40 Replies to “Frankly, My Dear”

  1. The UK is finished. Today, this afternoon, they are importing the 3rd world voting demographic from France that makes it finished.
    No sympathy anymore from we colonials, you could have stopped it , you refused to stop it and voted for your own cultural and societal destruction because your betters told you to. They told you you weren’t good enough to sustain a culture that goes back 2000 years….. you silly plebs.
    You deserve exactly what you get.

    1. Bill, we have lost as well. One does not have to look very hard to see that Canada has become a tyranny of the bureaucracy and the hard socialist left. Got your mask handy? Not a Christian are you? Got any children who aren’t going to school? Have you needed to see your family doctor? We have lost our freedom, period. I could go on but it is not necessary.

      1. Canada also…deserves ….exactly ….what ….it…. gets.

        Make what arrangements you can to live well.
        They won.

    2. Just the UK…??

      Yea, i don’t think so.
      This shit is endemic throughout the Western HEmisphere….
      Initially spread by UNIONIZED Teachers….and later on, the Climatista’s.
      They being simply Communists.

      Kruschev is laughing his (_i_) off…

  2. He purports to be confused by the “Left wing of the Left Party”. It’s perfectly simple.

    Religions? Conspiracies? Cults? There’s always going to be a “holier than thou”, someone who’s bought-into the cant to exquisite perfection – and you are not worthy to stand in their exalted presence. You are not WOKE enough, so go away and come back when you are. And when you finally achieve that pinnacle, you’ll go back and find that they have moved forward as well, and are now, still, that much more woke than you. The object is exclusion – of you – haven’t you figured that out yet? So go away again, and look-up “clique”.

    And why the left-of-the-left is up in arms over this? – simple again. She was one of theirs, she dared express opinions they dared not – anti-semitism – but that they’re all heartily in favour of. They all hate the Jews – the Jews have become a success, and are holding-back the unwashed hordes of jihadis – and how is the Labour left-wing’s edgy insight to become predominant if their messengers keep getting flushed? Their cult’s take-over of the great unwashed is slipping from their grasp, and it infuriates them! And most heinous of all, it was done by the deplorables throwing their own exclusionary tactic right back at them – HOW DARE THEY!!!

    Heh – looks good on them.

    1. Say what you want about Christianity, but you have to admire the elegant simplicity of its core message … that we are ALL sinners and have fallen short of the Glory of God. That we are ALL a fallen people. We ALL need a timeout, and a talk with God to get sorted (well, everyone except our NME friend – but I’m still praying for him). Christ did not condemn us over a single foible. Or multiple foibles … but patiently waits for us to learn and come around. Showering us with constant love and forgiveness … because we are ALL imperfect people.

      What did everyone expect Christianity would be replaced with, now that it’s been all but killed off ? (oh no! they say … there’s no War on Christmas or Christianity…). Right? Well, it’s sure not been replaced by Peace, love, and understanding as Elvis Costello musically wondered about. No, Christianity has been replaced by chaos and death … just as predicted. Can there be any doubt about the pure evil that is flowing straight from Satan through this Jesus-Free woke Gestapo? Into the ovens, indeed. No need to check your bags … right this way … ha! Christ says “I do not condemn you” … the wokeratti dox you, then ruin you, and spit on your ashes.

      And now … this Facquebook purge of advertisers. Never thought I’d say it … but I actually feel sad over Faquebook’s dilemma. But alas, Robot-boy appears to be caving. Why? Because he, and all his stockholders serve mammon. Dylan sang “Ya gotta serve somebody” … well … the Techno-left serves money. And power. And popularity. They’ve all gained fortunes … but lost their souls. They have sold out the US Constitution as surely as they’ve sold out their creator. They are more woke than any silly old white men in powdered wigs … let alone some sky-Daddy notion of God. Right? Wrong!

      What these “perfect” woke children don’t yet understand is the power and the fury of what they are unleashing on all of mankind. The absence of God is chaos and death. Everything they are doing is destructive. Nothing is constructive whatsoever … sorry, I don’t consider CHOP to be a “creation” of any sort.

      I’m not really a preacher. I’m not here trying to convert anyone. Believe, don’t believe, whatever … I don’t hang scalps of vanquished sinners on my teepee (sheesh … that reference will get me wrecked). But you have to admire the elegance of a forgiving God. And if you believe “God” is an invention of man … you have to consider Christian forgiveness to be GENIUS! A religion that makes no DEMANDS, such as painting BLM on your whitest streets … but simply forgives your sins. If science has taught us anything it’s that nature and creation is elegantly simplistic in its complexity. The atom … marvelously simple and elegant. The notion of Godly forgiveness which covers every sinner and every sin … is perfection. It springs from a deep understanding of mankind’s weakness.

      What we need now, is MORE understanding, and MORE forgiveness. We need to stop defining what is hate and start listening to each other, and to God.

  3. Yeah, this is what I keep saying: you can’t have it both ways.
    But so many here believe that yes, you can have it both ways, including the mysterious ED.
    Make up your mind. If you do not, you are a laughing stock, because you are not practicing that which you are preaching.
    I blame your Christianity. Every ill of this world is a God’s trial for you. Immigration of the 3d world terrorists? God’s trial! Bolshevism? God’s trial! Ethnic divide? God’s trial! You are neither motivated nor capable of working towards solving problems. Instead you intentionally compound them and then you rely on your fucking God to save you. You have called this onto you, and you have only yourself to blame. Keep praying, for you know nothing else and do not want to know.

    1. Hmmm
      Got to disagree with God having anything to do with it as far as him subjecting man to trial.
      The only part God has ever contributed is that his creation was allowed freedom to choose.
      The caveat being that because it’s one of his rules, the spiritual world cannot interfere physically in the physical world, not even him. They can offer suggestions though.
      God will intervene to give spiritual salvation, but the physical and mental stuff is on us.
      It’s the basis of that tale about the so-called experts asking Christ about serving God or Ceasar. The physical world is controlled by imperfect people that make mistakes based on ignorance the spiritual world is controlled by God and is way beyond our level of comprehension.
      So your opinion about the current events being an absolute shite show is correct, but I don’t think God had anything to do with it, just a lot of people that know a lot of things that are not true with extra time on their hands.

      1. I think ancient Egypt would have disagreed with that. Of course God leaving us alone to destroy ourselves, well, that I can believe.

      2. But what Citronella mentioned is what’s being preached. Don’t interfere in any catastrophe lest we upset God’s plans. Why take action when a simple rebuke, the original form of virtue signalling, will do? (I found out all about that when I was out of work during the NEP-era 1980s, which eventually led to me boycotting church services.)

        Of course that interference doesn’t apply when it comes to “liberation theology”. Suddenly, it’s not only acceptable, but necessary, to kill but only if you’re a leftist peasant or supposedly wronged ethnic group seeking to liberate yourself from your capitalist “oppressor”. Using an AK-47 becomes equivalent to a sacrament.

    2. Ha. I’m only reading this AFTER my post above. We can all admit that a lot a really bad shit has been done in the name of God … yes, even this travel trailer of Babel multiculturalism shitshow … has been done by woke churches (who also get $$paid to warehouse immigrants).

      But don’t blame God, as Joseph correctly explains. This is MAN’s mistake. This is MAN playing God. And the absolute WORST of man’s God-play? Human sacrifice. The wokeratti are tossing their fellow man into the volcano of retribution for their sins … and to appease their imaginary PC gods. Yes, plural. There are many, many, PC gods … although their fake god of “hate speech” appears to be highest of all their gods.

      Christ tossed no sinner into a volcano. The most scolding thing he said was … “go, and sin no more”. But men gleefully throw each other into volcanos … because it makes them feeeeel like gods. The wokeratti will indeed march you right into the ovens … followed by a cackling laugh like HERS … “we came, we saw, he died!! … cackle, cackle, cackle”. I hear HER cackle with every new corporation who pulls their advertising from Facquebook.

  4. They are too stupid to understand what this guy is saying and where it’s all really going in the future.

    It’s simply hard for logical people to understand how illogical these suicidal beings really are. It’s Chaos manifested through a huge swath of the Caucasian race, which defies all logic. Non Caucasian people’s are not this way, they of course jump on the bandwagon because they become or at least believe they become the beneficiaries of these suicidal actions of the White Liberal Loons.

    I’ve never been “religious” but you can’t help equating these Liberal Loons to descriptions of Biblical Evil. It’s just there…….

    1. “… It’s Chaos manifested through a huge swath of the Caucasian race, which defies all logic. Non Caucasian people’s are not this way, …”

      People who don’t have real problems, real work, make them up.

  5. The fruits of mass attendance of social justice education programming. Defund it now.

    1. Eric Hoffer’s quote pretty much defines the woke culture of today.

      ‘Passionate hatred can give meaning and purpose to an empty life. Thus people haunted by the purposelessness of their lives try to find a new content not only by dedicating themselves to a holy cause but also by nursing a fanatical grievance. A mass movement offers them unlimited opportunities for both’.

      Human needs are spiritual and physical, the ruling class of would be elitists* is freely deciding of what those needs comprise of.

      * “being or characteristic of a person who has an offensive air of superiority and tends to ignore or disdain anyone regarded as inferior”.

      It is sometimes funny, actually funny, to watch one of these legends in their own mind when you talk to them as you would talk to anyone, they seem to be taken aback as though how is it that you don’t show deference.
      Happened many times.

      1. ‘Passionate hatred can give meaning and purpose to an empty life …’

        I am convinced there is a … ‘God-shaped vacuum’ in everyone’s life. When we try to fill it with our mistaken notions of what will fill that void … chaos ensues.

  6. Noticed that he had to include “right wing bigotry”.

    It is obvious to anyone that is not affected by current brainwashing agenda that the “right wing bigots” are rather normal people that have not succumbed to the socialist/fascist propaganda of the mass media cartel.

    If you listen carefully to those that claim to be “progressive” and cannot support the mass hysteria of the current events, it is a prerequisite of people like him to damn the “right wing bigots” to then go on and say those same things that the “right wing bigots” would say.

    Isn’t it curious how these things work?

  7. That’s not real multiculturalism, if only the right people in charge multiculturalism would make us strong. Real multiculturalism has never been tried.

    Anyone with two brain cells who didn’t see this coming? Anyone remember Enoch Powell? Anyone think Canada or the US will be different?

  8. They are going after the statues.
    When do they start burning down museums and art galleries?
    Is that white woman depicted in the Mona Lisa smirking?

    What historical artifact will be safe from the insane mob?

    1. Stan, it’s already far worse than that. They’re going after EVERYTHING Euro-White. They’ve gone after “math” … and now … they’ve successfully killed the SAT … at HARVARD!! And soon to be killed at the UC system. The SAT is the equivalent of an overview of ALL mankind’s knowledge (oops … “Eurocentric knowledge”) … the SAT is a test of every student’s … “museum of knowledge”. And it is being killed in the name of “racial justice”. Yes, “racial justice” is making us all DUMBER! And the the “racial justice” purveyors are too STUPID to see it. And they’re running our Universities!!!

      Ten years from now, no SANE corporation will ever hire a … “college graduate”

      1. After 30 years of Canada’s Natural Governing Party calling Canadians racist (initially it was only conservatives, now it’s every white Canadian), why wouldn’t the product of the Liberal Immigration For Election Project believe them?

        Add the daily 24 hours of hate from the Canadian Media Mullahs and it’s a blooming wonder Joseph Cinque and John Brown haven’t made an appearance yet.

  9. Wish you guys would stop posting this douchebag. In reality he is a super leftie luvvie “comedian”
    He’s just pissed that “Magic Grandpa” and his ilk have taken over the Labour Party from him and his type (the London super elites) who used to have all the say.

    The enemy of my enemy is not my friend.

    1. Stop posting? How about you stop reading it, problem solved without interfering in what people see so they can make up their own mind.

      1. And the point just sailed over your head, obviously.

        Which makes you a prime audience for it.

    1. If you’re looking for solutions, I suspect you shall be waiting indefinitely.
      There are just not enough cattle prods to move canada’s bovine population.

  10. The Science is Settled.

    As I have been saying for countless years now, for me, the science will never be fully settled until fraud, conspiracy or corruption charges are laid against all the activist scientists, politicians and media players involved in this worldwide hoax. They have easily squandered, defrauded or outright stolen trillions of others’ dollars by now. Not to mention the hope for the future of millions of children they have extinguished by teaching them that they literally have no future. Evil, evil bastards.

    And justice isn’t EVER going to happen because these entitled scumbags are literally in every institution, including our ‘Conservative Parties’, and they have the power and will to protect themselves above all others.

    1. Yes, I’m afraid the only thing that will stop “them” … is the total collapse of our civilization. In other words … getting what they want. They HATE our successful culture. They want it destroyed.

      My truly awful HS football coach used to tell us that … “you can’t stand prosperity”. He was right. Certain people simply cannot stand doing the right thing over and over. They begin to despise their own prosperity.

      Trust me … every single one of my lilywhite millionaire neighbors loathe the country and culture that has made them secure and wealthy. They truly hate themselves.

  11. I predict this current clusterfuck will lead to a yuge win in November (Unless the demorats parachute in an Oprah-boma clone because poor old Joe stroked out). The more the left continues this insanity the better it is for any undecided voter to put on their big boy pants and support the Donald.
    Just my thoughts…but I was right in 2016!
