9 Replies to “Rebound”

  1. Jobs will return even faster if government finally gets the hell off everyone’s back. More flu cases, more flu cases, quick, the sky is falling more communism is the answer. I wonder how many economists are needed to decide that when businesses are allowed to open employment increases. Please folks, this is so sad, I have been trying to think of what more can be said but you know, there is nothing but empty freaking words and phrases, because no one has a brain capable of processing what has been done to us. All is well, your masters have everything under control. Makes the reality of 1984 look like a fairy tale, a very grim one.

    1. OWG, I always appreciate and enjoy the sage words in your posts. However, I’m thinking It is beginning to look like Orwell’s 1984, may actually be preferable to what we are all getting shafted with!

      I could go into a multi paragraph diatribe on this, but what’s the point! Based on how governments have behaved in the past, I’m suspecting that the new gun ban, Covid machinations, and money laundering etc, that this attempt is being done as a prelude to a much more sinister and evil plan! I’m an atheist, so don’t believe in the religious aspect, but there is definitely evil in this world. The globalists appear to be getting ready to execute their final plans, and will take advantage of the current unrest in North America. Maybe they are just seizing a golden opportunity, or perhaps this was all in the playbook already. But yes we are truly screwed, and we are definitely, “On the eve of destruction”.

  2. Funny how we don’t talk about unemployment in Canada right now…

    1. Ah, but there isn’t any. After all, Dear Leader is paying people to smoke dope and sit on their backsides all day. It’s like being in the civil service, but without the mind-altering substance.

  3. People clapping like trained seals about an unemployment rate over 10%. The new normal.
