45 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. (Adjusts tin foil hat) Ummm…heh….uhhhh….well, did anyone happen to listen to the video message from the Michael Flynn family yesterday? There is something they all say at the end of the pledge to defend America that will raise eyebrows. Mine included.

      1. Well, heh, they quoted that nonsense line that Q always says. “Where we go one, we go all.” It’s become his motto.

  2. So when I first saw this, I thought that he hadn’t heard about the defacing of Lincoln and attempts to tear down the emancipation statues (and Grant, and Heg), that being because the MSM doesn’t cover those events.
    Click the link and I see that this guy IS THE MSM. This is primary evidence that it is pretty much pointless to go for the MSM for information, at all.

    1. Its been the MO of the Lame Street Media for quite some time, to GASLIGHT the public at large.

      Tell the Truth? In what century? The MSM is unwatchable for their distortions, obfuscation, omissions, propaganda, and outright lies

      That so many fall for the garbage is an indictment of our education system for doing a poor job. Witness the recent clips of the yutes that can’t even describe the meaning of Independence Day. I’m surprised they didnt quote the freedom from the Alien Horde by WIll SMith

  3. Not only that, but did you know Donald Trump didn’t wear a mask? I’m old enough to remember when wearing a mask was dangerous! So is everyone over 2 months old! Except the media of course the great purveyors and judges of truth.

    1. I’m also old enough to remember when closing the borders due to Covid was considered racist and an overreaction…

  4. Sad, pathetic, and stupid Seth – constantly proving he really is more stupid than he looks.

  5. If Trump is so stupid why has he got the left going nuts? Do they not trust the voters of their great land to vote him out?

  6. Almost three years now I cut my TV cable, moved isolated on a lake with wife and enjoy full happiness away from the retardation that goes on.
    Things will down spiral faster from here on and people who live in larger urban centers will be the most vulnerable; civil unrest, infrastructure collapse, mounting crime, police defunding, supply chain affected, less services, kill whitey, etc.


    1. I hear you loud and clear. I haven’t yet cut my TV as I am old retired and have almost no social life. My wife and I watch Tucker, Laura and the Five … also we like watching home reno shows and I like cheesy Sci Fi. We get our news and information through research on the internet mostly, including SDA, CitizensFreePress etc.

      We are well informed and we know much of the actual history of the USA. We went to school when they used to teach stuff that was real and factual about our next door neighbor the friendly giant and most important country in the world.

      If we were younger we would have more of a life and TV would not be important. We watch because it’s a mammoth reality show and we like to be informed and entertained.

      We are much less concerned about where it’s all headed since we won’t be around for the results and we have no kids … so … not much skin in the game, but we do see it all as a grand adventure.

      It’s sad to see the stupidity and violence nonetheless. and sad to see how many people are so gullible.

      1. You can get Laura and Tucker and The Five on YouTube easily.
        I cut cable ten years ago and don’t miss it at all.

        1. One can also cut the cord, get a VPN account, and subscribe to FOX for Live coverage.

          Am considering that at the moment, since sports is now going full political as well. I hate paying for garbage that is turned off on the dial, as well as the effin carriage rates to the Liberal Canuckistani Propaganda machines.

          And here’s one for you. Lately, on my YT feed, YT keeps propping up Ceeb/CTV/Global as the “top stories” though I never ever watch them on YT. Anyone that thinks this is not a concerted, co-ordinated effort by the various FAANGM companies and the media, to manipulate the universe to their ways and beliefs, is brainwashed.

          They got rich on capitalism, but they demand socialism from here on out, to keep the masses down, and to keep themselves permanently enriched

      2. Retired too…and cut the chord 3 yrs ago…I can watch everything you do and another 32.65 million bits, shows, movies, news U-Tube etc than you do for exactly zero $$$ (other than bandwidth..which right now is 68.50/mo…for the next 4.5 yrs.)

        ZERO regrets and no need for a pvr…
        Pick a series….ANY series since Lucy met Desi or the Honeymooners….if it’s digitized, it’s available.

        Telus, Bell, and any other Provider can pound sand for their $130/mo of nothing but regurgitated garbage.

        Free thyself – cut that chord..!! You will not regret it.

        1. I keep reading about “Cutting the Cord”, but I’m retired too, and have no proficiency with this tech/computer stuff, I could rebuild a V8 engine easily, but I get a mental block with computers and find them extremely frustrating for any use beyond emails and news threads, and yeah I’m paying through the nose for it to! If someone can direct me to where, how, and what so I can access this information I would be extremely grateful.

      3. I haven’t had tv in almost 30 years. Don’t miss anything about it.

        I have radios in every room. Internet (streaming)radio and xm.

        I listen to talk radio from around the world and music.

        I know all news is opinion. I try and listen to enough different opinion to try and figure out what is going on. Sometimes I get it right.

        When I do watch tv I have a short fuse for talking heads telling me to put my brain in a jar and listen to them. They are entertainers. Nothing more. The ratings drop and they are dropped.

    2. If you are living way out in the peaceful countryside, stock up, going for bulk Claymore mines.

      You just may need them

  7. Excuse me, but the use of the term “dark” as a pejorative is racist.

  8. Honestly, after all the trouble turning loose the blacks caused, I’m wondering how much respect Lincoln really deserves. The real goal of emancipation, as Karl Marx (a great influence on Lincoln through his columns in the New York Tribune) made clear, was to hurry along the end of capitalism.

    Put back the statues of General Lee and blow up the Temple of Lincoln—and the idol of MLK with it.

    1. You deserve none whatsoever for such an idiotic rant. You are truly delusional if you think BLM viewpoints are shared by most African-Americans.

      1. Then why don’t candidates running on a platform to make America great again consistently get a thumping majority of the black vote?

        They hate “peckerwoods” a lot more than they love their own children, never mind America.

        1. the Democrats are past masters (intended) of the plantation. Today it’s a welfare plantation. As long as no one rocks the boat the boys will get their sex, the girls (moms) will get their cheques, and the Democrats will get their votes. Those who enjoy this largess don’t want it to end. It’s not a race thing (see the Thomas Sowell thread several back), it’s a culture thing. And the Democrats caused it to cause dependency, and the sheep don’t mind losing their fleece once in a while because they’ve got their XBOX, beer, angry music (men), sad music (women), drugs, and drama to keep them busy.

          I’d gladly share a case of beer and a BS session with any middle-class or middle-rank black man. Not so with a gang-banger of any skin colour.

          1. Just finished watching Larry Elder’s new movie “Uncle Tom.” Lays out the democrat strategy above pretty clearly.

  9. A beautiful sight. Fireworks celebrating July 4th. More so than in days gone by.

    All different colors, all different people. Actual diversity in action.

  10. It’s the same story over and over again. This is a combination of two principles of the left: Twisting what Trump says in a long speech by taking a fragment out of context and presenting it to their thoughtless followers. And then dismissing something real and disturbing going on (as if everyone, in the world really, isn’t aware of the indiscriminate destruction of statues by now). But I realize now that this will not relent until there is a Democrat president.

  11. Everything us always dark and dirty when communists are involved. They are unable to see anything past their own dark and evil ideology.

  12. Where has this guy been for the last week or so? Has he been hiding out on an island with no internet? Or is Newsweek employing a very unobservant political correspondent?

  13. I have had several East European Soviet Era escapees say the it was clearer in the East Bloc because you knew that, at school, on the TV, radio and in the newspapers, you were being lied to. Here people don’t know they are being lied to and believe the lies.

  14. Successful gaslighting. Look how many rose to the bait, and wasted their time reading, and replying to obvious nonsense. At least try to restrict yourselves to wasting your entertainment time, only when they at least try; that was just the definition of “mailing it in”. Did he even bother editing anything from the hourly “talking points to parrot” email that Soros sends out?

    Incoherence is the goal. Logic and facts are irrelevant. The more facts or reason you bring to the incoherence fight, the more people laugh at you.

    So stop arguing; next time some lefty comes at you with “Trump is a liar”, fire back with “I F-ing LOVE liars! I LOVE pussy grabbers! I would not vote for anyone who was NOT a lyin pussy grabber everything -phobe!”.

    Give them back double what they shovel at you.

  15. At the linked article ,the writer mocks poor Seth and the comments are funny.
    “So this is why News Week sold for a dollar,Seth?”
    The dummy,Slithering Seth gets mocked ,hammered and attempts to deflect.
    He knows the Presidents words are “Dark”,but does not understand them..
    Urnalism is so tough.
    Pictures of vandalized statues deluge the nitwit and he still attempts to deny that this destruction is happening and coordinated by his comrades,,putting the noose in Fake Newz?

    1. But their pernicious, resentful, communist ideology is spread by BLM through racial hatred, just as in earlier Europe, it was spread through class hatred.

      Communists want power and require a society divided through hatred to gain control. Once in control, it is all up to the central committee’s whims and internal power struggles. The foot-soldiers are sent to the sensitivity training programs.

      For the BLM, which finances the DNC to a certain extent, will not accept orders from the DNC; that is why so many Dementocrats play nice with the BLM.

      Of course, the original people behind the BLM will get rid of their puppets when necessary – if they can, of course. Remember Germany couldn’t shake of Lenin after he had done their bidding.

  16. Hey Seth you didn’t hear about the statues because you keep your fingers in your ears and sing lalala…lala…lalala..lala all day long.
