Getting Over Herself Was Never Really An Option

It’s no coincidence I’m speaking up about this during the latest wave of the Black Lives Matter movement. It’s hard to explain what racism feels like to someone who has never experienced it.

Her name was misspelled. It’s a racist “attack.”

40 Replies to “Getting Over Herself Was Never Really An Option”

  1. Perhaps I can help Tahlea.
    The failed cultural values of the many Black Americans is the detail you dare not address. Racism is a crude, inexact, generalised, inaccurate term used instead of “culturalism”.
    When your race of 14% of the US population commits 51% of the murders, when crime is your preferred occupation, when Black fathers are 70% absent from the upbringing of their children, when you think that arrogant uneducated barely verbal young men will win any of life’s prizes, when all the education is available, (and you get preferred treatment), but you are still too lazy and cool to take advantage of it….don’t be surprised when the rest of America thinks your cultural values are inferior.
    Exactly the same view is also held of white’s whose values mirrors those above.

    1. Have you seen the state of University Debating Teams in the US? It isn’t the form of debating I learned in university 30+ years ago. It literally sounds like one those commercials with the guy who speaks really quickly…but the catch is the debaters are Black…University ain’t what it used to be. (the “debating” starts at 0.39) contrast with the English style of debate:

      1. the scoring of the “debates” favors the throw shit out there method, since the shitters get one point for every pile that is unaddressed, so it’s just a matter of which team has the most verbal diarrhea.

      2. OMG! What the hell is that? It’s more like an SNL skit than it is any serious presentation. How anyone could consider that as a serious debate is beyond me. Stupid doesn’t hardly cover it.

        1. So, then, hyperventilating and possible possession are The woke attributes for debating now? Far more suasive than mere rhetoric and logic, not to mention an actual substantive issue to debate.
          The juxtaposition of the two videos says it all.

    2. Bill

      Brilliantly stated….
      Bare FACTS – TRUTH
      Things the LEFT: Democrats – Liberals – University Social “science” grads – BLM – AntiFa -Feminists – Climatista’s and other assorted “Educated Imbeciles” simply Can’t HANDLE.

      Here’s some more:
      Interracial VIOLENT Crime in the US 2018.
      Black on White: 547,948
      White on Black: 59,779

      1. I came across a comment a few weeks ago that I found rather thought-provoking….

        “To anger a Conservative, you tell them a lie. To anger a Liberal, you tell them the truth.”

    1. It used to irritate me that people misspelled my surname. After a while, I started collecting the different variations that I’ve seen. It’s actually quite amusing.

      I often find it entertaining to watch people squirm and struggle with trying to pronounce it. It’s surprising to see how provincial they can be with their alphabet. (Pssst! It’s a European surname. Maybe you could try a European pronunciation and don’t give me any of that “this is Canada” nonsense.)

      1. My name is routinely misspelled. When I joined the army nearly 40 years ago my name-tags came back misspelled.

  2. I am, on my father’s side of the family, the grandson of immigrants from Poland. My surname is eight letters long, which is a bit long as surnames go, and it very seldom gets spelled or pronounced correctly. I have never thought that this was the result of anti-Slavic bigotry.

  3. It is hard to feel racism when you are confident and intelligent enough to not give a damn.

  4. I’ve noticed that people who can jump more than six feet are usually bad at spelling.

  5. Can probably trace this error to an affirmative action hiring anyway, friendly fire incident at worst.

  6. Spelling of my last name, most people have no problem with, but it does happen somewhat regularly. Pronunciation, that is a whole different matter. I’ve had is spoken incorrectly so often that I only notice when people say it correctly now. Hell, I even received my nick-name because a supervisor could not pronounce my name. Have had my nickname for almost 35 years now. One day I will have to go to Scotland, where my surname originates, just to see if I’ve been saying it correctly. Here in western Canada, I have only met two others with the same last name.

        1. Well, I would say “yoo-wert”, but in the digital age perhaps it ought to be “E-Wart”?

  7. “It’s hard to explain what racism feels like to someone who has never experienced it.”

    You mean like being called a racist every day by politicians and the media because my skin is white?

  8. My surname, originating in the UK, is really quite straightforward in its pronunciation and spelling. Nevertheless, it has constantly and consistently been mangled in both instances. And that’s been going on for my entire life. So what? If people misspell or mispronounce it, I politely correct them and that’s that. Who the hell cares?

    1. look at the way an everyday christian name is spelt. Michael is now becoming micheal. probably due to some ignoramus who wrote spell check for some idiotic social spellchecker. get educated people

  9. Tahlea Aualiitia? How the heck do you even pronounce it?
    I tried to say it out loud and a portal opened up to another dimension.

  10. Oh my! I never realized how racist the main stream media was. But she is quite correct. Shut it all down before someone else’s name is misspelled.

    1. It’s a lot easier than forcing everyone to adopt “Smith” as a surname.

    2. “Someone misspelled her name, you see.”
      >”Typos happen and I understand how a slip of the finger on the keyboard turned my surname from Aualiitia into Auakiitia.”
      >”You don’t know where the next attack — verbal, physical or systemic — might come from, and lived experience means you >know it has to do with the colour of your skin.”

      The most recent systemic attack on Ms. Aualiitia was between the ‘a’ and the ‘i’. But, c’mon folks, don’t make fun of her. The next systemic attack could be right between the i’s! That’s way more serious.

      But how is this actually systemic? I blame her father for using too much vowel language.

  11. Aualiitia, Aualiikia. Anybody notice that K is just to the left of L on the keyboard? Never attribute to an honest mistype when you can attribute it to racism.

  12. Do you how many ways there are to misspell my last name? Kramer, Crammer, Craymer? Anglophone oppression. Time to loot and burn. German Names Matter!

    1. If your ancestry is German, then your name has been Anglicized somewhere along the line. Kramer is German, but Cramer is not. There is no “c” pronounced as a hard “k” in German. They only use “k” for such a pronunciation.

  13. How does she know no one but blacks have experienced racism? There was racism against 19th century white immigrants. The word “wop” is every bit as racist and demeaning as the n-word which I am not allowed to write. Italians, and Irish, and Poles, and Jews overcame the racism. The great physicist Richard Feynman was not admitted by Columbia because of a quota against Jews. And now the Ivy League schools are trying to impose quota against Asians. They added personal interview as one of the criteria, and pretend to find most Asians lacking as a “well rounded person”, as compared to a favored minority member with much less achievement, and will in his lifetime due to his lower intellectual capacity. Ask Dr. Thomas Sowell. It would be much less insulting if they could be honest and outright admit that they are imposing a quota.
    I had overt racist remarks hurled at me by blacks and Latinos. There is no racial restriction on racism, at either end. Where I know the politics of my adversary, conservatively at least 90% of the insults were made by people on the left. There is no restriction on racism due to political belief either. If anything, the correlation is much stronger for liberals, because they have a need to feel superior.
