIED, SHOOT ON SIGHT RIGHT HERE””.

  13. It’s worked for 50 years for the lieberals, stunt daddy taught little fidel well. just keep hauling them in, tell them to vote lieberal and shaazam! Who cares if they bring sick mommy and daddy and sicker grandma with no language skills to cope. Lieberals, always putting the grunt, into immigrunt. If they come here to work and contribute to what our ancestors and we have built, fine. But if they have other motives then they should deported. But toronto morons will never understand that, it’s the Leafs or the Raptors yea man. The west, from the Sask. border to northern BC asnd southeast BC all of Alberta must rid ourselves of the yoke of utter stupidity that is all things lieberal.

  14. The only thing that will happen with this is millions more wasted in overtime payouts.

  15. L-Notice how silent the C.P.C. was about this during the last election…

    Designate a combined RCMP Security/D. of Defence- JTF2 teams to apprehend those under deportation order for criminal/terrorist activity. Publicly list names/photos. That would have the worst of them rushing for the nearest international airport.

  16. “reviving a program that paid failed refugee claimants a small amount of money to leave Canada”
    Sure…… a quarter to make a collect call to relatives back home .
    To let them know to meet them at the container ship port back home.

  17. Put up rewards.
    Let private citizens hunt them and make citizen’s arrest. $1000.00 a head reward. $2500.00 for the criminals.
    Of course Canapussyland wouldn’t allow that so why not post their known info on-line with a tip/reward package. Maybe call it Crimestoppers or something silly like that.

  18. Another big shrug.

    (a) CBSA obviously isn’t concerned.

    (b) Our bought-and-paid-for press won’t make a big deal out of it.

    (c) Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition will not be yelling “negligence ” or demanding immediate expulsion.

    (d) And they’re all living in urban centers that keep voting for more of the same.
