13 Replies to “I Amuse Myself”

  1. Politics is not justice. Based on the video of the accident; it was an accident and nothing else. He swerved to avoid the illegally parked cars and then had to avoid the crowd. The two SJW’s he hit ( who were standing out on the road) were in the wrong place at the wrong time.
    When the Mob and the corrupt Media become the legal system we will all suffer.

  2. When I was much younger and going to U.. We used to get stoned and listen to records of a group called “Firesign Theater”.. They were hilarious.. They would have a field day with 2020 life.. Maybe there is a group like that now?..

  3. If they released him on reasonable bail, or on his own recognizance; the Seattle Antifa and BLM might riot and destroy more of the city.

    Now since he is locked up on over a million dollars bail, Seattle Antifa and BLM will need to find another entirely different reason to riot and destroy more of the city. They will just have to riot again and blame it on Tuesday, President Trump or that it rained last week.

  4. ANTIFA are akin “Baby Boomers” in Palestine. They’ll die for the cause to convict black men.

  5. The FBI should investigate. These are clearly race based charges by systemically racist Seattle police and prosecutors. A black guy accidentally kills a couple white people and boom – he’s in jail for over a million bucks bail and will likely be charged with murder. Seattle sure has a hate on for black people. Racist pigs.

  6. A twitter quip worth remembering: “A black man is about to get railroaded for a tragic accident where he had little to no culpability that resulted in the death of a white woman protesting for the fair treatment of black men by the justice system.
    That’s epic Kafka.”

  7. White supremacist Democrats block black man from using freeway. Black man gets arrested.

  8. When you stand in the middle of the highway you deserve what ever you get times 100. This guy swerved to miss a car that was put in the middle of the road by (I assume) the waco’s then had to swerve to miss the waco’s. These lone two waco’s should have stayed with the crowd where they were safer. The driver would have had to be nuts to stop. these cowardly waco’s getting courage in numbers would have beat him to a pulp. He should be suing the crowd and the two lone waco’s fro damage to his car and for mental stress. Should also include the local legal industry in the mental stress part.
